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  1. #961

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrell KSR View Post
    Good luck to you, BEvans. It is tough, and it gets tougher the more years we put behind us after 40, I think.

    For me, full court basketball starts back tonight at 7pm. I've already said I'm happy with the last position on the bench, coming in if somebody needs a one minute breather and will be happy to start that way.

    I'll be the 2nd oldest player in our "league" (it's not really a league, just invited players). Three of us are way, way over the hill. The rest, hopefully, will be pretty good players in their 20's and 30's, but no stars, no college player types. Using this as my kickstart back to serious exercising.
    Best kind of exercise, having more fun than hard work. Get out doing something you enjoy with people you enjoy, sweat a little bit…win, win,win. Enjoy!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    "I have touched all the so-called capitals of basketball, but when it gets down to the short stroke, the only true capital of basketball is in Lexington." AL McGuire

  2. #962

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Had fun. Rusty as heck, slow, huffing and puffing, but I was fortunate that this group was mostly over 50.

    Had a 23-year old, a 24-year old, and a couple of 30-somethings, but rest were 50+.

    Hit a few shots, made one teardrop and then tried it the next possession and got it slapped back at me lol.

    Apparently this group will be good for another week or so, but when NFL playoffs conclude, the young guys come back.

  3. #963

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrell KSR View Post
    Had fun. Rusty as heck, slow, huffing and puffing, but I was fortunate that this group was mostly over 50.

    Had a 23-year old, a 24-year old, and a couple of 30-somethings, but rest were 50+.

    Hit a few shots, made one teardrop and then tried it the next possession and got it slapped back at me lol.

    Apparently this group will be good for another week or so, but when NFL playoffs conclude, the young guys come back.
    You got your heat check rejected?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    "I have touched all the so-called capitals of basketball, but when it gets down to the short stroke, the only true capital of basketball is in Lexington." AL McGuire

  4. #964

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by blueboss View Post
    You got your heat check rejected?

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    Lol. Exactly. I mean, exactly.

    As the new kid on the block, not having played or not knowing any of the people other than the one guy who invited me, I was trying to be very deferential. My shot selection up into that point was very limited, and I deferred to others until I felt like they really wanted me to take some of the burden. So I hit a couple of shots, and that roll into the lane with the teardrop hit, and I thought I was Michael Jordan. Very next trip, as soon as I got the ball at the elbow extended I rolled into the lane with the same play. Except this one I ate, because I am not MJ, I'm Darrell KSR. It would have been funny if it hadn't have been me.

  5. #965

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrell KSR View Post
    Lol. Exactly. I mean, exactly.

    As the new kid on the block, not having played or not knowing any of the people other than the one guy who invited me, I was trying to be very deferential. My shot selection up into that point was very limited, and I deferred to others until I felt like they really wanted me to take some of the burden. So I hit a couple of shots, and that roll into the lane with the teardrop hit, and I thought I was Michael Jordan. Very next trip, as soon as I got the ball at the elbow extended I rolled into the lane with the same play. Except this one I ate, because I am not MJ, I'm Darrell KSR. It would have been funny if it hadn't have been me.
    Good stuff, lots of fun.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    "I have touched all the so-called capitals of basketball, but when it gets down to the short stroke, the only true capital of basketball is in Lexington." AL McGuire

  6. #966

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Not doing a lot yet, had one day on the treadmill with glorified walking, but played another night of basketball tonight.

    Fortunately I get paired up with the old guy so I run about a third of the time, and probably not that much, slow jog another third. And walk the remaining third.

    One Alleve before and I'll take another before bedtime.

  7. #967
    Unforgettable KSRBEvans's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Back in a regular habit of going to the gym right after work. I've figured out that if I go home, there's no way I'm going back out.

    Mrs. BEvans and I are looking forward to going to Charleston in a couple of weeks and getting our steps in.
    U really think players are going to duke without being paid over Kentucky?--Gilbert Arenas, 9/12/19

  8. #968

    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KSRBEvans View Post
    Back in a regular habit of going to the gym right after work. I've figured out that if I go home, there's no way I'm going back out.

    Mrs. BEvans and I are looking forward to going to Charleston in a couple of weeks and getting our steps in.
    Very smart. I have fallen in the habit of putting off my exercise with the weather being cold and rainy, and thinking I can do it at night on the treadmill. Then dinner hits and I think well, I'll go ahead and eat dinner first. Then right after dinner, of course you don't want to exercise immediately, and then I think well, I'll just do it tomorrow.

    I should do it first thing in the morning, but I just am not a super early type person.

    Enjoy your trip to Charleston and the added fact that you be getting in some good exercise.

    I did get a little worried last week. I met with a friend of mine and I was telling him about me playing basketball and he told me to be careful. Apparently a friend of his (who I did not know) was playing pickle ball, had a heart attack and died. I mean, that can happen to anybody and doesn't have to be during an activity, but it is sort of startling. He said that all he does now is walk and do light weights. In my head, I know that walking provides close to 100% of all the benefits that slow man jogging produces, with 10% of the risk.

  9. #969

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Basketball again tonight. I skipped breakfast, had a very low calorie lunch and a quick banana before playing from 7-9. Had the jitters, needed a little more calories (eating dinner now).

    Maybe coincidentally, I was pretty bad today. Hit 2-3 in the last game to 25, which we won 26-24, so slight redemption.

    There were 3 old guys today over 41 (sigh). Two of us played each game so we we could guard each other, and the third guy sat out, so we each played 4 of the 6 games (I think) we played. I'm far from quick, but both of the others were generally walking to the other end half the time, so it was also my easiest basketball so far. Garmin claimed it was 874 calories spent, though.

  10. #970

    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Well, I have to get serious about eating. Had my annual physical Friday and weighed 234.4. Now, that is with shoes on, close on, etc. but it's still a good 230 and for me to feel even decent about myself I need to be at 210, and a healthy weight would probably be 200 or 190. In fact, I think all "the charts" would say that I need to be about 175, but I think that's ridiculous for me.

    My exercise has been "decent," but not great. Last night I played basketball for 2 1/2 hours. Played eight games (we play to 15, with the last game of the night to 25, gotta win by 2), and probably played the worst I played since I began playing again. Our team also went 1-7. They don't expect much for me, but if I can add a bucket or two a game, they are very happy with me and I failed more than I succeeded last night. Just poor. Then again, Garman said I burned 1440 cal, so at least there's that. I don't believe in that calorie burn and weight loss exactly, but it has to help some.

  11. #971
    Unforgettable KSRBEvans's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    That's awesome, D. I remember when I played a lot of pickup basketball in college and no matter how in shape I thought I was, I learned differently when I went to the gym.
    U really think players are going to duke without being paid over Kentucky?--Gilbert Arenas, 9/12/19

  12. #972

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Still hanging between 223/225 depending on day and time.

    I have a great excuse for taking it easy in the cardio exercise department…I’ll know more after Wednesday, and might have to find a new excuse.

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    "I have touched all the so-called capitals of basketball, but when it gets down to the short stroke, the only true capital of basketball is in Lexington." AL McGuire

  13. #973

    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by blueboss View Post
    Still hanging between 223/225 depending on day and time.

    I have a great excuse for taking it easy in the cardio exercise department…I’ll know more after Wednesday, and might have to find a new excuse.

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    Wishing you the best of luck with that, blueboss. Your weight is pretty doggone good, considering your height and everything right now.

  14. #974

    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KSRBEvans View Post
    That's awesome, D. I remember when I played a lot of pickup basketball in college and no matter how in shape I thought I was, I learned differently when I went to the gym.
    The best part about it is that you don't really feel like you're exercising. You're playing a game.

    I like to run, but I went to check out a new place that's a little bit out of the way that has two basketball courts today (it is 8 miles from my office). After being so terrible Sunday, I want to see about possibly playing more basketball. It might eat into some of my running, but that's okay.

  15. #975
    Unforgettable KSRBEvans's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    What shoes do y'all wear for walking/running? I usually try to go as inexpensive (Mrs. BEvans would say "cheap") as possible. Because we're starting to work up to some longer distance walking, I decided to get some Hokas. They were expensive, but others I was considering (New Balance, Saucony, Asics) were also expensive.

    I guess I have to reset my expectations and be ready to pay $125-$150 for a pair of workout shoes?
    U really think players are going to duke without being paid over Kentucky?--Gilbert Arenas, 9/12/19

  16. #976

    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    First, you're not cheap. If anyone on the board is cheap, I'll take the "honor." Having said that, sometimes you have to bite the bullet.

    I would encourage you to take the advice I have not yet taken myself – actually go to a running store (something like Track Shak), have them watch your walking or jogging gait and use their computerized equipment to see if you underpronate, overpronate, etc. Then be measured. (But caveat--read to the very end here.)

    Through a variety of half-azz measures, and trial and error, I finally managed to find out that I...

    ...underpronate. That means I need neutral stability shoes. Overpronate, which is what most people do, and stability shoes (like the Saucony Guide, as opposed to the Saucony Ride) will make your walks/runs safer and more comfortable.

    ...have a wider than normal foot, and I am in between sizes of length. My perfect shoe rarely exists. I wear a 2E width, even though I have bought size D (95% of the shoes on the market, I think) my whole life. It's why my feet were more sore or hurt after running more often than not.

    ...I run mainly on my forefoot, rather than heel to front. This means I need a smaller heel drop (the difference from the heel to ground and toe, basically), less than 6mm. It also encourages more natural foot and ankle motion, and distributes impact force evenly.

    With all of this, I either wear a 10-1/2 2E or an 11 2E. Sometimes I can get by with an 11D, but I'm usually disappointed with that. My golf shoes are 11D, and they seem to be ok.

    I wear Hoka Hupana Flow 10.5 2E shoes (might be discontinued now--not a very popular model). They weigh 8.9 oz, and have a 5mm drop and Saucony Kinvara 13 Wide (also 10.5 2E), with is a crazy less than 7 oz (in size 9), with a 4mm drop.

    Before buying those, I generally wore Asics as my shoe of choice. Whatever Academy Sports had on sale. A few years ago I went to a podiatrist to get a "check up" on my feet, as I intended to start an "every day" running routine and wanted to make sure they were healthy enough to do that. I asked the doctor if there were any particular shoes that were healthier for my feet, and that I generally wore Asics. He laughed, and raised up his foot. He said he was a runner, and the shoe he showed me was Asics, and he said that's what he ran in, too.

    So who knows? I should add that I have three pair of Asics I still have, and I randomly will wear one very occasionally when I run. It's not in my "rotation," but maybe once a month I'll throw it in. One of the many articles I read suggested it was a good idea to vary your gear occasionally--I don't remember why--and the Asics, if I recall correctly, had a fairly standard 10 or 12mm drop. Oh--and I have a pair of Asics trail shoes I bought a couple of years ago before doing a Thanksgiving day "Wobble Gobble" 5k through the woods with my son. Those are actually a 4E width, but it's usually cold, and I wear thick wool socks with it, so it turned out to be perfect.

    Buying guide for "bargains" -- really, not many bargains in the shoe area you're shopping. If you know what shoes you want, you can also set up a "Slickdeals Alert," and you will receive an email from the slickdeals website if that shoe gets posted on their site with a deal. I have bought a few things over the years from such an alert, and I have a generic "running shoes" alert where I get emails periodically from them for various brands.

    Also, I've bought my last couple of pair of shoes from Running Warehouse online. I like that place; they have a no questions asked free return, even after you've worn the shoes. Shoes can be worn for up to 90 days (I wouldn't risk it that long, but that's their policy), and returned for free. If they've been worn, you get a store credit. If unworn, you can get a full refund. I wore a pair of Hoka shoes and ran a track that was part road, part gravel, part through the woods (the Veteran's Park 5k track), and the shoes hurt. Turned out (one of my trial and errors), using a size D width just was the wrong size. Even though the sole of the shoes were very beaten up, no questions asked, they took it back without question, and then I bought the Hoka with 2E width.

    Also, they have free shipping over $50. If, for some reason, you needed shoes right away, they will overnight it for a $15 charge. Not a bad deal if you found yourself somewhere out of town and your shoe sole came off, or you forgot to pack shoes for a trip, etc.
    Last edited by Darrell KSR; 04-17-2024 at 12:13 PM.

  17. #977
    Unforgettable KSRBEvans's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Thanks, Darrell. Mrs. BEvans went to a running store and got a fitting, and she "encouraged" me to do the same. I'm a big-time supinator and I have some gait issues from my accident, and I went with their recommendation (Hoka Bondi 8). It was actually a little cheaper than if I'd just bought them through Amazon, plus I got some expert assistance in the process. Anyway, that's how I justify in my mind spending $150 on a pair of shoes.
    U really think players are going to duke without being paid over Kentucky?--Gilbert Arenas, 9/12/19

  18. #978

    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KSRBEvans View Post
    Thanks, Darrell. Mrs. BEvans went to a running store and got a fitting, and she "encouraged" me to do the same. I'm a big-time supinator and I have some gait issues from my accident, and I went with their recommendation (Hoka Bondi 8). It was actually a little cheaper than if I'd just bought them through Amazon, plus I got some expert assistance in the process. Anyway, that's how I justify in my mind spending $150 on a pair of shoes.
    I view that as health and medical expense. You got a free pair of shoes in the process. (If I can justify it that way, anybody can ).

  19. #979

    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    By the way, the Hoka Bondi 8's come in 2E sizes, too, and have that nice 4mm drop that works well for me. The toebox is snug, which is usually a problem, but not for a 2E size. Lot of cushion in that shoe--I like it a lot. I have a $110 credit at Running Warehouse (courtesy of a data breach--I was shocked at clicking "in" on a class action would give me that much benefit), and that shoe is one that is in my cart as a possible purchase.

    Funny how those Hokas used to be the gosh-awful ugliest shoes around, and now everybody likes their look.

  20. #980

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Holy moly! I had no idea…Now that I have completed the above masters program in running shoes, I guess I need to go buy some shoes (the good ones) and start running.

    … or, as soon as I get this damn tube out of my back, throw on some sneakers and get back on the elliptical.

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    "I have touched all the so-called capitals of basketball, but when it gets down to the short stroke, the only true capital of basketball is in Lexington." AL McGuire

  21. #981
    Unforgettable KSRBEvans's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Working on getting up to 90 minutes walking 5 days/week. Adding 5 minutes each week, this week is 60. The Hokas are doing great so far. Tried to do the same thing last year but developed achilles tendonitis. So far, so good.
    U really think players are going to duke without being paid over Kentucky?--Gilbert Arenas, 9/12/19

  22. #982

    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    BEvans, I saw an article after your post that reviewed the Bondi 8's, and said it was the best walking shoe made on the planet, bar none. That's a health investment (and this is from the most frugal guy on the board!) that is a wise choice, indeed.

    I'm struggling a bit on my running/walking. Nowhere near where I was last year with it. In fact, I have skipped two 5k races I did last year because it would be embarrassing (for me, personally) in them.

    I've tried to rationalize it by saying I'm playing basketball once a week (plus going to the gym to shoot baskets once a week now by myself), and I've started playing a little golf, but the truth is, I'm a year older, and I'm a good 15 pounds heavier than when I was running last year, and I need to drop that weight. I'm also having some minor back issues that aren't helping. But I'm way behind on the distance. Oh, and again, I have more excuses--son is graduating, have been to his apartment twice to help him move, he graduates this weekend, will go to New Orleans to pick up his grandfather, grandfather will spend a week with us, and I'll go back to New Orleans the next week, etc. I generally exercise Friday/Saturday/Sunday as part of my routine, and those things are destroying my exercise. Again, excuses.

    If you're doing 60 minutes, and headed to 90, you're killing it. Keep up the great work. Hope to join you sometime.

  23. #983

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Tube has been removed and I’m on the mend. For now I’m just getting back to ground zero stamina. Back to work yesterday and trying to get back in to a normal routine with limited exertion for another week… I am hitting the beach for a couple of weeks in two weeks… by then I should be healed and have my normal daily strength back. Maybe get in a little more strenuous activities, swimming, walking, and generally being less sedentary.

    Weight has held steady between 219-223, and seeing it trend closer to 220 on the high end.

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    "I have touched all the so-called capitals of basketball, but when it gets down to the short stroke, the only true capital of basketball is in Lexington." AL McGuire

  24. #984
    Fab Five dan_bgblue's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by blueboss View Post
    Tube has been removed and I’m on the mend. For now I’m just getting back to ground zero stamina. Back to work yesterday and trying to get back in to a normal routine with limited exertion for another week… I am hitting the beach for a couple of weeks in two weeks… by then I should be healed and have my normal daily strength back. Maybe get in a little more strenuous activities, swimming, walking, and generally being less sedentary.

    Weight has held steady between 219-223, and seeing it trend closer to 220 on the high end.

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    I just read the part about a tube, and that dismayed me as I had missed any previous comments about that and wondered what the heck was going on. Glad to know situation is improving, but still wonder what caused the need for a tube in the first place. Take it easy and get better sooner rather than later.

    I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.

  25. #985

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Matched up against a very overweight guy who didn't hustle so I matched him a lot tonight. Still, I can't go think of a more enjoyable way to burn calories than this.

  26. #986

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    That’s what I need, an organized sport with people like me that I could compete with… I’m still hanging 220/222. I’m a hog, need to drop 10 lbs, maybe I’ll sweat it off this summer.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    "I have touched all the so-called capitals of basketball, but when it gets down to the short stroke, the only true capital of basketball is in Lexington." AL McGuire

  27. #987

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Blueboss, I'm the same weight as you are, but you are two inches taller than me, as I recall. I want to get to 200, the charts say I need to be 184 or less. I don't think I have to reach the charts, though.

    At 222, if I can get under 210 I'll be much happier. My issue is clearly eating, though.

    Some organized sport is a great way to exercise, as long as it's not taken too seriously, IMHO.

    I may see if I can find one over 40 or over 50 league where I might be able to play as a sub or something one night a week as well. I would love to do that twice a week.

  28. #988
    Unforgettable KSRBEvans's Avatar
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    Re: 2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    By BMI standards I'm overweight if I weigh 185. Bill Clinton was President (first term) the last time I weighed 185. So I'm not even thinking about 185. I think I'd be happy if I could live my life within 200-210.
    U really think players are going to duke without being paid over Kentucky?--Gilbert Arenas, 9/12/19

  29. #989

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by KSRBEvans View Post
    By BMI standards I'm overweight if I weigh 185. Bill Clinton was President (first term) the last time I weighed 185. So I'm not even thinking about 185. I think I'd be happy if I could live my life within 200-210.
    Are you 6'0 also? IIRC, 184 is the top end of what I'm supposed to be.

    I'm also happy with 200-210. Ideally I'd love to get under 200, but pleased if it is less than 210.

  30. #990

    2016 Walking, Exercise, Weight Loss Member Challenge Thread

    I’d love to be 210 again…I’ve got a million reasons/excuses, bottom line, I’ll get there.

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    "I have touched all the so-called capitals of basketball, but when it gets down to the short stroke, the only true capital of basketball is in Lexington." AL McGuire



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