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Thread: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

  1. #1

    Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    OK, before the New Year begins, I thought I'd start a topic devoted to various health related issues. Let this be a brand new hodgepodge of stuff, and hopefully it will lead us all into the New Year and beyond with a new commitment to better health.

    I need it. And I have had a decent last few days, so what better time to start a topic than with something positive.

    For me, I'm still at 232.0, which is way too much for my body build and height. A really good number would probably be 180, but I'd be thrilled if I could get to 200. If I do that, I might shoot for 190 and call it good. That's the bad, but let's see what I can do, realizing I'm going to be eating poorly the next week or so.

    Exercise--not bad the last few days. Went to the gym with my son, ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill. The next night went to the gym with my daughter, ran 3.8 miles. Tonight (literally, 30 minutes ago) my son and I were on the track at Heardmont at 11 p.m. local time, and I ran 2 miles in four 0.5 mile "sprints." (He's practicing for their "gauntlet," where when he returns to school the first day of "practice" they have to run 4:20 for 1200 meters).

    My steps aren't great--I am SO sedentary unless I'm exercising--so I try to shoot for 7500 steps a day. I don't get it often enough. I'm going to work on it.

    Health--I started with a cold Monday that really surfaced Tuesday--bad day Tuesday, but started my Zicam and Netipot treatment. Have not done my usual bombarding of Vitamin C--they say it doesn't help; your body can only absorb the recommended daily allowance, but from several years of experience, I think it does help. Anyway, the Zicam screws up your taste buds, but it seems to shorten the cold duration, and has made life tolerable the last two days. I go 3 days of Zicam (18 lozenges), and then I'm done with them.

    The netipot sounds disgusting, and I swore I'd never do it, but was desperate one year, and thought I'd try anything. It is fantastic. I do use it prophylactically, but when I'm having allergy symptoms, been out in the yard working, pollen count up--or when I have a cold--I do it aggressively. Really gets the stuff out and makes my whole head seem lighter.

    Calories-wise--I don't want to talk about it.

    But will another day.

    Hope that wasn't too much. Please join me in the exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health topic!

  2. #2

    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    I really need to do this and ay more attention than such stuff. I don't know if I will, but I need to.

  3. #3
    Breakfast was a piece of cornbread in skim milk.

    Lunch was 3 Oreo cookies.

    I'm having a healthy diet day!

  4. #4

    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    231.6, which really is no change from the 232 (I easily fluctuate as much as a pound), but at least it isn't 232.6, which is what I feared with the stuff I've been eating...

  5. #5

    Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    I've managed to stay under the 230 mark.... I'm not sure how though.

    Now that the holidays are winding down I can get back into a routine both with diet and exercise.

    It'll take me a week to 10 days to get in shape to exercise... the hard part is going to be getting started.

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    "I have touched all the so-called capitals of basketball, but when it gets down to the short stroke, the only true capital of basketball is in Lexington." AL McGuire

  6. #6
    Fab Five
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    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Darrell I hate this topic. I have struggled with weight loss for the last eight years. I finally came to grips with several issues.

    1. I eat more than I need. I try to eat a light breakfast, half of a sandwich for lunch. No chips and only water, wine or milk with any meal.

    2. Kill the sugar intake. I rigorously review the sugar content of everything. If it is more than one gram per serving I look at the rest of the content to see if there are some benefits. I won't go over 3. So, as a result, no orange juice, no sweets of any type (I allow myself two desserts a month. In two months my blood sugar levels are down dramatically, about 1/3 of previous levels.
    3. The result is I am down 11 lbs towards the twenty I need to lose and the 30 I would like to lose. This is since Oct. 1. Granted half of my meals are away from home, but when I am home this is what I do. Eliminating fast food and restricting myself to pizza once a month helps.
    Real Fan since 1958

  7. #7
    Unforgettable KSRBEvans's Avatar
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    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    I read a Lifehacker article that basically says habits are more important than goals. This seems to go with a great Bill Barnwell article I read about how he got out of control and what he did to lose over 125 pounds. (He summed up his weight-loss philosophy in 4 words: "Don't be a s#!^head.")

    So this year I'm going to focus on doing, at a minimum, 3 things every day:

    --Weigh myself (I find I lose weight more consistently when I do this);
    --Move myself for at least 30 minutes (I've got a dog that needs walking, and I've got a treadmill in front of a TV, so I really have no excuse);
    --Journal everything I put in my mouth (they say people who journal consistently tend to lose weight and keep it off--I find also eat healthier food when I'm accounting for what I'm eating).

    I'm going to start this January 1 and see where it goes. I have a good feeling about it if I can just have the discipline to do it every day.
    Last edited by KSRBEvans; 12-27-2016 at 09:22 AM.
    U really think players are going to duke without being paid over Kentucky?--Gilbert Arenas, 9/12/19

  8. #8

    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Quote Originally Posted by MickintheHam View Post
    1. I eat more than I need. I try to eat a light breakfast, half of a sandwich for lunch. No chips and only water, wine or milk with any meal.
    I know that's something that plagues me.

    This morning, I awoke at 4:15 a.m. I was hungry. I waited in bed to see if I could get back to sleep. I could not. So I got up, fixed a bowl of instant oatmeal and a banana for breakfast.

    Sounds ok, right? One packet of instant oatmeal is 100 calories, IIRC, and a banana about 90.

    But then at 6:30, I am still hungry. My stomach is grumbling. I don't get it. I think I have eaten breakfast, but I fix a bagel and cream cheese. I don't know the calories for that. Probably ok, on its own, but for a 2nd breakfast, I've gone too far.

    Now it's 12:25 p.m. and my stomach is telling me I am very hungry. I have no lunch plans, and I'm 2.5 miles away from my house, so I am thinking of going home and having a peanut butter & banana sandwich. That sounds ok, too....except I will be "starving" around 3:30 or 4. Why? I don't know, but I will be. If I go home early, which I will probably do today, I'll be anxious for dinner and hope that we have it around 5 or 5:30. If not, I'll be snacking inappropriately--there are too many Christmas cookies and candies around.

    But overall, that's not horrible--EXCEPT--what happens around 8 or 9?

    I'm hungry again.

    Now, I KNOW I can't be hungry all these times, can I? Surely it doesn't take that much fuel, particularly when I am this sedentary on a normal basis.

    I have to work on this.

    I have been told that sometimes our bodies/minds confuse being hungry when we are really thirsty. Most of us are not as well hydrated as we should be, and we should be drinking more water. I have a 30 oz Yeti that was given to me for Father's Day that I try to drink water from all day, and of course, I leave it on the kitchen table this morning. So I've had....no water today. That's another reason to go home and get it.

    That's something I really want to focus on next year--drinking more water. Maybe that's my confusion with hunger.

  9. #9

    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Quote Originally Posted by KSRBEvans View Post
    I read a Lifehacker article that basically says habits are more important than goals.

    I'm going to start this January 1 and see where it goes. I have a good feeling about it if I can just have the discipline to do it every day.
    Read the same article. It also coincides with a book that my favorite personal sports coach, Todd Yelton, recommended to me--Burn Your Goals: The Counter Cultural Approach to Achieving Your Greatest Potential.

    It reminds me of what Nick Saban does, when he talks about "the process." Establishing the routine, the habit, is what makes you obtain whatever you seek.

    Eye on the prize? No. Eye on what you do daily.

    Quote Originally Posted by KSRBEvans View Post
    --Move myself for at least 30 minutes (I've got a dog that needs walking, and I've got a treadmill in front of a TV, so I really have no excuse);
    This is a GREAT thing to do daily. I am going to try to do the same. I have a "goal" (yeah, it's contra what we said above) of 7,500 steps daily, because I am so sedentary that my normal is around 3,500 unless I exercise. So if I can force myself to move--take a 15 minute break in the morning, another in the afternoon, or find time somewhere else, that will help.

    Quote Originally Posted by KSRBEvans View Post
    --Journal everything I put in my mouth (they say people who journal consistently tend to lose weight and keep it off--I find also eat healthier food when I'm accounting for what I'm eating).
    I have tried this and have done it for several months at a time, but it becomes so tedious to me that I inevitably give up. The fitbit app is very easy to use, the Lose It app easy to use, etc., and I've used both of them at times. Fitbit app integrates with my tracker, steps, I have my daughter, my wife, and a couple of my daughter's friends/friends of the family who "challenge" each other sometimes, so that app is a natural for me. But I inevitably miss a day, then two, then a week, and then say the heck with it.

    Maybe a handwritten journal would work for me instead of the phone app. Hmm.

  10. #10

    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Quote Originally Posted by MickintheHam View Post

    2. Kill the sugar intake. I rigorously review the sugar content of everything. If it is more than one gram per serving I look at the rest of the content to see if there are some benefits. I won't go over 3. So, as a result, no orange juice, no sweets of any type (I allow myself two desserts a month. In two months my blood sugar levels are down dramatically, about 1/3 of previous levels.

    3. The result is I am down 11 lbs towards the twenty I need to lose and the 30 I would like to lose. This is since Oct. 1.
    I haven't been to the doctor in many years. In fact, I had an insurance physical scheduled with their paramedic person, and they called me and told me I needed to go to the doctor also because I had not been in so many years that they needed it. I suppose that's one thing they need to address with me, and I wouldn't be surprised if my blood sugar level is bad.

    Congratulations on the 11 pounds dropped. I found the ones you lost. Seriously, that's terrific, and a great time of the year to hit it head on as many of us are going the opposite direction during the holidays.

  11. #11
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    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    D, seriously consider getting a physical My new doctor is there in Inverness (my old UAB doc retired in Aug). Both doctors were pretty good with setting goals. I credit my new doc for zeroing in on the blood sugar levels. My triglycerides are now at levels about 1/3 of what they were.
    Real Fan since 1958

  12. #12

    Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Quote Originally Posted by MickintheHam View Post
    D, seriously consider getting a physical My new doctor is there in Inverness (my old UAB doc retired in Aug). Both doctors were pretty good with setting goals. I credit my new doc for zeroing in on the blood sugar levels. My triglycerides are now at levels about 1/3 of what they were.
    I will. I know I need it.

  13. #13
    3.75 miles on the treadmill tonight beginning at 10:30pm.

    Ate very poorly today, at least a half dozen cookies in addition to four meals.

  14. #14

    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Quote Originally Posted by MickintheHam View Post
    Darrell I hate this topic. I have struggled with weight loss for the last eight years. I finally came to grips with several issues.

    1. I eat more than I need. I try to eat a light breakfast, half of a sandwich for lunch. No chips and only water, wine or milk with any meal.

    2. Kill the sugar intake. I rigorously review the sugar content of everything. If it is more than one gram per serving I look at the rest of the content to see if there are some benefits. I won't go over 3. So, as a result, no orange juice, no sweets of any type (I allow myself two desserts a month. In two months my blood sugar levels are down dramatically, about 1/3 of previous levels.
    3. The result is I am down 11 lbs towards the twenty I need to lose and the 30 I would like to lose. This is since Oct. 1. Granted half of my meals are away from home, but when I am home this is what I do. Eliminating fast food and restricting myself to pizza once a month helps.
    Mick, you nailed it.

    For most people weight loss is both the simplest and hardest thing. The two secrets are to eat less and to cut out the carbs. When I did that I dropped more than 50 pounds, but it's hard to do that forever and depending on your lifestyle.

    If I can cut out snacks and carbs I lose weight. Sometimes I can do that, sometimes not so much.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.

  15. #15

    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Quote Originally Posted by MickintheHam View Post
    D, seriously consider getting a physical My new doctor is there in Inverness (my old UAB doc retired in Aug). Both doctors were pretty good with setting goals. I credit my new doc for zeroing in on the blood sugar levels. My triglycerides are now at levels about 1/3 of what they were.
    My blood sugar and cholesterol are a little high, but for how I live those numbers should be higher than my SAT scores. I may end up being proof that only the good die young, b/c physically I should be worse off than I am for sure.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.

  16. #16
    Fiddlin' Five badrose's Avatar
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    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Cool as a rule, but sometimes bad is bad.

  17. #17
    Oatmeal and banana for breakfast.

    Deli turkey on whole wheat bread for lunch.

    Water to drink today.

    So far I haven't screwed up the food thing, but give me time...

  18. #18
    That didn't last long. Homemade pecan cookie by coffee pot at work didn't stand a chance...

  19. #19
    Three more cookies after arriving home. Starving.

  20. #20

    Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrell KSR View Post
    Three more cookies after arriving home. Starving.
    Thanks! Now I want a cookie.

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    "I have touched all the so-called capitals of basketball, but when it gets down to the short stroke, the only true capital of basketball is in Lexington." AL McGuire

  21. #21
    My normal too hungry before dinner problem. I need to stock something healthy and mildly filling as a 5-5:30 "snack."

  22. #22
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    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrell KSR View Post
    My normal too hungry before dinner problem. I need to stock something healthy and mildly filling as a 5-5:30 "snack."
    Not a problem. Large can of Planters Heart Healthy mixed nuts and sun maid raisins. A handful of each will nail the cravings. Have two if it lasts.
    Real Fan since 1958

  23. #23

    Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Quote Originally Posted by MickintheHam View Post
    Not a problem. Large can of Planters Heart Healthy mixed nuts and sun maid raisins. A handful of each will nail the cravings. Have two if it lasts.
    Will get that tomorrow, thank you for the suggested solution.

  24. #24
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    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrell KSR View Post
    Will get that tomorrow, thank you for the suggested solution.
    Large can of Planters at Walmartis a good deal. Its the only thing I buy at Walmart.
    Real Fan since 1958

  25. #25
    Fiddlin' Five badrose's Avatar
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    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Planters NUT-rition:

    Energy Mix

    Protein Mix

    Heart Healthy

    ...and more.

    Great for suppressing the appetite.
    Cool as a rule, but sometimes bad is bad.

  26. #26
    Fiddlin' Five badrose's Avatar
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    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    Sitting is the worst thing you can do. If you can do your work standing, do that. Instead of cookies get some protein bars (or tree nuts) and graze during the day, and eat a healthy meal for dinner. Smaller portions, low starch, fresh veggies, and an ample source of protein.
    Cool as a rule, but sometimes bad is bad.

  27. #27

    Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    If anyone out there is feeling bad about how poorly they've eaten today, maybe this will make you feel better.

    I stopped at a mini mart down the street from my work this morning. As I walked past their deli/lunch counter the worker lady was dumped a batch of freshly fried chicken gizzards into a steam table pan.

    I not only couldn't resist buying some, I got a large order (1 lb)... man!! were they good!!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    "I have touched all the so-called capitals of basketball, but when it gets down to the short stroke, the only true capital of basketball is in Lexington." AL McGuire

  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by badrose View Post
    Sitting is the worst thing you can do. If you can do your work standing, do that. Instead of cookies get some protein bars (or tree nuts) and graze during the day, and eat a healthy meal for dinner. Smaller portions, low starch, fresh veggies, and an ample source of protein.
    I sit all the time. Doesn't help I'm still in good health.

    I'm taking up smoking. The only problem is it makes me want to skip work and shoot pool.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.

  29. #29

    Re: Exercise, fitness, weight, calories, and overall health: Christmas Eve 2016-until

    I decided this fall to diet prior to the eating season (Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Years). That way I wouldn't be starting the New Year behind the 8 ball. I went from low 180s to low 160s which is basically my low weight (when I get there) for the last 10 years. I'm 44 (45 on 1/2). I'm going to try and keep this going into the new year.

    I haven't been exercising much since it got cold even though my work pays for a gym membership. Just hard to leave home to go sweat once I've hit the easy chair.

    My weight loss was all diet (mostly) as I wasn't looking to exercise when I was losing. For breakfast I eat either grits or a nature valley bar (granola, peanut butter or fruit & nut). For lunch I either eat soup or a salad Monday thru Friday. Basically I will have only eaten 300-400 calories through lunch. I usually eat some type of fruit either in the morning or afternoon. I love Honey Crisp apples and Cherries. For supper I eat what I want but I don't make a habit of eating poorly if I can. I do this because if I try to limit what I can eat I'll fall off the wagon in 24 hours.

    I've made it a habit to drink water....as much as I can. I usually drink a whole cup/glass before each meal and some in between. I'll flavor it sometimes with many different flavors. Those pouches are generally only 5-10 calories. I think this has helped greatly.

    One thing I've added is a Probiotic for digestive help. I think this has really helped but can't guarantee it.

    Our church starts a 21 days of prayer and fasting on 1/1. It's basically the Daniel fast as in Fruits, vegetables and nuts allowed i.e. whole foods. Last year me and my wife lasted 3 days before succumbing to starvation . We've told ourselves we'll do better this year as we were unprepared last year.

    I think you guys hit the nail on the head earlier. The key is not to diet but just change your habits. The second you tell yourself your on a diet your sub conscience starts rebel against you.

    If I end up getting to 150 it'll be the first time since I was in my 20s.
    Follow me on Twitter @krcrider

  30. #30
    3.2 miles at the gym as my son and I closed it tonight.



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