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Thread: So, it's not just me...;)

  1. #1
    Fiddlin' Five badrose's Avatar
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    Deep in the Heart of the Enemy
    Cool as a rule, but sometimes bad is bad.

  2. #2

    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    Not counting things like the State of the Union, I probably haven't watched more than five minutes of network/cable news in the last year. It's all garbage.

  3. #3
    Rupp's Runt
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    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    Not that it's going to change, fwiw, because to them the real truth does not matter. What does the truth matter when most who are listening are too stupid to discern the truth? They might if they heard it, but that's doubtful because the ones who are responsible for telling the truth & the facts are not and will not do so.
    The truth is supposed to set you free. So do lies subjugate you to enslavement? Maybe we should ask guys like Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, Chavez, etc.,etc., how lying to their people worked out for them(meaning, their people). I'm sure the answer, and the truth, are out there somewhere.
    At least that's what Mulder keeps saying...........

  4. #4

    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBlueBrock View Post
    Not counting things like the State of the Union, I probably haven't watched more than five minutes of network/cable news in the last year. It's all garbage.
    Me either. Stopped watching the "mainstream" network media so long ago I can't remember. They'd manage to get the facts wrong reporting a jaywalking.

    Glad so many people see the liberal slant of the media. Even more telling since the majority in the poll were Democrats.

  5. #5

    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    Faux News' conservative slant is no better or worse than whatever liberal slant people perceive from CNN or MSNBC. FWIW, I don't think CNN is guilty of slanting the news so much as just reporting complete bullshit most of the time. If I have to watch some news, I'll flip to CNN, but I make a point to avoid the pundit shows on any of the news stations.
    Last edited by BigBlueBrock; 02-28-2013 at 05:07 PM.

  6. #6

    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBlueBrock View Post
    Faux News' conservative slant is no better or worse than whatever liberal slant people perceive from CNN or MSNBC. FWIW, I don't think CNN is guilty of slanting the news so much as just reporting complete bullshit most of the time. If I have to watch some news, I'll flip to CNN, but I make a point to avoid the pundit shows on any of the news stations.
    Fox news has its issues, but it is the only counter to a solid wall of liberal media, so I'm tickled pink it's there. CNN doesn't slant as bad as the networks or the almost insane level at MSNBC, but all media has a "slant" b/c they all choose which stories to do and how to present facts. When CNN started I was very pleased with their "just the facts" approach. It was pretty crisp, not much editorializing or slant. It's gotten gradually worse and now as you said is mostly a forum for news talk shows, like Fox. I don't care for them as they obfuscate as much as inform, and in that sense I ignore both channels.

  7. #7

    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBlueBrock View Post
    Faux News' conservative slant is no better or worse than whatever liberal slant people perceive from CNN or MSNBC. FWIW, I don't think CNN is guilty of slanting the news so much as just reporting complete bullshit most of the time. If I have to watch some news, I'll flip to CNN, but I make a point to avoid the pundit shows on any of the news stations.
    You must be too young to remember the faked news reports CNN did.

  8. #8
    Fiddlin' Five badrose's Avatar
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    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    CNN is making moves to become MSNBC II based on who they're looking at to bring in. CNN changed management recently in order to boost ratings. FOX News kills everyone in ratings.
    Cool as a rule, but sometimes bad is bad.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    I watch Fox all the time, you get both sides in arguements as the liberals have their person there to try to explain their side. What I love about that is how foolish they come off most of the time, even though I have actually begun to like Lanny Davis.
    ON Hannity Tues night while sitting in my hotel room watching the rerun of hannity he had the liberal lawyer from Chicago on, Tamara Holder and they were discussing the ban of big drinks in NYC by the idiot Bloomber. Holder said, and she was not kidding, was the whole problem was because of fatass obeise republicans and that democrats ate better and were not fat. I really wanted to reach thru the TV and tell her to come to Miss and I would take her to the city of Jackson and would be more than glad to show her fatass demmocrats, all black, that take up two seats in my store to be able to sit down.

    I listen to Beckle and at times he makes good points but then he comes out with his far left agenda that is totally BS.

    The best show on there is Greta, she doesn't BS, calls it like it is and will not let a politicain from either side try to spin their way thru a question, don't answer and you get it again and again until you do.

    Dont' like OReilly unless he has on good guests and then I will watch.

    I get tired of all this BS by unknowns who continue to call it Faux news, and then try to tell me the rest tell the truth. Than goodness I have a choice to watch a network that at least gives me things from my side and at least presents both sides to the arguement with each side there to present what they think and let me decide what is the truth.

    Quote Originally Posted by CitizenBBN View Post
    Fox news has its issues, but it is the only counter to a solid wall of liberal media, so I'm tickled pink it's there. CNN doesn't slant as bad as the networks or the almost insane level at MSNBC, but all media has a "slant" b/c they all choose which stories to do and how to present facts. When CNN started I was very pleased with their "just the facts" approach. It was pretty crisp, not much editorializing or slant. It's gotten gradually worse and now as you said is mostly a forum for news talk shows, like Fox. I don't care for them as they obfuscate as much as inform, and in that sense I ignore both channels.

  10. #10
    Fiddlin' Five badrose's Avatar
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    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    There would be no Fox News if the rest weren't completely full of BS.
    Cool as a rule, but sometimes bad is bad.

  11. #11
    Fiddlin' Five badrose's Avatar
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    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    Have you ever noticed how liberal radio shows never succeed unless it's NPR which is federally funded?
    Cool as a rule, but sometimes bad is bad.

  12. #12

    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    Quote Originally Posted by badrose View Post
    CNN is making moves to become MSNBC II based on who they're looking at to bring in. CNN changed management recently in order to boost ratings. FOX News kills everyone in ratings.
    B/c you have one network with a non-liberal slant and 5 major ones with one to varying degrees from pandering loonies (MSNBC) to American left of center (CNN) dividing viewers. Fox IMO is like CNN, American right of center but there's nothing as conservative as MSNBC is liberal.

    I love it when people rail on Fox. Reminds me the left doesn't have a monopoly on mainstream news any longer.

  13. #13

    Re: So, it's not just me...;)

    I get a kick out of Beckel, sometimes he is at a loss for words trying to justify something Obama has done. I have noted he and Juan Williams are agreeing less and less with Obama since the election. Beckel and Williams not agreeing with Obama to me is a sign that the prez is losing his base that pay more attention to what is actually going on, and not taking everything he says as the gospel.



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