I have read and heard within the last 3 weeks that #1. if you needs any7 Copvid19 testing supplies, you will no longer have the option of logging onto a website and ordering a free supply of them to be paid for by Uncle Sam, #2 if big pharma convinces the boffins in the white house that the next variant of Covid19 needs to be addressed with the latest and greatest vaccine, and if you decide to follow their guidance, you and or your insurance company will be on the hook for the cost of the drug and the cost of the poke in the arm. That is right, no more freebie here either. No, the money appropriated for these 2 purposes has not all been spent or even misspent.

It is just lying around in some musty, moldy bank vault waiting for some politician to realize it is there and figure out a way to misappropriate it and start wasting a bunch of it on feasibility studies for construction of an 8 lane highway from West Liberty, KY to Beckley, WVa, in a well advertised effort to throw 100 Million of good money after bad to turn hills and hollers into smaller hills and hollers.
