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  1. #121
    Fab Five Catfan73's Avatar
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    Re: Republican Civil War?

    Quote Originally Posted by anderwt View Post
    All 50 capitals are having to prepare for ARMED riots..Its Civil War.. only Trump can throw out the first peace sign
    Seeing people get locked up and then finding out you’re on no-fly lists will put a damper on a lot of the enthusiasm.
    changing my signature to change our luck.

  2. #122

    Re: Republican Civil War?

    The amount of companies that are coming out saying they will no longer donate to any politician who voted to overturn the results of the election is stunning.
    Some of these will have serious impacts on these candidates.

  3. #123
    Fab Five StuBleedsBlue2's Avatar
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    Re: Republican Civil War?

    Quote Originally Posted by ukpumacat View Post
    The amount of companies that are coming out saying they will no longer donate to any politician who voted to overturn the results of the election is stunning.
    Some of these will have serious impacts on these candidates.
    Let's hope that it gets to the point where Republicans start wanting to get money out of politics. When I look at these amounts that corporations have pledged to end the donations, only to these candidates, it's staggering.

    Then, when I think about how that money could be put to good use in paying their employees, training, hiring, etc. basically employee growth, I start to think about that the only reason they are making these contributions is because they see a good ROI, which obviously comes from the tax code, at the expense of the American taxpayer.

    Politicians, especially on the right, make the argument that giving money to these corporations is the best way to stimulate, but really the thing that it mostly accomplishes is keeping them in power.

    We need to unwind ALL of this crap, let the people keep their money, tax those at rates according to their ability to pay, end tax dollar discrimination (where investment income that is earned at a lesser effort than those that actually perform work that is tax at different rates; every dollar, no matter how earned should be taxed equally at the prevailing rate), and stop spending where it cannot be afforded when it is not applicable to ensuring the safety of Americans.

    The accounting lobbyists will make sure that never happens.

  4. #124

    Re: Republican Civil War?

    McConnell and the Traditional GOP are in a lot of trouble... The Party is not their party anymore

    Axios Poll of Republicans..


  5. #125

    Re: Republican Civil War?

    Quote Originally Posted by VirginiaCat View Post
    McConnell and the Traditional GOP are in a lot of trouble... The Party is not their party anymore

    Axios Poll of Republicans..

    That Newsmax article is terribly misleading and mischaracterizes that poll. It doesn't say at all what you think it does.

    It is NOT an Axios poll of "Republicans". It is a poll of everyone.

    The first question of the poll asked voters to identify as one of the following categories:

    1. Trump Supporter
    2. Traditional GOP
    3. Political Independent
    4. Moderate Dem
    5. Progressive/Liberal

    16% of all polled chose Traditional GOP. 13% of all polled chose "Trump Supporter".

    Of Republicans, 56% chose GOP and 36% chose Trump supporter.

    And then, to the faulty headline....OF ONLY THOSE WHO CHOSE "Trump supporter"....92% of them agreed with Trump contesting the election.

    Ummm....duh. Haha

    And only 46% of the larger "Traditional GOP" group said they supported it.

    In other words....that was a very very small group that ultimately chose that. Thus, the very misleading headline.

    Actually, I will do the math.

    1,019 people were surveyed.

    13% of them chose Trump Supporter.

    That's 132 people. 92% of them is 121 people.

    So Newsmax wrote a headline saying "92%" which was really just clickbait because that only represented 121 of the over 1,000 people polled (of course some others in other categories supported it also but they aren't part of the 92%).

    Anyways, lots of good info in the poll so thanks for linking it. Here is the actual poll if you want to read it (notice the very different headline ha):

  6. #126

    Re: Republican Civil War?

    This is the actual link to the poll itself with every question: https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/...2021_final.pdf

    It also speaks to our discussion the other day about Trump's "Approval rating".

    Among all Voters: 29%
    Among Republicans: 64%

    But here is where the more interesting numbers are....

    Mike Pence: 50% (and a higher approval among Republicans)

    Mitt Romney: 47% (and lower among Republicans)

    Ted Cruz: 29% (and barely higher than Trump's/ much lower than Pence among Republicans)

    Josh Hawley: 24%

    Mitch McConnell: 28%

    Nancy Pelosi: 46%

    Now, I don't know exactly where these numbers were before, but this would suggest that the following people were helped by the past few weeks:
    Pence, Romney, Pelosi, Mitch
    And that these were hurt by them: Cruz, Hawley and Trump

    Which frankly, is not surprising with how this played out.

    Again, I don't know where they were before...but those are pretty awful approval ratings for people hoping to run in 2024.

    This may be Pence's party.

  7. #127

    Re: Republican Civil War?

    Another note about this poll that I had missed. I talk a lot about the only way Republicans can win a National election is if they really take back independents. This poll speaks to that.

    Of those surveyed, here is how they "identified themselves":

    Trump Supporter: 13%
    Traditional GOP: 16%
    Independent: 32%
    Moderate Dem: 24%
    Liberal: 13%

    So, 29% Trump or GOP. 37% Dem or Liberal. And 32% as Independent.

  8. #128
    Fab Five StuBleedsBlue2's Avatar
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    Re: Republican Civil War?

    Quote Originally Posted by ukpumacat View Post
    Another note about this poll that I had missed. I talk a lot about the only way Republicans can win a National election is if they really take back independents. This poll speaks to that.

    Of those surveyed, here is how they "identified themselves":

    Trump Supporter: 13%
    Traditional GOP: 16%
    Independent: 32%
    Moderate Dem: 24%
    Liberal: 13%

    So, 29% Trump or GOP. 37% Dem or Liberal. And 32% as Independent.
    Careful Puma, facts and analysis is a big NO to some.

    Interesting information and not surprising in the least. May be Pelosi's highest approval rating in a long time. Certainly the highest I recall ever seeing it.

    It's interesting when you look at the Hawley, Cruz, Trump data. What that says to me is that Trumpism, without Trump, is strong enough that our current problems are not going to go away soon. There will just be a new face, with Trump playing from the outside.

    The only way that it will go away is to keep defeating them at the polls.

  9. #129

    Re: Republican Civil War?

    Quote Originally Posted by StuBleedsBlue2 View Post

    It's interesting when you look at the Hawley, Cruz, Trump data. What that says to me is that Trumpism, without Trump, is strong enough that our current problems are not going to go away soon. There will just be a new face, with Trump playing from the outside.

    The only way that it will go away is to keep defeating them at the polls.
    Here is where I don't quite get their thinking:

    Both Cruz and Hawley are all about the 2024 nomination. That's what they care about most.

    And yes, they might very well be the favorite for that "13% Trump supporter" number but they def aren't for that traditional GOP number.
    Remember, Trump won the nomination in 2016 because all of the other candidates kept splitting the vote. In fact, Dems learned from that and consolidated around Biden because they didn't want Bernie to be the nominee (as most don't think he can win).
    If Hawley and Cruz split that "13% number"...they have very little chance.
    I actually think its more likely that the "traditional GOP" consolidates around one moderate candidate which will be enough to defeat the more conservative one in the primary.
    But, lots to be decided there.

    The one thing we learned in 2018 and the 2020/21 run-offs is that Trump candidates could not get out the vote without Trump on the ballot. That will be something they really have to figure out.



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