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  1. #1
    Fab Five dan_bgblue's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Bowling Green, KY

    Workers In KY would be Proud to Have the Jobs


    I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.

  2. #2

    Re: Workers In KY would be Proud to Have the Jobs

    not sure how I missed this one Dan. I'd be beyond thrilled for Remington and Colt to be made in Kentucky.

    If our Governor had any sense he'd be up there right now pitching a deal. They haven't required it yet but why stay and risk it and be caught hanging and why stay somewhere so hostile to your business?

    Kentucky is a gun loving state, with a proud history of marksmanship going back to the revolutionary war, this is a great fit. People would be proud to work and make high quality firearms and would line up to get those jobs, and there are tie-in marketing options with the state. Maybe a commemorative rifle from Remington named the "kentucky long rifle" would be a nice start.

    She got crucified, but Martha Layne Collins ended up being the best governor in forever for Kentucky simply b/c of Toyota. People were angry she gave them tax breaks, but I don't hear any complaints now about them being here.

    As Governor I'd be up there wooing them every chance I got. Give them whatever tax breaks and other things it would take to get them. In the long run it would be a boon to the state just like Toyota.



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