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  1. #1

    Headquarters of Lexington Republican Party vandalized with "Die Nazi" and

    "Nazi Scum."

    POS vandals. This is why a" side" can't point fingers. You know where this originated.

    I don't have a link, but it's a Lexington Public Safety tweet on Twitter.

  2. #2

    Re: Headquarters of Lexington Republican Party vandalized with "Die Nazi" and

    I don't know if Lexington has officially acknowledged it or not, but the Confederate statues at the old court house are under 24/7 police guard. I've been through there several times and there are always cruisers parked right in front with officers very visible, even at 3am.

    The demonization by both sides will be our undoing.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.

  3. #3
    Fab Five kingcat's Avatar
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    Radcliff, Ky.

    Re: Headquarters of Lexington Republican Party vandalized with "Die Nazi" and

    There is no going back at this point. The future looks bleak

    “Before I leave I’d like to see our politics begin to return to the purposes and practices that distinguish our history from the history of other nations,
    “I would like to see us recover our sense that we are more alike than different. We are citizens of a republic made of shared ideals forged in a new world to replace the tribal enmities that tormented the old one. Even in times of political turmoil such as these, we share that awesome heritage and the responsibility to embrace it.”
    -Patriot and Senator. John McCain

  4. #4

    Re: Headquarters of Lexington Republican Party vandalized with "Die Nazi" and

    Quote Originally Posted by kingcat View Post
    There is no going back at this point
    The demonization by both sides will be our undoing. Now anyone who supports anything conservative is a racist, sexist homophobe, just as anyone on the left is a communist.

    I will say the left have been vastly more effective at it of late. In the 1940s, 50s and 60s the right was much more effective, with things like McCcarthyism. But the left has borrowed and improved on those techniques, and now we see the same thing being done again. In the 50s people in Hollywood and the media etc. were blackballed if they were too liberal, being branded as communists. Now anyone on the right is branded a racist and gets the same treatment.

    So this goes back a long way, and both sides are guilty, but it seems to be reaching new heights, esp. in the internet age with modern media and where people dont' bother to fact check anything before going off the rails to rally to their cause.

    it also helps that we're as a whole vastly prosperous so people have way too much free time. Seriously, back when people were on farms and couldn't leave b/c they had work to do, you didn't get these big protests and such all the time b/c people simply didn't have time. Now all these college kids have all the time in the world apparently so they can worry about being triggered by things they don't like. When you're up at 6am milking cows you don't get triggered very easy.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Headquarters of Lexington Republican Party vandalized with "Die Nazi" and

    Vandalising property is criminal behaviour.

    There is no place for that I say that as a guy who has had a hitler musta he drawn on not one but two posters

    When I helped restart the young republicans a Transylvania I was called a tree hugger and a nazi.

    So I speAk from a little experience.

    Policies have real impact on people. But don't destroy property

    Trump who is not a republican or a democrat is the most polarising figure I can recall. He has brought out the worst of in many people across the political spectrum.

  6. #6
    Rupp's Runt
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    Re: Headquarters of Lexington Republican Party vandalized with "Die Nazi" and

    While I agree with you partially about Trump, we also have to remember that our most currently former POTUS was not exactly the nicest guy either, especially towards actual American citizens on both sides. JMHO.

  7. #7

    Re: Headquarters of Lexington Republican Party vandalized with "Die Nazi" and

    People should look at WW2 and see who the Nazis were. The same people that pushing socialism to kids today, especially in Pac 10 and ivy league schools.

  8. #8

    Re: Headquarters of Lexington Republican Party vandalized with "Die Nazi" and

    Quote Originally Posted by ukblue View Post
    People should look at WW2 and see who the Nazis were. The same people that pushing socialism to kids today, especially in Pac 10 and ivy league schools.
    The only group that is using the tactics of the Nazis are the extreme left, like Antifa. People don't want to hear that, but it's the truth.

    Sure the modern Nazis preach all the nazi stuff about Jews, etc. but they don't use the tactics.

    First is the Brown Shirts. Stirring dissent and unrest, etc. The modern American Nazis don't do any of that stuff. That's what Antifa is doing though. The idea is to intimidate and stifle discussion and protests of those who oppose you. Shut them down, keep them quiet.

    When's the last peace or pro-democracy or even BLM event you heard of being shut down b/c the KKK and Nazis terrorized them?

    I'm not saying they aren't evil or defending them in any way, I'm just pointing out that as a group they've been politically impotent in this country since basically WWII. They simply don't matter, and they absolutely don't have enough power to effectively use the tactics of the National Socialists or any fascist regime.

    But Antifa and BLM have a large national voice, backed by a media that doesn't call them out and allows them to hide behind their claim to be "anti-hate", when in fact they are the leading dealers in hate in the US. So they are able to do like they did this weekend, show up at an otherwise peaceful rally of conservatives and bust it up and shut it down. Last week they didn't even have to show up, just the threat of their response was enough to get San Fran to shut down a rally out of fear of "violence", but not violence from the group in question, but the response. That's not how they framed it, but it's the truth.

    In Germany the Nazis and Communists both used this tactic, and shut down the moderates and squeeze them out. It worked.

    There are other obvious similarities, including the scapegoating. The modern Nazis go on about Jews etc. but the truth is that doesn't resonate with people. it's simply ineffective as few in this country see the Jews as some leaders of a vast conspiracy.

    But the Left has found things that do resonate. "White privilege" sound familiar? Their scapegoat is white people who don't go along with their agenda. If you don't you are a racist, sexist homophobe. That's a tactic right out of the fascist playbook, branding anyone who doesn't agree as a threat and bad person.

    Alinsky's book is right out of those same tactics, and they've been used very effectively from the rise of the Nazis to Mao and later the Cultural Revolution.

    The modern Klan and Nazis aren't capable of anything like that sort of movement. The Blues Brothers had it right, these are some angry white guys driving around in bad station wagons b/c they can't get a girl. They're no threat to American democracy.

    But the Antifa/BLM radical Left has been extremely effective in their use of these tactics. We now have reasonable people suggesting we curtail speech that "we" decide is hateful or offensive or just makes people uncomfortable. They're ready to give up the right of free assembly and expression and just repeal the 1st Amendment in order to avoid the "violence" they are in part encouraging.

    It's stunning really. People when they learn history always wonder how things like Hitler and Mao can even happen, how people don't step back and realize what is going on and say "no". Well look around boys and girls, b/c we're getting a front row seat to how these movements gain power.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.



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