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Thread: I don't get the 100 Days thing

  1. #1

    I don't get the 100 Days thing

    Basically this is just another media/Washington contrivance, created by a bunch of people who look at things in the Beltway with a myopia that rivals the Palace of Versailles. They always look at these things from the perspective of people who never get out into the real world.

    Thus, both parties are significantly out of touch with the average American. A new WashPo poll shows 67% of Americans, including a majority of Democrats, think the Democratic Party is out of touch, and a majority also think the GOP is out of touch, though not as much. They also think Trump is out of touch, but he's got the best numbers of the 3. What's telling though is the DNC numbers b/c it shows that a LOAD of registered Democrats think their party is out of touch and that isn't a biased thing, that's good data. Same thing for the % of Republicans who think the same of the GOP.

    Anyway, this 100 Days thing makes no sense. it's just a random number first off. Second, the American system isn't designed to move fast on anything, so expecting sweeping legislation in 100 days is silly in most cases, esp. if there is a major change in administration and you have all the jobs to fill and other things to do.

    I felt this way for all of them, not just Trump. It's just a contrivance of the media so they all have something to talk about, but the average American couldn't care less. He/she wants to talk about jobs and expenses and such, whether that's day 1 or 100 or 1000.

    Trump did do the smart thing and blow off the dinner tonight, another contrivance of self important Beltway media and pundits and lobbyists.

    To use a basketball analogy, 100 days into an administration is just about 6 minutes into the game if you measure from the start of an administration to the midterm elections, and only about 3 minutes in if you measure a 4 year term. a whole lot of game left to play.

    I keep envisioning people in powdered wigs and huge dresses milling about the gardens at Versailles, confusing the latest gossip about who is having an affair with who with the politics of running a nation.
    Last edited by CitizenBBN; 04-29-2017 at 10:30 PM.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.

  2. #2
    Fab Five dan_bgblue's Avatar
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    Re: I don't get the 100 Days thing

    Since the MSM really spends little time reporting on real news about real people in real places, they spend a lot of time voicing their opinion about real events, but that is far from reporting the facts as they occur. so it is important for them to be able to create news where there is none.

    I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.

  3. #3
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    Re: I don't get the 100 Days thing

    The first 100 days is a marker that goes back to FDR who was a whirlwind of government expansion and other measures to address the effects of the great depression.

    Like anything with a 24 hour news cycle and the unreal attention the media puts on every action and word by Trump.

    Practically speaking it does show the extent to which an administration demonstrates its learning curve in implementing its agenda.

    This president did speak quite often that he would do a lot in his first 100 days. He even talked about no administration had done so much in 90 days.

    And usually there is a honeymoon period where the public give the administration more support and there is a better chance to get something done with Congress. The first two years are critical to an administration as it also impacts the midterms. So to that extent every day is precious early in the term.

    The 100 days is something that discussed by the media for all presidents--not just Trump. But Trump is being discussed like no other president on a daily basis that I can recall.

    I like all basketball analogies. We all know the importance of the first 5 minutes of the game and the beginning of the second half. A key difference is that the last year of re-elected president is very different than the end of a game.

    You are winding down the clock whether you are winning or not.



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