
Apparently they want to put it on the ballot to have California secede from the union. Now if San Francisco left I'd move there to be a resident just to vote for it, but I think they may need some legal education.

SCOTUS has ruled that unilateral secession is invalid, and the Civil War pretty much settled the matter. They can vote all they want.

But what I don't get is how the Sec of State of California would even accept such nonsense. Are they that wacked? These movements have been around for a while, so this isn't new, but the state telling them to collect signatures and treating it seriously? Really?

Of course we could let them do it, then invade and take them over and make them a protectorate. We get the economic benefits but then they can't vote in the election (like Guam for example). A win win for conservative?

seriously, the histrionics from the extremes of this country seem to no know bounds. It's happened on the right as well but it was isolated loony militia groups. I think these Leftists are quite serious. I wonder if the Left from other blue states will move to stop them on their own, b/c if Cali's votes leave the blue states that are left are in big trouble. lol.

I knew if Trump won it would be interesting times.