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Thread: Glad that media bias is fading

  1. #1

    Glad that media bias is fading

    Got to hear the whole speech today.

    I must say the media reaction didn't surprise me, but it is stunning how you can twist anything into anything if you're determined enough to fit an agenda.

    Chris Matthews, who at once time was a knowledgeable and moderate man who once worked for Tip O'Neill, called it "Hitlerian". I'm not sure that's a word, but I'm sure I know what he means. Hitler-like? really? What part? A call for nationalism is now a being like Hitler? When Churchill called on the British people to "defend our island whatever the cost may be" was he being a fascist?

    Then we have ABC and MSNBC, who among others all called it "dark" and "militant". If Obama had talked about the empty factories and the drugs and the loss of young lives to bad education and lost opportunites he would have been hailed as a brave man willing to draw attention to america's lost citizens. Trump is painted as somehow wrong to reach out to those with the least hope.

    But the best, the absolute best of all, was taking his comment of putting "America first", and using it as a reference to the "America First Committee" of the pre WWII era, wrapped up with Charles Lindburgh and others who were deeply isolationist.

    Now, today, the fact that the two words are the same had paid national media pundits calling the speech "anti-Semitic" b/c of course in the politics of 1939 and 1940 in the us Jewish groups were pushing for the US to enter the war given the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany, and isolationists were of course pushing to stay out of the European war.

    Folks, that's OUTRAGEOUS. It's beyond outrageous. It's pathologically insane. In the SAME SPEECH Trump called for the eradication of Islamist Radicalism, the exact opposite of anything supported by the America First Committee. Yes he's called for not funding every other nation's defense ahead of our own, but so did Reagan, and he was certainly no isolationist.

    That point is right out there with the tinfoil hat crowd, the youtube videos with 500 views that try to show secret symbols in the hand movements of leaders to show they are communists or Nazis. It's hysterical, and not in the meaning of funny but rather overtaken by emotion to such a degree as to be beyond reason.

    People want Trump to give up his twitter account. IMO he can't afford to, even though ideally that would be nice. Just the opposite, Trump's team needs to work full bore on every possible way to subvert and avoid the national media, getting their message out directly through social media, the internet, and any other means possible. There is ZeRO hope of more than a few in the media being anything more than vicious and biased and twisting of everything he does and says. Far better to isolate them, marginalize them and minimize their voice .
    Last edited by CitizenBBN; 01-21-2017 at 03:49 PM.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.

  2. #2

    Re: Glad that media bias is fading

    I'd rather Trump spend all his time on Twitter. I trust him not to do anything else .

  3. #3

    Re: Glad that media bias is fading

    They are counting on the liberal left not listening to the speech and taking their interpretation as the gospel.

  4. #4

    Re: Glad that media bias is fading

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrell KSR View Post
    I'd rather Trump spend all his time on Twitter. I trust him not to do anything else .
    I have to admit he's starting to win me over. He's crass and many other things, but he does seem committed to busting up the elite nature of Washington and how this country is run.

    I can live with a lot of crass if he can really decentralize power in this country and manage to send ANY of it back to the People. if he'll appoint 4 to 8 years worth of judges who also believe in limited government and states rights I'll overlook him shooting illegal immigrants like the King in History of the World.

    (OK I wouldn't, but that movie has been in my head all day)
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.

  5. #5
    Fab Five dan_bgblue's Avatar
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    Re: Glad that media bias is fading

    He is starting out like I expected. The man is smart, tough as nails in the business world, egotistical, full of new york crassness and brusqueness, overly sensitive to attacks, and truly cares about others that have it tough. He also hates the entrenched Washington elite, and everything it stands for.

    He also does not know squat about governing, nor does he know squat about foreign policy as it has been played for the last 30 years, but his quickness to shift gears when he finds out he was wrong headed in his thoughts tells me he has a good staff around him and will be able to lead because he is willing to learn and take the right path before it is too late.

    His shifts and about faces will make our head spin, but imagine what it is doing to foreign leaders, friend and foe alike. That is a position I like being in.

    I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.

  6. #6
    I'm nowhere near that level of confidence.

  7. #7

    Re: Glad that media bias is fading

    Quote Originally Posted by Darrell KSR View Post
    I'm nowhere near that level of confidence.
    I get that,I do.

    What's got me feeling better is his overall picks. Reagan went out and surrounded himself with some very smart guys, and some very economically conservative ones.

    Trump has some good people. I'm utterly tickled at his pick for education, and can't go wrong with his pick for Defense. I'm curious how Tillerson will do at State, but he does have more real world foreign government experience than maybe anyone he could have chosen.

    A lot of Reaganite types in that Cabinet, and a lot of the same way Reagan picked people who basically wanted to dismantle agencies to head them up. Bill Bennett at what was then HEW comes to mind.

    I think Dan is right that he has a deep dislike of the DC establishment, and that's something we share. Dem or GOP alike, the concentration of power in this country will end the Great Experiment. I don't think Trump has the eloquence and background to be able to quote from the Federalist Papers but I think he has a strong sense of not liking the corruption of power, and that's close enough to get the job done I think.

    In the end I don't care why he wants to drain the swamp, so long as he does it. It will suit his Populist beliefs but will also suit my belief in a limited central government.

    But I can't disagree with anyone who lacks confidence in him at this point. I can't say that I have confidence either. I do have hope though, for the first time since Reagan, that maybe we can go the right way even a little.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.

  8. #8
    Fab Five dan_bgblue's Avatar
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    Re: Glad that media bias is fading

    But I can't disagree with anyone who lacks confidence in him at this point. I can't say that I have confidence either. I do have hope though, for the first time since Reagan, that maybe we can go the right way even a little.

    I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.

  9. #9

    Re: Glad that media bias is fading

    What I like is that Trump has surrounded himself with people who are straight shooters and will tell him what they think. It is obvious from the confirmation process that they are not simply "yes" people who were hired to agree with him.

  10. #10

    Re: Glad that media bias is fading

    here's a piece that hits a lot of the highlights and worst examples of bias over the weekend:


    My favorite is Slate, which used the Headline "America Furst" with the German U in "Furst". Multiple outlets compared him to Hitler or the Nazis. My 2nd favorite was claiming the speech was anti-Semetic (based on the "America First" movement that ended before he was born), since he just got off the phone inviting Netanyahu to visit next month and they're already talking about moving the Embassy to Jerusalem.

    I expect that from loonies in Hollywood like Madonna and Ashley, but from supposedly "journalistic" sources? I'm sorry but if you compare any US President to Hitler on their first day in office you don't get to be called a journalist any more.

    Call him boorish, a misogynist, whatever, but just making up crap about him being anti-Semitic is absurd. he's a lot of things, but there is no evidence of such things, but they just throw every smear possible at him and hope with this person or that out there in the masses that one will stick.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.



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