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Thread: Heads up: Spotify Family plan now matches Apple Music/Google Music ($14.99 for 6ppl)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Kirkland, WA

    Heads up: Spotify Family plan now matches Apple Music/Google Music ($14.99 for 6ppl)

    Spotify was the first music program to really have a family plan. It was pretty straight forward, you paid your base fee of $9.99 and then for each additional person they was half off ($5). This fee structure is mainly due to the fighting that had to do with the labels to offer a family plan at ALL. Unfortunately for Spotify, Google Music and Apple Music came later. They came at a time when Spotify was more accepted by the labels and both offered you family plans which were much better values (both are up to 6 people for $14.99). Today, Spotify finally was able to release a matching family plan. If you already had a family plan with more than one extra person, your fee will drop at your next billing cycle. If not, you can now add others. They also removed the household restriction (previously your family had to live in the same household). So someone like Big D could have himself, his wife and four other ppl (kids/friends/etc.) all on one $15 subscription.

    I know the family plan was the biggest thing that had people leaving Spotify for Apple Music and Google Music. Glad to see they can now compete, because Spotify is generally recognized as having the better music interface.

    One of my the family of one of my buddies is going to be saving roughly $45 a month on this. Since they all lived outside of the household they weren't on a family plan. Now all 6 members will be on one plan.
    Last edited by PedroDaGr8; 05-24-2016 at 07:48 AM.



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