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  1. #1
    Fab Five dan_bgblue's Avatar
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    Bowling Green, KY

    Impeach Bloomberg


    I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.

  2. #2

    Re: Impeach Bloomberg

    The bar has been set pretty low for impeachment. You can bet the right has a catalog of this stuff should he be elected.

  3. #3
    Fab Five
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    On the South Bank of the Cahaba River

    Re: Impeach Bloomberg

    Trump says he has the goods on Bloomberg. Now that Dems are desperate and turning to him, the timing of these revelations couldn’t be better.
    Real Fan since 1958

  4. #4

    Re: Impeach Bloomberg

    Shhhhh.... Bloomberg is my #2 choice for the Democratic nomination after Bernie. He's got more money than God but he's got more skeletons than the Pirates of the Caribbean ride too and he's as likeable to the Democratic base as a bastard at a family reunion.

    I'm in the "Anyone but Mayor Howdoyouspellit" camp.

    Besides, if he picks Hillary as VP we get to see her explain the 26 reasons, none of which were her fault, for why she lost last time, yet again, and again, and again.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.

  5. #5
    Fab Five
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    On the South Bank of the Cahaba River

    Re: Impeach Bloomberg

    The Democrats are well known for their ugly Presidential primary battles only to pull out election day victories.I truly believe they have outdone themselves this time. There isn't a single candidate who couldn't turn off 60% of the electorate. I believe now the woman Senator from Minnesota will get another look. But Minnesotans aren't exactly right of the radical left. They have elected a lot of Kooks.
    Real Fan since 1958

  6. #6
    Fab Five Doc's Avatar
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    Re: Impeach Bloomberg

    I'm sure I am in the minority but Bloomberg's money is something I do not fear. I mean IF he wins the Socialist's party nomination, what happens in the fall? He runs 10 commercials an hour to Trumps 5? Hell, Trump as President is a walking commercial. You think Bloomberg is going to do something like start a NASCAR race, or take a lap? Expect DJT to throw out the first ball in the World Series. Likely throw up the opening Jump Ball for the first NBA game...or the coin toss for the start of the NFL season. Can Bloomberg buy all that? Plus Trump has a record that is pretty damn good. Granted he has the bad too but you know its there. Likewise Bloomberg has some really bad stuff and that will be exposed. But back to the $$ aspect, at some point you have so much it is not relevant, or gives you an advantage. We saw it last year with the DNC being flush with cash yet Trump won, partly because of the obsession with him by the media giving him free publicity. This year it is the office that will do it...as well as the media.
    Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.--David Bowie.

  7. #7

    Re: Impeach Bloomberg

    Bloomberg's money will only help so much. As someone I saw this week said, the only thing about a big marketing campaign is that if it is selling a bad product all you're doing is letting more people know faster that its bad. lol.

    The reason Bloomberg is in trouble in a general election is that the Bernie base simply won't go vote for the guy. The key to beating Trump is turnout, getting the left leaning folks churned up hard to get to the polls.

    In a contest between billionaire old white guy who says a lot of offensive things and even bigger billionaire old white guy who says a lot of offensive things, I like Trump's chances. His base loves him, Bloomberg has no base that will be ginned up for him.

    There's at least a reason to switch from Trump and the status quo to a Sanders, maybe even a Mayor Pete, but to Bloomberg? He's a hyper billionaire elitist who is deeply anti-gun with a growing trail of comments offensive to minorities and middle America, and he offers no shift in direction that people are longing to see IMO.

    The real threat of Bloomberg is how much he can spend to build a grassroots organization to get out the vote, and most of it will be illegal voting. But the Dems were winning California no matter what, so that grassroots "helping" (read "cheating") will have to make a difference in states he can flip. Texas and Florida are the obvious candidates.

    His ad money won't tip the scales, but his money put to a campaign organization can do a lot. he already has 2,100 people on payroll and could afford to hire that many in every state if he wanted. He could pay to rent every bus in Florida to go pick up voters on election day.

    If he can do that then his chances go way up, but he's still unlikable and is basically Trump without the orange hair in many ways. I think a lot of voters on the Left will feel very abandoned if he's the Dem nominee. Certainly Sanders/Warren type supporters won't come out for him hard.
    People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.



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