This is prior to UK winning the national championship this year, so if you've seen it, I apologize. But I just thought the short video was certainly worth it, as Dale Brown defends John Calipari, praises his coaching, and gives platitudes to Kentucky. Really cool.

I first met Dale Brown when I was a late teenager in Monroe, Louisiana when he was recruiting the late Don Redden. Introduced myself to him; may have been a little over the top (don't think I was obnoxious, but let him know I was a Kentucky fan in Louisiana). He was gracious, chuckled about UK fans, and took it in stride. Don Redden loved Kentucky himself, but the love wasn't completely reciprocated, and he headed to Baton Rouge, where he enjoyed a stellar career. I enjoyed seats with the LSU parents for UK-LSU basketball games, courtesy of Don and his parents, but never really came in contact with Coach Brown.

Hope Coach Brown enjoys many more years of good living on this Earth.