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03-13-2013, 03:20 PM
The Train to Vegas (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/13/lawmakers-question-risky-55b-loan-for-high-speed-vegas-train-amid-sequester/)

03-13-2013, 10:31 PM
Ridiculous idea. I'm familiar with the trip, made it many times when I was selling gypsumf back hauls from the mine to pneumatics hauling cement to Vegas from Victorville.

03-13-2013, 11:20 PM
As bad as the Vegas airport can be I don't see flying to LA, getting a cab to Victorville and taking the scenic route as very likely. lol.

Thanks sky. Nice to get input from someone familiar with the route. As a lay person familiar with the Cali to Vegas flow but not Victorville, I find it absurd on its face to suggest there's enough demand to pay for a multi billion dollar train that runs less than 200 miles.

The Acela route they talk about is a high speed business class train servicing DC, Baltimore, New York and Boston and this is projected to get FOUR times that many people, via Victorville? Oh please.

FWIW the Acela train is also something of a joke. They spent billions on it too for a "high speed" train that is no faster than trains that ran the overall NY/DC route in the 60s.

Classic boondoggle. No shock Reid is Senate Majority Leader.