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View Full Version : A Lifeboat for Kamala Harris

11-15-2021, 06:59 PM
Hell no, she does not deserve an easy way out. In for a penny in for a pound. If she is gonna steal us blind, she should have to put up with her partner in crime.

Linkage (https://www.nysun.com/editorials/a-lifeboat-for-kamala-harris/91743/)

11-15-2021, 07:05 PM
List of people less capable and prepared to be a national leader:

- that guy from that exotic animal show I never watched
- Anyone from the cast of Jersey Shore
- Joe Biden (unfortunately)

There's just something not right with someone who bursts out in laughter every time they are asked a serious question about an important issue.

11-15-2021, 10:56 PM
Kamala Mattress….

11-16-2021, 06:59 AM
From the article

At the outset of this editorial let us confess that had we been Joe Biden — a stretch to be sure — we wouldn’t have tapped for vice president the woman who’d stood next to us at a Democratic debate and suggested that we were a racist. Then again, too, had we been Kamala Harris — another stretch — we wouldn’t have wanted to be the running mate to a man about whom we felt the need to say such horrible things.

This was a situation I always found odd. But then it does illustrate the new definition of "racist", which is one of little to no value. It also illustrates the depths to which Kamala will go to further her career. It wasn't just "dating" an old married guy, but she will actually hook her wagon to somebody she believes is a racist. Personally I don't believe Biden is a racist but he has made multiple racist comments, and supported multiple racist individuals, and supported several racist policies