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08-09-2021, 12:58 PM
I know this is a political board but I just watched a video from an attack in Seattle that nearly killed a young white male by a roaming criminal and to be quite honest it outraged me.
Something has to be done or things will get worse I am so tired of seeing and hearing how racist we are when all the major crime is committed by colored males.
It’s time the cities are taken back and the police given the ability to do their jobs.
The victim identifies himself as Caliber Visuals and is a freelance photographer.
This stuff has to stop as it only divides the country more.

08-10-2021, 04:30 PM
Division is the goal.

08-11-2021, 01:39 PM
Minneapolis last year (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/minneapolis-dfl-chair-police-revolutionary-moment-righteousness)

08-12-2021, 12:01 PM
Seemingly random acts of violence against citizens and other criminal acts seem to be escalating. This is particularly true in the case of areas where there were police funding cuts and where prosecutors aren’t charging for a lot of lesser criminal acts. Things are even worse in areas where bail has been eliminated.

08-12-2021, 03:35 PM
Watching criminals ride into drug stores on bikes and pull out garbage bags and fill them full of goods and ride out in broad daylight knowing they will not be convicted tells you a lot about the justice system now being run in democratic cities.

08-13-2021, 07:35 AM

08-13-2021, 09:28 AM
This bizarre notion that we should deal with mental illness and drug addiction by basically condoning it instead of intervening in it with force is a lot of the issue.

Most homeless people are either mentally incompetent or drug addicted or both. The only viable way to deal with that other than letting them just wander around like they do now is to have them ruled incompetent or a drug addicted threat to society, haul them into a facility and either sober them up or house them as mentally ill.

That seems far more humane than letting them live on the streets, more likely to save some of them, and probably in the end less costly.

By and large the homeless problem is not a housing problem, though no doubt cities like Seattle and San Francisco do a lot to make housing insanely expensive. But if we address the core problems above then we can get down to the housing issue.

The rest are simply criminals who are out committing crimes b/c a bunch of suburban dumbasses think that every person who shoplifts is an oppressed sob story who would never think of doing such a thing but for their need to buy food. No, they're largely punk thugs who need to be treated as such.

08-13-2021, 10:39 AM
25% housing 75% drugs and mental health on the homeless side, total facilitation by the city on the other

08-13-2021, 11:10 AM
Yes but it seems every city has this problem, even here in Louisville it’s like when the protesters came they never left and now our great mayor want to get them housing.