View Full Version : Thank goodness for reruns

Darrell KSR
11-29-2020, 09:37 PM
I believe I am in tune with social and medical issues that are permeating through our country, and I keep informed. But when I want to tune out and just be entertained, I don't want to see what I'm seeing on the news, on Twitter, on magazine articles, online, etc. on a sitcom or crime drama show.

The first TV show I watched when the new season began was the Good Doctor, and I enjoyed that a little from the standpoint of seeing the progression of Covid how the medical profession saw it and adapted. And ok, it's a medical show of sorts, I get it. But by the second episode, I was already done with it. Then I started watching a couple of other TV shows, and darn if they weren't following the same pattern.

I don't mind seeing a TV show with the characters wearing masks, because that is our current reality, but the show doesn't have to be *about* it, you know? Can I please escape it a bit?

So, with my DroidTV app and the way I watch most of those TV shows anyway, I have resorted to going back and watching shows like Cheers and other older shows just for some mindless entertainment and to get away from reality for a while. Oh, Fargo has been good. With the setting years ago, I can safely avoid this stuff now.

Anybody else tired of watching network shows for this reason, or is it just me?

11-29-2020, 10:35 PM
Not just you, but with me it's not just Covid.

I just tire of the current world and the constant input of it, so I like going back to older days with reruns. In the old days you weren't constantly connected, constantly had input, and that's something I miss when I want to take time away.

So I watch older movies, or Star Trek, or older series like Warehouse 13. Currently I'm in a Match Game marathon. I'm on episode 360 something of over 500 of the syndication shows, then i'll go back and watch the original daytime run from the 70s (the one I watched when it was current), then the Match Game PM run. Not sure but should be 1000 episodes give or take. I don't have to pay much attention, so I can work while it's ongoing, and will occupy my mental downtime for months to watch that many. It's already been a couple of months I think.

But no it's not you. I think Covid is one part of the overall desire to "escape", to simply take a break from the trials and tribulations of the world, and a lot of modern TV for me is too serious, to current, to topical, to really do that well.

I'm not an Andy Griffith show fan but I get why people like it, b/c it's that kind of show. I watched Match Game with my grandfather, and I'm sure I like it in large part b/c it takes me back to those simpler days. It's also funny at times to watch how much we've changed, with stuff on that show that would get you shot today. lol.

Star Trek is my touchstone rerun show. I don't care for the newer ones b/c it's too slanted to more modern issues, and I really just want a break from those at times.

Darrell KSR
11-29-2020, 10:40 PM
Yeah, I used covid because it's the hottest topic but not the only one.

Thanks for the Match Game suggestion. That's a great idea.

11-29-2020, 10:50 PM
Man, if you watch it be ready for the 1970s to hit you in the face.

That show was racy and very non-PC even for the 70s and early 80s, and measured by today's standards it's shocking. Of course the host is constantly flirting with the female contestants and guests, there's some racial stuff that would never fly today, etc. None of it is horrendous, it's the 1970s not the 1930s, but it's a definite contrast with today.

Mostly it's just light and funny and simple. That's why I like it, b/c it's funny and there's nothing serious on it and I can work and let it play and tune in and out as I will.

11-30-2020, 07:01 AM
If you want to get away from the present and be entertained and not worried about PC I recommend Johnny Carson... I’ve been watching them like I did when it was current. I watch an episode or two late night before bed.

It’s pretty interesting following the politics of the time. I’m currently watching early 80’s episodes while Reagan was in office. Last night the contra scandal came up.

The guests are pretty unfiltered as well, and some of the current mega comedians are doing their first appearance. He introduced a new and upcoming comedian in one of the episodes I watched last night, Louie Anderson, and Letterman who he actually waved over to sit and chat.

They were different times back then and it’s interesting to stroll back through those current events.

I record them from a cable channel so I’m watching them in whatever random order they broadcast them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-30-2020, 07:04 AM
D, I understand where you are coming from completely. I have totally changed what I watch on TV. I haven't watched anything Covid related or anything political. Same is true of social media. It started about the time I went on vacation in June. 10 days at the beach left no time for the "news". I cut out all the cable news shows save one that I thought had reasonable reporting and in September stopped watching the one save for a passing glance. I cut out the local news shows save for watching the weather. Local news became an incessant stream of mindless numbers being reported by mindless people with no insight or analysis whatsoever. All the shows were way too political and filled with disinformation. I don't need that in my life.

Baseball bailed me out in August, Sept and Oct. College Football has my predominant interest on TV now. I hope basketball can get me through the time until a vaccine can kick in. I haven't found an over the air TV show worth two seconds of time. And don't get me started on the Network entertainment shows produced by the TV news divisions. Those happy faces make me want to vomit. All the shows are too scripted and lack any spontaneous reaction. I watched 5 minutes of the Macy's parade thinking I could catch up on current entertainers, but the scripts were so poorly written I couldn't stand it.

Movies have made up most of my non-sports related TV watching. Fortunately, I am one who would go to the movies maybe once every two or three years, so there are a lot of unwatched movies for me to explore. But, I have found no entertainment or news on National and Cable networks.

The funniest thing I see on TV is the crawler appearing on the local CBS affiliate telling me to call Dish and tell them I don't want to miss seeing the local news shows. Dish has never been in a better negotiating position.

11-30-2020, 06:32 PM
Not tired of it at all, as I have not watched a MSM news show in years.