View Full Version : Bozeman in the Gray Hag

11-23-2020, 05:03 PM

Shows pictures of the "M" parking lot just out of town, and the "bikini hatch" parking lot on the Madison where everyone floats on tubes and drinks. The most extreme busy places.

Since I moved here from somewhere else, I throw no stones. And the Mayor's out of her mind, uncertain of whether the tourists or the people who buy houses are the enemy. Either way, she will definitely spend more and raise my taxes.

11-23-2020, 06:55 PM
I would hate to see Bozeman become too urban. I have spent a fair amount of time in the area and really have enjoyed the “vibe” and western feel. Plus, as a fly fisherman, I would hate to see the rivers become overcrowded.

11-23-2020, 10:09 PM
It's Montana. Shoot 'em.

Living too close to the west coast has all kinds of problems. I'd put invasion by preeny urbanites above the risk of a North Korean missile attack, both in likelihood and in the actual damage done to your society.

You can't possibly hit the nukes, even with a good rifle. But those know it all tier one facebook nerds and Amazon stooges are probably easy pickin's.

11-27-2020, 10:05 AM
“Closing the state down to visitors is not practical; even if it was, I don’t believe it is a good idea,” she said. “You cannot put that genie back in the bottle.”

Make the hiking trails and fishing trip permits too expensive for the outsiders to pay for. You will not stop the hordes from showing up, but a large number of them will go away without screwing up the environment in your area.

Trail head ticket office charges $100.00 per person per day
Camp sites charge $200.00 per night
Float trips for fishing, charge a $500.00 per day restocking fee

If that does not get the job done, raise the prices.