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View Full Version : I'm a states rights guy.....

11-04-2020, 10:18 AM
But there needs to be a national standard for Federal Elections.

By that I mean, a minimum standard on how, when a vote is legitimate. Does it require a verified signature? What date must it be to the counting center.

STates should be able to elect to be more conservative but not less.

Medical Records laws work this way.

11-04-2020, 10:20 AM
I could not agree more. This is ridiculous. Federal election guideline should be mandated on at least Presidential elections

11-04-2020, 10:37 AM
On the surface I am 100% in agreement with you, however...................

Federal election guideline should be mandated on at least Presidential elections

having 50 different systems, and sets of checks and balances "could" be what prevents tyrannical elections and rigged voting results from occurring on a mass scale in this country.

Would you want California and Chicago rules applied to all 50 states in national elections? I know that you and I could come up with some simple rules regarding proof of qualifications to vote, ballot security, timing of receipt of ballots to be counted, etc, but would you trust the senate/house/executive branch to come up with a set of simple rules that you and I would agree with?