View Full Version : Pick the Favorite Season Standings

09-10-2020, 06:04 AM
Last year we were a few weeks into the season before this game started and I had a little bit of a feel for where teams stood. This early in the season I have no idea though lol. Add in the uncertainties from players missing due to quarantines etc. and I have a feeling this game is going to be crazy. Anyway, here are the standings after the first week, where Darrell got the jump out of the gate with a winning double shock on North Texas, who submerged the Houston Baptists.

Darrell +20
Flounder +9
Yeager -11
Catfan -22

09-13-2020, 08:00 PM
Updated thru the Sept. 12th weekend...our leader Flounder is the player that has dug the smallest hole so far :D Just one more week and then the real teams start playing ;)

Flounder: +9 -12 = -3
VirginiaCat: no bet -12 = -12
Blueboss: no bet -12 = -12
Kingcat: no bet -12 = -12
Darrell: +20 -33 = -13
Catfan73: -22 +9 = -13
Yeager: -11 -22 = -33
Catmanjack: no bet -33 = -33
Doc no bet -33 = -33

Darrell KSR
09-14-2020, 11:12 AM
Man, I got waxed this week. I like that, because it shows that I really don't know what I'm doing. Saves me money.

09-14-2020, 02:19 PM
Oh I wouldn’t even think about making an actual bet this early in the season. But I’m pretty risk averse anyway.

09-20-2020, 06:25 PM
Updated thru 9/19

Catfan73: -22 +9 = -13 +20 = +7
Kingcat: no bet -12 = -12 +no bet = -12
VirginiaCat: no bet -12 = -12 -1 = -13
Darrell: +20 -33 = -13 -12 = -25
Yeager: -11 -22 = -33 -2 = -35
Flounder: +9 -12 = -3 -33 = -36
Blueboss: no bet -12 = -12 -33 = -45
Catmanjack: no bet -33 = -33 -22 = -55
Doc no bet -33 = -33 -22 = -55

09-29-2020, 06:14 PM
Updated thru 9/26

VirginiaCat: -13 +30 = +17
Catfan73: +7 -12 = -5
Darrell: -25 +9 = -16
Kingcat: -12 -12 = -24
Flounder: -36 +9 = -27
Blueboss: -45 +9 = -36
Catmanjack: -55 +9 = -46
Yeager: -35 -12 = -47
Doc: -55 -33 = -88

10-04-2020, 04:58 PM
Thru the weekend of 10.3:

VirginiaCat +17 +/-0 = +17
Catfan73 -5 +19 = +14
Flounder -27 +19 = -8
Catmanjack -46 +30 = -16
Blueboss-36 +9 = -27
Kingcat -24 -12 = -36
Darrell -16 -33 = -49
Yeager -47 -12 = -59
Doc -88 -2 = -90

10-07-2020, 12:24 PM
I confirmed earlier it’s not being scored like golf.

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10-11-2020, 02:04 PM
No it's not graded like golf lol.

Updated thru the weekend of 10.10 (last week's season to date total + this week's total = new season to date total):

Catmanjack -16 +50 = +34
VirginiaCat +17 +/-0 = +17
Blueboss -27 +19 = -8
Catfan73 +14 -33 = -19
Kingcat -36 + 8 = -28
Flounder -8 -33 = -41
Darrell -49 -13 = -62
Yeager -59 -13 = -72
Doc -90 -12 = -102

10-12-2020, 05:09 PM
Inch by inch, step by step, slowly....

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10-18-2020, 05:52 PM
Running total + this week’s results = new total:

Catmanjack +34 -2 = +32
Virginiacat +17 +/-0 = +17
Blueboss -8 -2 = -10
Flounder -41 +29 = -12
Kingcat -28 -12 = -40
CF73 -19 -23 = -42
Yeager -72 +29 = -43
Darrell -62 -23 = -85
Doc -102 +/-0 = -102

Darrell KSR
10-18-2020, 06:50 PM
Doc, that was devious strategy not playing this week. You knew that you gained on me at least.

10-26-2020, 05:52 PM
The leaderboard thru the week of 10.24...Catmanjack is starting to pull away but there’s a new leader...IF this was scored like golf. ;)

Running total + this week’s results = new total:

Catmanjack +32 +29 = +61
Flounder -12 +40 = +28
Blueboss-10 +29 = +19
Virginiacat +17
Catfan73 -42 +29 = -13
Kingcat -40 -13 = -53
Yeager -43 -23 = -66
Doc -102 +9 = -93
Darrell -85 -34 = -119

Darrell KSR
10-27-2020, 04:44 AM
I'm going to start my comeback this week! Halloween Edition.

11-01-2020, 02:47 PM
I'm going to start my comeback this week! Halloween Edition.

You did! Now you have to keep it up.

11-01-2020, 02:58 PM
Updated thru the Halloween week games...Catmanjack continues to pad his lead--can anyone catch him? I'm just glad this is play money. The bookie's still ahead by 114 but the gap is closing.

Catmanjack +61 +30 = +91
Flounder +28 +9 = +37
Blueboss +19 -2 = +17
VirginiaCat +17
Catfan73 -13 -1 = -14
Yeager -66 +20 = -46
Kingcat -53
Darrell -119 +40 = -79
Doc -93 +9 = -84

Darrell KSR
11-01-2020, 06:38 PM
You did! Now you have to keep it up.There was a beautiful full moon here Halloween night. I knew things had to be weird. Hit my stupid Underdog pick. Hit the favorites game. And hit all six games against the spread in the SEC contest. Talk about never happening again.

11-08-2020, 07:11 PM
There was a beautiful full moon here Halloween night. I knew things had to be weird. Hit my stupid Underdog pick. Hit the favorites game. And hit all six games against the spread in the SEC contest. Talk about never happening again.

You shouldn’t use all your mojo in the same week.

11-08-2020, 07:17 PM
Updated thru the games of 11/7:

Catmanjack +91 + 29 = +120
Flounder +37 +30 = +67
Blueboss +17 +50 = +67
Catfan73 -14 +50 = +36
VirginiaCat +17
Yeager -46 +9 = -37
Kingcat -53 -13 = -66
Doc -84 +9 = -75
Darrell -79 -12 = -91

Darrell KSR
11-08-2020, 10:18 PM
You shouldn’t use all your mojo in the same week.No kidding.

11-15-2020, 06:53 PM
Updated thru 11/14:

Catmanjack +120 +8 = +128
Blueboss +67 +50 = +117
Catfan73 +36 +40 = +76
VirginiaCat +17
Flounder +67 -55 = +12
Yeager -37 +40 = +3
Kingcat -66
Darrell -91 +19 = -72
Doc -75 -12 = -87

Things are starting to heat up!

Darrell KSR
11-15-2020, 07:30 PM
Three of you guys have had a good season.

Three of us have struggled somewhat.

The rest have just had a good time with their money not winning/losing much.

11-16-2020, 04:13 AM
A couple of good weeks and you guys are out of the hole. I’ve gotten to where I just look for underlays—teams that should be favored by a lot more but aren’t for some reason, like Wisconsin against Michigan. In retrospect I should have triple shocked that one and skipped San Jose St. entirely.

Darrell KSR
11-16-2020, 10:46 AM
Well, I triple shocked Ole Miss, thinking that was good as gold. And while it "looks" like it was by the final score, it was not at all. South Carolina led that game, 42-38, and Ole Miss scored the final 21 points of the game--all in the 4th quarter. So it made me look smart for a change, but it was dumb luck, as my winners usually are.

11-16-2020, 11:29 AM
It’s still hard to pick, NC allowed a late TD to wake that blew mine up from 50 to only 8.

11-16-2020, 11:29 AM
Ohio st missed a 23 yd FG the week before and didn’t cover.

11-22-2020, 06:31 PM
Updated thru 11.21:

Catmanjack +128 -13 = +115
Blueboss +117 -33 = +84
Catfan73 +76 +8 = +84
Flounder +12 +9 = +21
VirginiaCat +17
Yeager +3 -44 = -41
Kingcat -66
Doc -87 +10 = -77
Darrell -72 -44 = -116

This game is kind of humbling. I’m not very good at the other ones either but at least in this one I’m actually trying lol.

11-22-2020, 09:24 PM
I know for me the focus is the little things and how they happen like missing FG’s or like UC did not score.
And really there are two sides the fans side and the gamblers side.

11-22-2020, 09:46 PM
And it’s hard to be emotionless but that’s what it takes.

11-22-2020, 10:34 PM
Very much and no favorites on the gambling side.

11-23-2020, 05:06 PM
And it’s hard to be emotionless but that’s what it takes.

I had a few choice emotions watching the decisions the Cincy coach made... they came close to getting burned on the high snap, which I was really rooting for after the lay down and not scoring.

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11-29-2020, 11:21 AM
Watching the OK St running back kneel instead of scoring at the end yesterday was painful for a couple of us

11-30-2020, 12:15 PM
Updated thru 11.28:

Catmanjack +115 -44 = +71
Catfan73 +84 -33 = +51
Blueboss +84 -34 = +50
Flounder +21 -1 = +20
VirginiaCat +17
Yeager -41 -11 = -52
Kingcat -66
Doc -77 +10 = -67
Darrell -116 +9 = -107

12-09-2020, 06:19 PM
Updated thru 12.5:

Catmanjack +71 +50 = +121
Blueboss +50 +50 = +100
Catfan73 +51 +29 = +80
Flounder +20 +20 = +40
VirginiaCat +17
Yeager -52 -2 = -54
Kingcat -66
Doc -67 -33 = -100
Darrell -107 -34 = -141

Darrell KSR
12-09-2020, 08:44 PM
One of us is running away with it....in the wrong direction!

12-15-2020, 06:02 PM
Updated thru 12.12:

Catmanjack +121 -34 = +87
Blueboss +100 -13 = +87
Flounder +40 +30 = +70
Catfan73 +80 -55 = +25
VirginiaCat +17
Yeager -54 +8 = -46
Kingcat -66
Doc -100 +9 = -91
Darrell -141 -33 = -174

Might be time to try throwing darts at a dartboard for some of us. Not mentioning any names though Darrell.

Darrell KSR
12-15-2020, 08:55 PM
Something smells down there at the bottom, but I'm not sure what it is...

12-20-2020, 11:47 AM
Final regular season standings...Congratulations to Catmanjack! He led most of the way and managed to stay on top at the end, even doubling up on his closest competitor. Congrats also to the other three players who managed to end up in the black, Blueboss, VirginiaCat, and Flounder. VirginiaCat hasn't played in weeks and whether he meant to or not, demonstrated the pitfalls of gambling by not playing and finishing in the black. It's all for fun here though!

Catmanjack +87 -13 = +74
Blueboss +87 -55 = +32
VirginiaCat +17
Flounder +70 -55 = +15
Catfan73 +25 -55 = -30
Kingcat -66
Doc -91
Yeager -46 -55 = -101
Darrell -174 +50 = -124

12-20-2020, 12:40 PM
Congrats to CMJ!!

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Darrell KSR
12-20-2020, 01:05 PM
I must have had a lot of birdies!

Wait. Being "under par" here is bad? Who knew?

Darrell KSR
12-20-2020, 01:05 PM
And congrats, Catmanjack! Solid season!

12-20-2020, 03:47 PM
Well, at least I finished on the plus side anyway

12-20-2020, 07:23 PM
Again just enjoy the games and this one is very enjoyable.
Allows me to look across the country and look at other teams.
Thanks to the Host of these games without them they wouldn’t happen!