View Full Version : Bucks boycott game today vs Orlando Magic

08-26-2020, 03:39 PM
For the shooting of Jacob Blake. Keep in mind police shot the accused rapist in the back after he resisted arrest and reached into his car, possibly for a weapon.

08-26-2020, 03:56 PM
So the cops say, who have never been known to lie, now have they?

I've seen the video. It was cold blooded murder, just like that 17 year old white nationalist that thought it was his duty to go and protect Kenosha and shot 3 and killed 2. Somehow, protesting with guns, ignoring police is perfectly fine if you are white (Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan), but much less gets you a death sentence, without due process, if you are black.

Cops are going to keep killing black people, partnering with vigilante groups and inciting violence until they are held accountable.

Good for the Bucks and the next teams that will do this!

08-26-2020, 04:00 PM
The warrant says.....

The video says.....

I stated NOTHING the cops said. He had an arrest warrent for sexual assualt on a 14 yr old. That is not "the cops saying". It is public record.

And I watched the video where he resisted arrest, bulled his way to the car and reached in. That is not what the cops say. It is what the video shows

08-26-2020, 04:03 PM
But to the topic......

I have always said sports and politics are seperate entities, and should stay that way. I hold my business to the same standard. Don't bring politics in. Right time, right place

08-26-2020, 04:14 PM
Seven shots in the back with his three children in the car paints a very grim picture. That is certain.

08-26-2020, 04:15 PM
But to the topic......

I have always said sports and politics are seperate entities, and should stay that way. I hold my business to the same standard. Don't bring politics in. Right time, right place

There are no politics being played here.. when America can have the conversation that cops can handle these situations better and criminals will stop resisting arrest and well you know committing crimes, this will not get fixed

08-26-2020, 04:20 PM
So the cops say, who have never been known to lie, now have they?

I've seen the video. It was cold blooded murder, just like that 17 year old white nationalist that thought it was his duty to go and protect Kenosha and shot 3 and killed 2. Somehow, protesting with guns, ignoring police is perfectly fine if you are white (Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan), but much less gets you a death sentence, without due process, if you are black.

Cops are going to keep killing black people, partnering with vigilante groups and inciting violence until they are held accountable.

Good for the Bucks and the next teams that will do this!

Cold blooded murder? Newflash! The guy didn’t die.

08-26-2020, 04:50 PM
A boycott is an excellent idea. I think they should just boycott the rest of the playoffs


08-26-2020, 04:52 PM
Cold blooded murder? Newflash! The guy didn’t die.

Excuse me, I left out attempted.

The cops just got lucky he didn't die. Although not really, since they won't be held accountable like so many others.

08-26-2020, 05:01 PM
A boycott is an excellent idea. I think they should just boycott the rest of the playoffs


Amazingly enough, sounds like they’re seriously considering it.

08-26-2020, 05:04 PM
I have to disagree with Stu. You do what the guys in blue in authority with the guns tell you. Especially if you have a history of violence and weapons. And once lawlessness is accepted, Stu, lawlessness will escalate. The authorities who allow these criminals to riot are the ones I blame. That is why we have laws and a thin blue line to protect us. As for the boycott, well, that goes both ways. Pro sports gets nothing from me.

08-26-2020, 05:17 PM
All games postponed:


08-26-2020, 05:28 PM
The video shows a wanted criminal resisting arrest and reaching in the car. Seems the protesters want the police to wait and see if he wields a weapon. I would like to see these so called protestors put themselves in the police shoes and see if they would wait up until the criminal aims at weapon at them.

Based on what is happening there will be no more arrests on black criminals as it is a no win situation. The minute they resist arrest you have to let them go. I feel sorry the law abiding black citizens that will bear the brunt as their communities will become more and more unsafe.

Let’s not focus on the real problem let’s just boycott sports and have so called protests that are making our cities less safe. All citizens (black, white, hispanic) that have enough enough money will take their tax paying base elsewhere making the disparities worse. The democrats are using BLM and the protests to get elected. They could care less about the solving any of the problems.

As big sky says this is only going to escalate. How is that helping anybody?

08-26-2020, 05:33 PM
So the cops say, who have never been known to lie, now have they?

I've seen the video. It was cold blooded murder, just like that 17 year old white nationalist that thought it was his duty to go and protect Kenosha and shot 3 and killed 2. Somehow, protesting with guns, ignoring police is perfectly fine if you are white (Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan), but much less gets you a death sentence, without due process, if you are black.

Cops are going to keep killing black people, partnering with vigilante groups and inciting violence until they are held accountable.

Good for the Bucks and the next teams that will do this!

If you know it was cold blooded (attempted) murder, I have one question that you should be able to clarify for me. What did he fight through an officer to reach in and get out of his car?

08-26-2020, 05:37 PM
Brewers-Reds game postponed:


08-26-2020, 05:37 PM
Excuse me, I left out attempted.

The cops just got lucky he didn't die. Although not really, since they won't be held accountable like so many others.

The cops told him to stop multiple times. He refused. He was reaching for something I’m his car. What the hell are they supposed to do? Wait for him to possibly get a gun/weapon and then turn around and potentially use weapon on them or an innocent bystander? As your boy Biden would say, C’mon man!

08-26-2020, 05:51 PM
So the cops say, who have never been known to lie, now have they?

I've seen the video. It was cold blooded murder, just like that 17 year old white nationalist that thought it was his duty to go and protect Kenosha and shot 3 and killed 2. Somehow, protesting with guns, ignoring police is perfectly fine if you are white (Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan), but much less gets you a death sentence, without due process, if you are black.

Cops are going to keep killing black people, partnering with vigilante groups and inciting violence until they are held accountable.

Good for the Bucks and the next teams that will do this!

That's complete crap. He resisted arrest. Multiple calls for him to stop and he opens the car door and reaches into the floor board. Should they wait to be shot before shooting.

All he has to do is stop. It's that simple. If he does that simple thing he is alive today!!!

08-26-2020, 05:53 PM
Stu, you really should review the stats on shootings.
It doesn’t match your narrative.

So the cops say, who have never been known to lie, now have they?

I've seen the video. It was cold blooded murder, just like that 17 year old white nationalist that thought it was his duty to go and protect Kenosha and shot 3 and killed 2. Somehow, protesting with guns, ignoring police is perfectly fine if you are white (Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan), but much less gets you a death sentence, without due process, if you are black.

Cops are going to keep killing black people, partnering with vigilante groups and inciting violence until they are held accountable.

Good for the Bucks and the next teams that will do this!

08-26-2020, 05:53 PM
All games postponed:


Good grief. I haven't watched an NBA game and won't...ever again. Their ratings are tanking. I hope they go bankrupt.

08-26-2020, 05:57 PM
When criminals stop being criminals this will stop.
Has nothing to do with racism or white cops shooting blacks it’s cops trying to stop criminals and doing their job.

08-26-2020, 05:57 PM
Seven shots in the back with his three children in the car paints a very grim picture. That is certain.

It does.

But you know what the first thing you learn in dealing with the police?


In the Ky CCDW class they make it very clear that, right or wrong, you are to obey the officer's orders without presenting a threat in any way. If the officer is wrong there are avenues to address the issue later.

This guy resisted arrest for a warrant, then went reaching into his vehicle. the officers have to assume he's not grabbing for a Kleenex.

Now, as close as they were I wonder why not a taser, or take down move, etc., clearly there are a lot of questions and no doubt it's a bad look and warrants a thorough investigation.

But the surest way to not have that problem is when the officer says to step away from the car and put your hands up, you do it.

08-26-2020, 05:57 PM
Lebron will drop and China will bail them out.

Good grief. I haven't watched an NBA game and won't...ever again. Their ratings are tanking. I hope they go bankrupt.

08-26-2020, 06:13 PM
I feel sorry the law abiding black citizens that will bear the brunt as their communities will become more and more unsafe.

If they really cared about black lives, and hopefully everyone's life, the NBA players would walk out over every Chicago weekend when 15-30 minority Americans are shot and killed in raging gang violence while nothing is done to stop it. They would be protesting to have MORE police to stop little kids from being murdered in parks by rival gangs in drive by shootings, not to eliminate the cops.

how many hundreds of minorities are murdered every year in gang and drug and other criminal violence for each one killed by an officer? Where are the protests for that loss? Where are the calls to deal with these murderers?

where's the outrage over the lack of access to education and jobs that would do something to address the systemic poverty that is the real source of despair in these communities? No, they've burned down the businesses and driven out the cops who would protect people, then wonder why folks are suffering.

The everyday people in these areas btw know the truth, and do suffer with the lack of resources and support, meanwhile their plight has become a political football issue that fights for things in their name that have nothing to do with helping them in their daily lives.

08-26-2020, 06:13 PM
I mean they shot a guy in Minnesota who had a concealed carry, told the cops who stopped him, but when he went to get his registration they shot him. Emptied the clip. Because his hand went to his wallet which was near his licensed firearm. Officer was found not guilty. That is the reality of how dangerous interactions can be. Now think about a felon, the subject of the 911 call, history of violence and felony, ignoring police and reaching for something in his vehicle.

I know to keep my license and registration proof of insurance at the ready On the visor. Period. Hands on the wheel then up to visor. From Wiki:

On July 6, 2016, Philando Castile,[a] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-3) was a 32-year-old African American (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_American) man who was fatally shot during a traffic stop (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_stop) by police officer Jeronimo Yanez, a 28-year-old Hispanic (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hispanic) member of the St. Anthony, Minnesota (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Anthony,_Minnesota) police department.
Castile was driving with his partner, Diamond Reynolds, and her four-year-old daughter when at 9:00 p.m. he was pulled over by Yanez and another officer in Falcon Heights (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falcon_Heights,_Minnesota), a suburb of Saint Paul, Minnesota (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Paul,_Minnesota).[3] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-PheiferPeck-4)[4] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-Chappell-5) After being asked for his license and registration, Castile told Officer Yanez that he had a licensed firearm. After a brief exchange in which Yanez told Castile "not to reach for it" and Castile replied that he would not,[5] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-6) Yanez fired seven close-range shots at Castile, hitting him five times.[6] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-Expert-7) Castile died of his wounds at 9:37 p.m. at Hennepin County Medical Center (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hennepin_County_Medical_Center), about 20 minutes after being shot.[7] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-HennCty-8)
Reynolds posted a live stream video (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_streaming) on Facebook (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook) in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, and the incident quickly gained national interest.[8] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-:3-9)[9] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-MillerLoweryBever-10) Local and national protests formed, and five months after the incident, Yanez was charged with second-degree manslaughter (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manslaughter) and two counts of dangerous discharge of a firearm.[10] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-11) After five days of deliberation, he was acquitted of all charges in a jury trial on June 16, 2017.[11] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-:0-12)[12] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-13) After the verdict, Yanez was immediately fired by the City of Saint Anthony.[13] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile#cite_note-14) Wrongful death lawsuits against the City brought by Reynolds and Castile's family were settled for $3.8 million.

08-26-2020, 06:39 PM
I hope the owners boycott paying them. I stopped watching and listening to anything they have to say. Their opinions mean nothing to me. Again, I don’t personally know any professional athletes, so why would I follow their lead or take their advice in anything other than sports. I would listen to what they have to say about a fast break, or defensive set etc.

I have enjoyed watching MLB because there hasn’t been any protests or uniform messages in any of the games I’ve watched.

Really sad to see social issues bleed into sports and other entertainment avenues.

In regards to the WI shooting, I thought I had heard the police responded to a domestic violence situation involving a convicted felon, and there were children involved. So the guy disregards the police order to stop, he resisted and reached suspiciously into a vehicle with children in back seat. The LEO had an obligation to protect those children first and foremost and then themselves too. I keep hearing a lot about how horrific it was that the shooting happened in front of the children, How horrific would it have been if the LEO backed off and let the violent felon drive off with children in the car?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-26-2020, 06:40 PM
7 shots to the back is grim....almost as grim as a 29 yr old man sexually assaulting somebody.

In 2015, he pulled a gun on a cop. Of course the cops may not have known that (although they likely did when they pulled up his history when checking the warrant)


https://greatgameindia.com/jacob-blake-arrest-warrant/#Jacob_Blake_charged_with_sexual_assault_issued_ar rest_warrant

This from his arrest in 2015: Not the first resisting arrest, and has a history of pulling a gun

Jacob Blake, 24, of Racine, was charged Monday in Racine County Circuit Court with one felony count of*resisting arrest causing a soft tissue injury to a police officer and one misdemeanor count each of carrying a concealed weapon, carrying a firearm while intoxicated, endangering safety-use of a dangerous weapon, and disorderly conduct. If convicted, he will face up to 8-1/2 years in prison and/or up to $50,000 in fines.

According to the criminal complaint, Blake and two women were at the Brass Monkey tavern, 1436 Junction Avenue, Saturday when Blake got into an argument with another patron and pulled a black handgun. Blake pointed the gun at the other man, and the magazine fell to the floor. The bartender told Blake to leave, and he did but then pointed the gun through the window at patrons inside the bar before walking south on Junction Avenue.

Police say they encountered a woman walking on Junction who was in the bar with Blake, but she said she didn’t know what happened and that her friends left without her in a silver SUV. A few moments later, officers were advised that a silver SUV was traveling north on Junction with a male subject driving who matched the description of Blake, and they initiated a traffic stop in the 1200 block of Racine Avenue.

Believing the driver was armed, police conducted a high risk traffic stop, the complaint reads, and ordered Blake to put his hands out the window of the vehicle. Instead, Blake exited the SUV and started walking toward officers and ignored commands to get down on the ground. Officers forced Blake to the ground and ordered him to put his hands behind his back. When Blake refused to comply, K9 Dozer was deployed to force the defendant into compliance.

08-26-2020, 06:56 PM
It does.

But you know what the first thing you learn in dealing with the police?


In the Ky CCDW class they make it very clear that, right or wrong, you are to obey the officer's orders without presenting a threat in any way. If the officer is wrong there are avenues to address the issue later.

This guy resisted arrest for a warrant, then went reaching into his vehicle. the officers have to assume he's not grabbing for a Kleenex.

Now, as close as they were I wonder why not a taser, or take down move, etc., clearly there are a lot of questions and no doubt it's a bad look and warrants a thorough investigation.

But the surest way to not have that problem is when the officer says to step away from the car and put your hands up, you do it.

He had already been tased, to no effect.

08-26-2020, 07:01 PM
7 shots to the back is grim....almost as grim as a 29 yr old man sexually assaulting somebody.

In 2015, he pulled a gun on a cop. Of course the cops may not have known that (although they likely did when they pulled up his history when checking the warrant)


https://greatgameindia.com/jacob-blake-arrest-warrant/#Jacob_Blake_charged_with_sexual_assault_issued_ar rest_warrant

This from his arrest in 2015: Not the first resisting arrest, and has a history of pulling a gun

They knew he had a history of being armed, and pulling guns on law enforcement. 7 shots may seem excessive, but the training is shoot until the threat is neutralized.

08-26-2020, 08:05 PM
It does.

But you know what the first thing you learn in dealing with the police?


In the Ky CCDW class they make it very clear that, right or wrong, you are to obey the officer's orders without presenting a threat in any way. If the officer is wrong there are avenues to address the issue later.

This guy resisted arrest for a warrant, then went reaching into his vehicle. the officers have to assume he's not grabbing for a Kleenex.

Now, as close as they were I wonder why not a taser, or take down move, etc., clearly there are a lot of questions and no doubt it's a bad look and warrants a thorough investigation.

But the surest way to not have that problem is when the officer says to step away from the car and put your hands up, you do it.

He was not restrained and walked at normal speed from one side of the car to the other. No attempt was made to restrain him until that moment he reached for the car door. Terrible and indecisive police work which led to the police Severely and intentionally endangering the lives of three children. And of those seven shots in the back it is a small miracle one did not strike a child. Either with a child rushing to help their daddy or a stray bounce off a hard surface If there is no gun and no record of armed violence it is murder imho and was entirely avoidable.

08-26-2020, 08:06 PM
Great nothing to do tonight, and no sports on TV. Might as well go rob a liquor store.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-26-2020, 08:12 PM
Good grief. I haven't watched an NBA game and won't...ever again. Their ratings are tanking. I hope they go bankrupt.

Don’t worry. China will bail out the NBA.

08-26-2020, 08:25 PM
He was not restrained and walked at normal speed from one side of the car to the other. No attempt was made to restrain him until that moment he reached for the car door. Terrible and indecisive police work which led to the police Severely and intentionally endangering the lives of three children. And of those seven shots in the back it is a small miracle one did not strike a child. Either with a child rushing to help their daddy or a stray bounce off a hard surface If there is no gun and no record of armed violence it is murder imho and was entirely avoidable.

When in the world do people have any responsibility for their own actions? Ever?

He has a history of resisting arrest and ignoring police instructions, and did so again. Like I said maybe they had opportunity to use less lethal means, I haven't read enough to know either way, but I do know if he had simply obeyed the officers he's live, the kids are safe and the law was upheld.

As for the safety of the kids, what about his endangering them? What responsibility does he have to not ignore the officers and take an action that could be seen as a threat with kids in his car?

It's like someone robbing a store, taking off on a high speed chase with a baby in the car and blaming the officers for not just letting him drive away b/c it endangered the child.

No, he endangered those kids. Given the nature of the warrant do you really think he's putting their interests first?

I'm tired up to my eyeballs with the victim society, where nothing is the fault of the person making the decisions that get them into trouble but somehow is on others to accommodate their poor decisions over and over as if they are helpless.

The officer may have had other, better options for the arrest, and if so then that will be addressed, but it's abundantly clear this man was disobeying the officers in the service of a warrant for violent behavior and he had a history of violence and of being armed, yet once again made decisions to put himself in a bad place.

My personal bet is that the officer did a poor job of controlling the situation and then had to resort to lethal force when it may have been avoided, but it's hard to know that for sure as it's not like he was going to get a commendation for wrestling him down with a choke hold and dragging him into a cruiser either. It's for certain however that had this man obeyed the law, which is to follow the instructions of a law enforcement officer when given, he would be fine right now.

This is wholly different from the floyd situation where the man was no longer a threat and the officer continued to choke him. That was a clear outrage of behavior, I don't know anyone who defended it, but this was a far more difficult situation and much more a shared responsibility.

08-26-2020, 08:35 PM
Apparently Blake himself said he had a knife in the floorboard of the vehicle? And yes, he was tased but it had no effect, so non-lethal means to subdue him were attempted.


08-26-2020, 09:25 PM
Blake could have avoided all of this by complying with law enforcement. This is what happens in a society with no individual responsibility.

08-26-2020, 09:55 PM
It was at best shoddy unprofessional police work that actually facilitated the result And likely much worse. But that much at least should be pointed out imho. No way under the sun do you allow someone you are arresting to slowly walk away from you around a vehicle you know is his and contains three of his children. What is the explanation for that? Especially if you believe he is potentially a violent criminal.
Because that’s when physical force was used, not before. Did they believe he was going to check air in his tires? And why does the supporting officer back away from the situation before shots were fired? Perhaps that is procedure I don’t know, but the whole thing was a law enforcement fiasco.

08-26-2020, 09:55 PM
It was at best shoddy unprofessional police work that actually facilitated the result And likely much worse. But that much at least should be pointed out imho. No way under the sun do you allow someone you are arresting to slowly walk away from you around a vehicle you know is his and contains three of his children. What is the explanation for that? Especially if you believe he is potentially a violent criminal.
Because that’s when physical force was used, not before. Did they believe he was going to check air in his tires? And why does the supporting officer back away from the situation before shots were fired? Perhaps that is procedure I don’t know, but the whole thing was a law enforcement fiasco.

08-26-2020, 10:01 PM
He was not restrained and walked at normal speed from one side of the car to the other. No attempt was made to restrain him until that moment he reached for the car door. Terrible and indecisive police work which led to the police Severely and intentionally endangering the lives of three children. And of those seven shots in the back it is a small miracle one did not strike a child. Either with a child rushing to help their daddy or a stray bounce off a hard surface If there is no gun and no record of armed violence it is murder imho and was entirely avoidable.

Reports are the police had tasered him,...after he escaped from the restraint, and the video supports that. Perhaps the new "easy restraint" the police now use due to current events may not have been aggressive enough. He also had a history of pulling a gun on law enforcement.

Perhaps the police training is what resulted in the children not getting struck, not some miracle.

Terrible and indecicive is the exact response I expect with all the police tactic reforms and defunding.

08-26-2020, 10:14 PM
I truly do not get the support for these life long criminal it blows my mind how some never mention the crimes they commit, the guy had a warrant for raping a 14 year old girl.
Stop the support

08-26-2020, 10:42 PM
The video speaks for itself. He was unarmed and outmanned. They have to make the arrest and charge the man. Don’t halfheartedly chase him with a gun into his family vehicle and pop seven caps into his back with three kids in it. It is very likely he had no intention of endangering is own kids and was instead convinced they and he were in danger.
He was right.

08-26-2020, 11:14 PM
I truly do not get the support for these life long criminal it blows my mind how some never mention the crimes they commit, the guy had a warrant for raping a 14 year old girl.
Stop the support

I had no idea he was already proven guilty. What blows my mind is the mindset of some that the police are above the law. I support law enforcement and have many friends who are career Troopers and officers.

Because of them I also know there is an equal number of bad eggs percentage wise in law enforcement as the general population.
I know what my friends would have done..they would have taken him down on his first step. And would not have fired into that car with three kids in there.

08-26-2020, 11:42 PM
Reportedly the Clippers and Lakers don't want to play any more games.

08-27-2020, 01:33 AM
Reportedly the Clippers and Lakers don't want to play any more games.

They should forfeit their series to the Mavericks and Trailblazers then. Hypocrite Lebron can take his area home for all I care.

08-27-2020, 06:06 AM
I truly do not get the support for these life long criminal it blows my mind how some never mention the crimes they commit, the guy had a warrant for raping a 14 year old girl.
Stop the support

The rape of a 14 yr old is not correct. Is fake. He was convicted of pulling a gun etc, but not rape. The current warrant was for domestic assault

08-27-2020, 06:08 AM
The video speaks for itself. He was unarmed and outmanned. They have to make the arrest and charge the man. Don’t halfheartedly chase him with a gun into his family vehicle and pop seven caps into his back with three kids in it. It is very likely he had no intention of endangering is own kids and was instead convinced they and he were in danger.
He was right.

The video does speak for itself. The prep was subdued and restrained, but he resisted and escaped. What part the new approach where "excessive force" lands a police officer in jail played, who knows. The video also shows police used a tazer. That is shown too. What is also shown is the police let him walk away when he escaped restraint...exactly like many leftist suggested the ATL police should have done concerning Rayshard Brooks. They let let him walk until he reached into his car, potentially for a weapon. They told him NOT to get in the car (poss because they had a concern about a weapon. Of course they did not express that concern in low tones), which he also ignored. Based on your extensive police training and constantly working with people who will lie, and many who want to hurt or kill you, what exactly is the appropriate next step?

So in the last few months, liberals demand less aggressive restraint (done), use of nonlethal means (done, with a taser), let perpetrators who escape restraint walk away (done), but when they potentially reach for a weapon in their car the police should do exactly what? What do younwant them to do? Perhaps a "time out"?

08-27-2020, 07:13 AM
Sorry I stand corrected, the media seems to always report false information.

08-27-2020, 07:35 AM
Sorry I stand corrected, the media seems to always report false information.

They have an agenda.

08-27-2020, 08:00 AM
What media reported that? All media?

That’s a serious question as I am in Pigeon Forge and not watching any news. I only have sporadic phone service?

08-27-2020, 08:30 AM
The video speaks for itself. He was unarmed and outmanned. They have to make the arrest and charge the man. Don’t halfheartedly chase him with a gun into his family vehicle and pop seven caps into his back with three kids in it. It is very likely he had no intention of endangering is own kids and was instead convinced they and he were in danger.
He was right.

The video does not speak for itself. Criminal investigations involve much more even when a video exists. If the video is all that is needed for you to form a conclusion, tell me what he was reaching for in his car. That is an essential question to be answered, and since you believe the video is all that is needed please answer that for me.

08-27-2020, 09:50 AM
Sorry I stand corrected, the media seems to always report false information.

No biggie. It is has been reported but the fact that both the media and social media will lie makes me want to take nothing posted as factual. Sort of like Trump wanting people to inject bleach, something never said... or that he praised white supremacist in Charlottesville (a group he SPECIFICALLY denounced and excluded as having a good point of view).... or the Biden wanting to raise taxes on everybody (he just wants in on 80 plus % of the population, not all)

08-27-2020, 09:51 AM
What media reported that? All media?

That’s a serious question as I am in Pigeon Forge and not watching any news. I only have sporadic phone service?

it was not the main stream media. Even if it was true, they would stay away from that because it makes him look bad. it is a facebook rumor.

08-27-2020, 10:06 AM
https://scontent.fmia1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/118159013_739285109966682_5334047305302801530_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=580MgFwirAoAX81mVPT&_nc_ht=scontent.fmia1-1.fna&tp=6&oh=79f9d3a9dbbe500c61b4c9471f593b8e&oe=5F6F4BB8

Wonder what that is in his hand?

08-27-2020, 10:10 AM
The issue is these are life long criminals and honestly deserve no support.

08-27-2020, 10:18 AM
Lack of personal responsibility led to this. You may not like the police for a myriad of reasons, but when you don’t comply with their requests in a situation like this, you open Pandora’s Box and it won’t end well for you...

https://scontent.fmia1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p526x296/118159013_739285109966682_5334047305302801530_n.jp g?_nc_cat=1&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=580MgFwirAoAX81mVPT&_nc_ht=scontent.fmia1-1.fna&tp=6&oh=79f9d3a9dbbe500c61b4c9471f593b8e&oe=5F6F4BB8

Wonder what that is in his hand?

08-27-2020, 11:21 AM
Had to chase this thread down to post.

Woj reporting players have officially voted to resume playoffs.

08-27-2020, 11:28 AM
Lack of personal responsibility led to this. You may not like the police for a myriad of reasons, but when you don’t comply with their requests in a situation like this, you open Pandora’s Box and it won’t end well for you...

Hey....I like the police. I support the police. My daughter and her husband are both in law enforcement (he as an officer, she in dispatch but attempting to get into crime scene investigation). Plus my wife is in law enforcement at the federal level.

I don't carry a knife or a gun. If an officer pulls me over, I do anything he requests (and that is not after I hide my pot, my gun or my paraphernalia). I taught me kids the same.

08-27-2020, 11:31 AM
It was at best shoddy unprofessional police work that actually facilitated the result And likely much worse. But that much at least should be pointed out imho. No way under the sun do you allow someone you are arresting to slowly walk away from you around a vehicle you know is his and contains three of his children. What is the explanation for that? Especially if you believe he is potentially a violent criminal.
Because that’s when physical force was used, not before. Did they believe he was going to check air in his tires? And why does the supporting officer back away from the situation before shots were fired? Perhaps that is procedure I don’t know, but the whole thing was a law enforcement fiasco.

First, what "facilitated" that was a guy breaking his restraining order for domestic violence.

Second, I'm all ears, what would you have had the officers to. We know they tased him to no effect, and ordered him to not proceed.

So they've told him what to do, tased him when he didn't comply and now he's walking away but otherwise not threatening them. What do they do next that, when shown on captured cell phone video, you think they did a great job as officers?

B/c I suspect if your answer is to wrestle him to the ground as he struggles, hold him and cuff him, you would be wondering why they did that when he was only walking away in a non-threatening manner.

08-27-2020, 11:53 AM
Doc you already covered my post well.

They told him what to do, he ignored it.

They restrained him, tased him, he got loose.

They let him walk away as he wasn't being threatening. Then he turned into a threat (remember he has a documented case of waving a gun at people).

Now what do they do?

it's a no win situation if you just absolve the person making ALL of the active decisions in the case of any responsibility for his/her actions. The police can't possibly make a right decision I guess other than just leave and let the guy go beat his wife/girlfriend/kids or whatever.

BTW, I can't wait to see the first social worker showing up in these situations as part of defunding the cops. Going to be tough going up against some half drunk guy with a weapon when you have a clipboard.

08-27-2020, 01:17 PM
Hey....I like the police. I support the police. My daughter and her husband are both in law enforcement (he as an officer, she in dispatch but attempting to get into crime scene investigation). Plus my wife is in law enforcement at the federal level.

I don't carry a knife or a gun. If an officer pulls me over, I do anything he requests (and that is not after I hide my pot, my gun or my paraphernalia). I taught me kids the same.

In the last few years, anytime I get pulled over, I roll down my window and place both of my hands out on the door where the officer can see them. All officers have been very appreciative of this action.

08-27-2020, 01:30 PM
You don’t tase someone not under arrest. Nor do you allow someone under arrest to slowly walk away from you and circle a car to the drivers door. If he was under arrest the two officers should have subdued him.

But you certainly do not fire seven shots into a vehicle with three kids in it on suspicion he may gain access to a weapon. You prepare for the worst and attempt to negotiate the safe release of the children. It is a terrible look for these officers.

08-27-2020, 01:40 PM
You don’t tase someone not under arrest. They were attempting to arrest him. He had a warrant. It was not the officers who issued the warrant, but a judge based on a complaint from the wife/girlfriend... Are you suggesting the time to tase somebody is AFTER they are arrested? I suspect if the police were tazering people after arresting them then everybody would be up in arms, INCLUDING ME. Why the hell would you tazer somebody who is under arrest?

Nor do you allow someone under arrest to slowly walk away from you and circle a car to the drivers door. If he was under arrest the two officers should have subdued him.They allowed him to walk away likely because in a post Rayshaun Brooks era, that is what you are suppose to do. You remember Brooks, the guy who resisted arrest, escaped after grabbing the officers tazer an pointed it at them while running away... and was "unjustly" shot because the police should have let him go!!

But you certainly do not fire seven shots into a vehicle with three kids in it on suspicion he may gain access to a weapon. You prepare for the worst and attempt to negotiate the safe release of the children. It is a terrible look for these officers. How about you don't go into a car with your children when officers specifically direct you not to. 7 shots that didn't kill vs 1 shot that does? Take the 7 nonlethal ones. Add that there were 2 officers. Did one shoot all 7 or did one shoot 3 and the other 4? Is 4 shots too many? Guess it depends on if he was no longer a threat.

08-27-2020, 01:43 PM
In the last few years, anytime I get pulled over, I roll down my window and place both of my hands out on the door where the officer can see them. All officers have been very appreciative of this action.

Me as well. I also turn on my dome light, and turn off the windshield wipers if its raining. I also speak clearly and respectfully. Officers treated respectfully often return the courtesy.

08-27-2020, 01:44 PM
Personal responsibility.....it seems to be evading some on this board too....

They were attempting to arrest him. He had a warrant. It was not the officers who issued the warrant, but a judge based on a complaint from the wife/girlfriend... Are you suggesting the time to tase somebody is AFTER they are arrested? I suspect if the police were tazering people after arresting them then everybody would be up in arms, INCLUDING ME. Why the hell would you tazer somebody who is under arrest?

They allowed him to walk away likely because in a post Rayshaun Brooks era, that is what you are suppose to do. You remember Brooks, the guy who resisted arrest, escaped after grabbing the officers tazer an pointed it at them while running away... and was "unjustly" shot because the police should have let him go!!

How about you don't go into a car with your children when officers specifically direct you not to. 7 shots that didn't kill vs 1 shot that does? Take the 7 nonlethal ones. Add that there were 2 officers. Did one shoot all 7 or did one shoot 3 and the other 4? Is 4 shots too many? Guess it depends on if he was no longer a threat.

08-27-2020, 02:03 PM
You don’t tase someone not under arrest. Nor do you allow someone under arrest to slowly walk away from you and circle a car to the drivers door. If he was under arrest the two officers should have subdued him.

That's a non-answer. You just magically "subdue him". Of course, I presume with their department issued magic wands?

Do they tackle him? Risk him grabbing one of their sidearms in the process? If he resists and struggles do they let him go again or do they choke hold him or use a baton?

You're all about what they shouldn't have done. Let's hear how they avoid that by what they SHOULD have done. They tried physically restraining him, he got loose. They tried tasing him, didn't work.

Do they break out the old school batons and cap his knees? Just shoot him in the knees as he walks off? Run and tackle him to the ground and wrestle him? You good with the video showing cops jumping a guy walking away, choke holding him, cuffing him and dragging him to the car all b/c he showed up to his girlfriend's but did nothing else wrong?

I presume if they tackled him, he got a gun and it discharged and hit a child in that car it would be the police's fault then too.

So far your advice seems to be you let him get whatever in the car and just hope he doesn't hold the kids hostage or hurt them, given your "negotiate safe release" comment. So you let a guy under a domestic violence charge, with a history of such, who just violated the restraining order, get back into the car with the kids in it and possibly a weapon? That's the safer way to protect the kids?

You're doing a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking. They run the ball and it fails well duh they should have passed. They pass and it's dropped duh they should have run it. Hard to be wrong with your approach b/c no matter which way it goes the cops would still be in the wrong, but never the guy who a) behaved bad enough to have a DV charge and restraining order, and then b) broke the restraining order, and then c) refused to comply with the officers who were CALLED to the scene to enforce it.

This guy is apparently a physical abuser with at least one past incident of threatening people with a deadly weapon who didn't make a SINGLE correct or legal decision in this process, yet somehow it's the cop's fault for how it turned out. Wow.

08-27-2020, 02:12 PM
And fwiw I'm still not defending what they did. Like I said I haven't watched everything or read everything and I don't know their procedures, if they called for backup or should have, etc.

And yes I would hope there is a way to subdue this guy without multiple gunshot wounds, but I have a pretty good sense that, at every decision point in this process, this guy chose the wrong one and the one that was illegal and increasingly put the officers in a tighter and tigher corner of options.

08-27-2020, 04:39 PM
Had to chase this thread down to post.

Woj reporting players have officially voted to resume playoffs.

Thank God for that. The country would not have survived if they had voted to abandon play.

08-27-2020, 05:22 PM
What is the significance of guys not playing or practicing?

How is that helping? Not that playing or practicing is directly impacting improving race relations.

Not sure where this is headed. Doesn’t look good.

08-27-2020, 05:23 PM
I say fans to boycott sporting event, owners lose money players do not get paid.

08-27-2020, 10:16 PM
I’m scared if a cop tells me something calmly, much less if they were arresting me. That’s why I wouldn’t get shot, maybe roughed up but zero resistance. Even Floyd resisted didn’t he? What is our world with no authority, do you want to live in that world? As for the nba I love it because I love watching great athletes, and basketball is beautiful to me always. As for their stance I think they messed up, for not being able to differentiate this from say even the Floyd deal where he shouldn’t have died. This guy struck me as a dead man when he reached in the car before I knew he had been tazed. But I’m disappointed that if they feel so strong about change that they didn’t leave the bubble and the season and make the sacrifice because it may have had some ears but now it won’t. They have to quit saying they are sick of seeing black people killed and start giving specific solutions to the problem. I’ve not heard much in regard to solutions and that’s what I want to be educated on.

08-27-2020, 10:50 PM
The solution they do not want to face because it means dealing with the inner city streets and clearing out the gangs and drugs.
If there are no police every city in America will be run as Portland, Seattle and Chicago.
Gang war for turf will increase 1000% as these gang will force the citizens to pay huge taxes for safety.
America is at a cross roads!

08-29-2020, 09:39 AM
Thank God for that. The country would not have survived if they had voted to abandon play.

Apparently a sub group met with Barry Obama who offered advice.

08-29-2020, 10:16 AM
This will stop when people who have warrants or violate the law stop resisting arrest. Perhaps the black community should also focus within, and work with law enforcement, as opposed to againt law enforcement. Perhaps they should work within their communities and encourage proper methods to interact with law enforcement rather than having them continue to make dumb decision after dumb decision (ie resisting arrest, not doing as asked, taking control of an officers weapon). Oh, and throwing bricks, contrete and other foreign material at them, or pointing lasers at their eyes to blind them, or locking them in a building you're are lighting on fire are probably not recommended either. In other words show them some respect for doing their job and maybe they will do the same

08-29-2020, 11:02 AM
This will stop when people who have warrants or violate the law stop resisting arrest. Perhaps the black community should also focus within, and work with law enforcement, as opposed to againt law enforcement.

It would be difficult to teach drug dealers, thieves, winos, dope heads, etc to make good decisions in the presence of LEOs. They know if they are caught doing what they love doing, they will lose their freedom top keep doing those things