View Full Version : National Federation of High School re: theatre, performing arts/aerosol study

Darrell KSR
08-12-2020, 04:22 PM
I still receive a lot of emails from my days with High School Athletics and Performing Arts, being on the Athletics*Booster Board, etc.**Anyway, a big concern of mine is not only sports but also indoor theatre, as my daughter is in her senior year in Performing Arts herself.

I found this article interesting that was emailed to me from the national Federation of high school*associations showing how high schools could engage in Performing Arts and the steps necessary to protect everyone. A lot of common sense, but some other things that I had not yet read.

https://www.nfhs.org/aerosol-study-offers-strategies-for-conducting-high-school-performing-arts-programs/?utm_source=delivra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=The%20Voice%20-%20August%2012&utm_id=2345295&utm_term=Aerosol+Study+Offers+Strategies+for+Condu cting+High+School+Performing+Arts+Programs&dlv-emuid=31cc12d7-9050-4abc-8d96-4667db236ab6&dlv-mlid=2345295**