View Full Version : Iowa Black Football Players Dare Their Fans: Support Kneeling During Anthem Or Exit

06-08-2020, 06:08 PM
This will run rampant through pro AND college sports this year and I will care not at all.



06-08-2020, 06:15 PM
I can't take a knee during the anthem. I think protesting police brutality and abuse is a legitimate cause. But the knee upsets me.

It upsets me less when Kaperneck is juxtaposed with Derek Chauvin's putting his boot on Floyd's neck. The two are in almost the same pose.

06-08-2020, 09:11 PM
Whynisnit when blacks find things offensive, they change. You know, things like the Confederate flag, or Southern war hero statues, etc.... but kneeling during the National Anthem, which I and many other Americans find offensive is OK...and encouraged. That flag represents in, part my relatives who gave their lives for this country. And when you don't stand it is disrespectful to them

06-08-2020, 10:09 PM
It would be an easy decision for me if they gave me that choice. I would leave and not come back and would not be a fan any more! They'd change their if they had to play in an empty stadium. Don't they realize that fans pay all the expenses for their uniforms, the equipment they use and much more besides that?

06-08-2020, 10:36 PM
Those that chose to kneel during the anthem have the right, I chose to stand proudly with my hand over my heart which is my right.

... I also chose to not watch any NFL games because I find the disrespect to our flag and the country it represents offensive. NFL players are just that, NFL players. They are not heroes or role models, they are athletes playing a game for our entertainment and amusement , and they are well compensated

I am not amused, so I don’t watch.

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