View Full Version : Media/Liberals Label Trump Racist Had No Problem With Sharpton/Obama Friendship

06-06-2020, 07:02 AM
I equate Al Sharpton (calling him a Reverend is a disgrace) with KKK leader David Duke. Both make no bones of their racism. During Obama’s tenure Sharpton visited the White House at least 50 times (some say 80+ times). If Trump met one time with a white supremacist for advice....how would it go?


06-06-2020, 10:38 AM
Sharpton is as racist and a baiter as there ever was.

06-06-2020, 11:13 AM
A race hustler better describes A.S. imo. I think he would buddy up to a brain eating, Albino zombie for self benefit.

But however he got there, he was the voice of most of Black Americans and had great influence.
I personally see President OBama as having little choice but to keep him close. It was a unique situation in American history...perhaps the most socially unique in that short history.

That said, comparing the two is to romanticize White Supremecy. Here are ideals of David Duke and the Klan...terribly skewed and painted in it's best light.

"Ideals of the Ku Klux Klan."

THIS IS A WHITE MAN'S ORGANIZATION, exalting the Caucasian Race and teaching the doctrine of White Supremacy. This does not mean that we are enemies of the colored and mongrel races. But it does mean that we are organized to establish the solidarity and to realize the mission of the White Race. All of Christian Civilization depends upon the preservation and upbuilding of the White Race, and it is the mission of the Ku Klux Klan to proclaim this doctrine until the White Race shall come into its own.

WE STAND FOR WHITE SUPREMACY. Distinction among the races is not accidental but designed. This is clearly brought out in the one book that tells authoritatively of the origin of the races. This distinction is not incidental, but is of the vastest import and indicates the wisdom of the divine mind. It is not temporary but is as abiding as the ages that have not yet ceased to roll. The supremacy of the White Race must be maintained, or be overwhelmed by the rising tide of color.

As for Mr Trump..no comment

06-06-2020, 11:50 AM
Can’t stand al sharpton. Huge pariah and general loudmouth.

Klan is bad. Worse than sharpton.

I think they can all go to hell. But klan and nazis are worse than just an opportunistic race Baiter

06-06-2020, 12:05 PM
There are so many better people to represent the black community without him being the mouthpiece. IMO its a shame he "represents" so many becuase I think more of people than I do of him. He is a schiester and huckster.

06-06-2020, 12:29 PM
There are so many better people to represent the black community without him being the mouthpiece. IMO its a shame he "represents" so many becuase I think more of people than I do of him. He is a schiester and huckster.

I agree Doc.

06-06-2020, 05:19 PM
To me he is the political equivalent of Dick Vitale. Just not somebody to be taken seriously because of some underlying, self promoting agenda.