View Full Version : Redux: Seriously may REALLY be China's fault

04-15-2020, 08:00 PM
Increasing reports this may have actually come from a Wuhan Virology lab. Not as a bioweapon but due to faulty procedures that allowed Patient Zero to be infected and then he went around town.

The virus lab is close to the wet market. Apparently that market doesn't sell bats. The virus lab we know from 2 years ago was doing work on coronoviruses from bats.

It explains the coverup even more, and the reason they didn't want this getting out publicly and disappeared doctors and others.

Not for sure yet, but 2+2 sure seems to be adding up to 4.

If that's the case then I'm sorry but IMO no other world leader or country or UN entity really gets a ton of blame compared to the Everest size blame going to China. They get a mountain of it regardless, but this is a whole other scale. We can examine what we or Italy or WHO did wrong, but compared to China's culpability I'd say everyone else is at "questioning" while China is on "blame".

And no that's not a defense of Trump. It's just pointing out that we MUST respond to this Chinese regime and their actions. the message it sends is not that Trump did a great job, but that Trump's and anyone else calling for us to treat China as a mortal enemy not only of the US but of the world needs to be heeded and we must take serious actions to purge this country of their corrupt influence.


04-15-2020, 08:03 PM
Forgot to say, if this part is true they are guilty of mass murder:

China "100 percent" suppressed data and changed data, the sources tell Fox News. Samples were destroyed, contaminated areas scrubbed, some early reports erased, and academic articles stifled.

In the six days after top Chinese officials secretly determined they likely were facing a pandemic from a new coronavirus, the city of Wuhan at the epicenter of the disease hosted a mass banquet for tens of thousands of people; millions began traveling through for Lunar New Year celebrations..

If this is what happened it means China would have already had valuable research and information on this strain which they either did not share or outright destroyed.

Remember when they somewhat quickly had the genetic sequencing to give to the world? What if they had it before the virus was even released? That would make more sense to me, though Pedro is the expert on that part.

Seriously, this is mass murder if they had a containment breach and covered it up, pushed to not have travel restrictions, etc.

04-15-2020, 08:14 PM
I am a bit surprised that there was anyone that had anyone doubt a month ago.

04-15-2020, 08:19 PM
I am a bit surprised that there was anyone that had anyone doubt a month ago.

I was sure they were responsible for delays and stonewalling and hiding the truth and pressuring WHO to not act.

But if it's true the thing got out from their lab that means they REALLY knew exactly what they were up against immediately and didn't have to put 2 and 2 together, and that their coverup wasn't just to avoid bad PR but to hide their unleashing this on the world.

One is really bad, the other is beyond comprehension to the point the whole world should form an embargo and force the government's collapse.

04-15-2020, 09:08 PM
It looks like exactly what I suspected, and stated early. Virus got out of the virology institute. Not one that was manipulated, spliced, re-engineered, etc, but in the raw state. Whether it was intended to eventually be weaponized or if it was just there for research, who knows, but I wasn't buying the it came from a bat that lives hundreds of miles away that somebody killed and brought to Woo-han and sold at a market. Makes more sense it came from a virus storing faclity less than 15 miles away

04-16-2020, 08:46 AM
Regardless of how it started, it spun out of control because China (a) didn't properly contain it and (b) concealed information on it. And the WHO was its willing accomplice. Hundreds of thousands will have died and trillions in capital will have been squandered because China wouldn't do the right thing at the beginning. Eventually there needs to be a reckoning on this.

04-16-2020, 12:26 PM
Everybody is banging on libertarians these days, but libertarians didn’t create a new virus because they could. Government did that. And all those movies where government saves the day? Meet the new reality.

04-18-2020, 09:59 AM
Another black mark for China on the world, or at least the southeast Asian stage. And the UN stands idly by contemplating it's navel.


Indonesia does not view the Chinamen fondly either (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/31/world/asia/Indonesia-south-china-sea-fishing.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article)

04-18-2020, 10:14 AM
Speaking of movies, I feel like I’m living in Demolition Man. Living in bubbles, no touching, naming off of all the diseases that made it that way....

Everybody is banging on libertarians these days, but libertarians didn’t create a new virus because they could. Government did that. And all those movies where government saves the day? Meet the new reality.

04-18-2020, 08:04 PM
I still believe it was likely North Korea's Christmas present. Fits like a glove.

The only safe haven would be a completely isolated country. And it safely doesn't fit the mold of a weaponized virus..also China was convenient for being used to casually deliver it.

04-18-2020, 09:03 PM
I don't think China intentionally turned this thing loose on the world, but since it is loose and has caused so much destruction to the economies of most of the countries in the world, I think they may have tried to take advantage of it for economic reasons.

04-19-2020, 02:55 PM
I don't think China intentionally turned this thing loose on the world, but since it is loose and has caused so much destruction to the economies of most of the countries in the world, I think they may have tried to take advantage of it for economic reasons.

They didn't intentionally release it, they were just running a shoddy operation at the lab. There are State Department reports from 2018 showing concern and saying they had poor safety procedures.

They knew by December, maybe even early December, what had happened and what was going to happen if this got out. They bought $1.2 billion in PPE on the world market and are now selling it back at a profit.

This is mass murder, and I don't think I'm overstating.

Since this came from their lab they didn't need time to figure it out, they knew what was happening. They have destroyed records, they knew exactly what we were facing. They may not have known how virulent it would be, but they knew exactly what was infecting people.

They could have shut down things quicker, restricted travel, let the world know everything they knew so labs could be working on vaccines and testing, yet they covered up, intentionally have destroyed records, silenced and probably murdered people who were warning the world, and, as a final insult, bought up and or restricted export of the PPE they knew we would need so they could pretend to be helping while making a big profit on it all.

It's the ultimate synergy of naked capitalism and totalitarian communism. They have perfected the concentration of power and greed into a single state system, and in the end will have killed millions to further their political and economic goals.

Why the entire world is not demanding retribution I do not know.

04-19-2020, 03:47 PM
Interview of Navarro, who is the one who circulated those memos on the risk of the virus, so I think both sides should respect his views:


“During that period of time, that six-week interval when they were hiding this virus from the world, China went from a net exporter of personal protective equipment, they are the largest producer of that in the world, to a large net importer,” Navarro said. “They basically went around and vacuumed up virtually all of the PPE around the world, including a lot from this country, which was for humanitarian reasons sharing our PPE with them, and what that did was leave people in New York, Milan, and everywhere in-between defenseless when it came time to have that PPE.”

As I said, they had to positively KNOW what was going to happen, thus them buying up and hoarding domestically produced PPE.

That alone is proof of their guilt.

Then there's the fact that the Chinese shut down domestic travel from Wuhan but apparently not international travel.

They're guilty as hell and continue to profiteer on PPE. If it wouldn't send the world into an economic tailspin I'd call for a complete embargo.

04-19-2020, 04:43 PM
Speaking of movies, I feel like I’m living in Demolition Man. Living in bubbles, no touching, naming off of all the diseases that made it that way....

I'm channelling "Groundhog Day" because everyday is the same