View Full Version : PSA: Biden still a brainless oaf today

03-23-2020, 03:51 PM

Seriously, this guy is not ready to be dog catcher, much less POTUS. Dems should write in for Kloubuchar the same way the GOP needed to write in for Carly Fiorina.

03-23-2020, 04:57 PM
So, if Klobuchar was the nominee you would vote for her over Trump?

03-23-2020, 05:14 PM
So, if Klobuchar was the nominee you would vote for her over Trump?

Depending on her position on the judiciary I'd certainly consider it. Honestly the entire Dem field is so left this cycle it would be hard.

I'd vote for Biden except he's shifted hard to the left but mostly b/c I have known for more than 30 years that he's actually a complete moron.

I"m not making that up b/c he's running. If people want I'll hook them up with people I was in debate with back in the day. He was one of the most singularly stupid people on the Foreign Service Committee for the entire time I was reading Senate hearings. He is completely handled by his staff and as soon as he's off-script he says something stupid.

Those aren't slips of the tongue. A few here and there would be, but he has 100s. His advice on self defense with gun control? Get a double barrel shotgun and shoot through the door. His first advice was for his wife to discharge a shotgun in the air from the 2nd floor porch of his Delaware home, which is actually illegal in Delaware.

But on policy before this election cycle Biden was "old school" Democrat, which is to say very moderate. Give me that with a guy who isn't actually just a two dimensional mental cutout and yes you'd have my attention.

That being said, what I do in fact like about Trump is that he wants to break the machine. He wants to drain the swamp, be the spanner wrench in the works, and DC desperately needs to be broken.

I just wish it had been someone with more common sense and less bombast and foolishness who was so intent on doing it and managed to get there to try.

It makes Trump a mixed bag. His goals are the right goals (insofar as we're talking about fixing government), his judiciary appointments have been excellent, but he comes with a load of baggage. Almost everyone who voted for him that I know would rather he ditch the baggage, but when the alternative is Biden or Sanders or Warren etc. they don't feel they have a lot of choices.

Trump is an idiot in many ways, but when he talks it is absolutely him talking, for better or worse. Biden is actually just dumb, and when he talks it's either his rehearsed response from his staff or a gaffe if he has to totally wing it.

Tough choice. Guy who says everything he's ever done is the greatest thing ever even when it's obviously not even good, or a guy who seems to be losing his mental faculties and didn't have a lot to spare when he started.

03-23-2020, 05:19 PM
So, if Klobuchar was the nominee you would vote for her over Trump?

And the short answer to that question isn't really whether I'd vote for her or not, but that she's obviously just one of several far better candidates to have running the country. Just as there were better options with the GOP in 2016.

Somehow both parties seem to be electing from the wingnut division of the candidate pool.

03-23-2020, 05:55 PM
I would have given Tulsi a look had the Dems been forthright enough to let things play out. Unfortunately, the establishment picked a tired, old senile candidate. The status quo....

03-23-2020, 06:06 PM
I would have given Tulsi a look had the Dems been forthright enough to let things play out. Unfortunately, the establishment picked a tired, old senile candidate. The status quo....

Gabbard would be my first choice of the main candidates. She was well out of the running but she's the most moderate in the field, and anyone who Hillary hates must not be much of an insider.

Sanders scared the Democratic machine and elites so much they made sure to get in one of their own. Had they picked one with some sense maybe even that flies, but Biden has long been nothing more than a hollow politician run by his staff.

03-23-2020, 07:33 PM
So, if Klobuchar was the nominee you would vote for her over Trump?

and if Rand Paul was the current president, can I assume you would vote for the GOP over Biden?

I find it intriguing that you would even consider Biden when you have made it clear your feelings on lying. I mean this guy is noted for being caught plagiarizing. What some call gaffes, others call lies. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/02/28/bidens_lie_about_nelson_mandela_and_the_dog_that_d idnt_bark_142526.html

03-23-2020, 07:45 PM
And the short answer to that question isn't really whether I'd vote for her or not, but that she's obviously just one of several far better candidates to have running the country. Just as there were better options with the GOP in 2016.

Somehow both parties seem to be electing from the wingnut division of the candidate pool.

Biden isn’t a wing nut but I do agree he wasn’t the best candidate.
But he’s a moderate and black people love him. So he’s the nominee.

03-23-2020, 07:45 PM
and if Rand Paul was the current president, can I assume you would vote for the GOP over Biden?

I find it intriguing that you would even consider Biden when you have made it clear your feelings on lying. I mean this guy is noted for being caught plagiarizing. What some call gaffes, others call lies. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/02/28/bidens_lie_about_nelson_mandela_and_the_dog_that_d idnt_bark_142526.html

I didn’t vote for Biden.

My choice in the General will be between Biden and Trump. Not gonna be difficult.

03-23-2020, 07:50 PM
I would have given Tulsi a look had the Dems been forthright enough to let things play out. Unfortunately, the establishment picked a tired, old senile candidate. The status quo....

Me as well. A much more palpable candidate. Still, my pocketbook rules my vote. Since I consider pretty much all politicians as snakes, liars and thieves, I can't really say any is more honest than the next. It is sort of like trying to say who is the best serial killer: John Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson or David Berkowitz. Only politician I like, who I think is honest, is Trey Gowdy, but he is out of politics at this time.

03-23-2020, 07:52 PM
I didn’t vote for Biden.

My choice in the General will be between Biden and Trump. Not gonna be difficult.

It's just I have not seen any criticism of Joe's lying but plenty of it towards Trump. Just wondering if you have the same level of contempt for the fabrications he spins as you do for Trumps.

03-23-2020, 08:02 PM
I would have given Tulsi a look had the Dems been forthright enough to let things play out. Unfortunately, the establishment picked a tired, old senile candidate. The status quo....

Oh boy.

Apparently you need to read up a bit more on her. She’s far more progressive than Biden, endorsed Bernie 4 years ago (which is one of the reasons Clinton hates her) and was endorsed by Bernie.
She’s not a “moderate”. She’s different on some issues (foreign policy being the main one) but she’s far more “socialistic” than Biden or Clinton or Pete or Amy.
She wasn’t held back by the establishment. She was a candidate without an audience. Not progressive enough to get Bernie or Warren votes and too progressive to get the votes of the moderates.
She lost. People didn’t like her.

03-23-2020, 08:06 PM
It's just I have not seen any criticism of Joe's lying but plenty of it towards Trump. Just wondering if you have the same level of contempt for the fabrications he spins as you do for Trumps.

I treat anyone who lies the same.

I doubt we can have a thread about every single person who lies.
Trump is the President. So people notice and comment.
If Biden becomes President and lies as much as Trump, I have no doubt he will get just as much attention (he will from me).

03-23-2020, 08:17 PM
Biden isn’t a wing nut but I do agree he wasn’t the best candidate.
But he’s a moderate and black people love him. So he’s the nominee.

The guy who stopped desegregation busing is somehow an African American hero?

Uh, no. The "black vote" votes for the party candidate. Turnout in South Carolina was strong, but other states haven't seen that turnout. He's the mainstream candidate, they voted for him, but as soon as the primary gloves come off and they find out he was the whitest white guy in the Senate and representing a very very white rich state to stop busing, I'm betting some rethink that view.

They loved Bill Clinton. They just vote for Joe Biden.

And he's not crazy. he's just a moron, and one who may be losing his faculties. Blowing up at people isn't a good sign, and he's done it multiple times, so much so the party is trying to limit him interacting off script. Like today, until the teleprompter fails.

he was a moderate. Now he's a liberal. By the general he'll be a moderate again though. lol. The question is, will he even notice the changes?

03-23-2020, 08:29 PM
Oh boy.

Apparently you need to read up a bit more on her. She’s far more progressive than Biden, endorsed Bernie 4 years ago (which is one of the reasons Clinton hates her) and was endorsed by Bernie.
She’s not a “moderate”. She’s different on some issues (foreign policy being the main one) but she’s far more “socialistic” than Biden or Clinton or Pete or Amy.
She wasn’t held back by the establishment. She was a candidate without an audience. Not progressive enough to get Bernie or Warren votes and too progressive to get the votes of the moderates.
She lost. People didn’t like her.

Honestly I was thinking of Gabbard when I posted. Hawaii, not Wisconsin. Not that she's much better.

The whole field was crazy liberal this cycle. Primaries always veer from the middle, but this one is one for the record books. I'm not in love with any Dem candidate as I'm a libertarian and no Democrat would ever imagine a world where people mind their own business and we use market forces to govern instead of bureaucrats, but of all of them Biden was one of my least favorites b/c a) I think he's an idiot, and b) he's the ultimate establishment candidate.

So do I like Gabbard? Of course not. She's for gun bans, fracking bans, etc. By Dem standards this year that's sadly "moderate". But is she better than Biden? Uh, yes. Because Biden is a moron.

Personally I would prefer the Democrats had gangpressed Joe Lieberman into service. Him I would vote for in a second over Trump if you're looking for a Democrat I find reasonable if not from my own heart.

03-24-2020, 11:41 AM
Honestly I was thinking of Gabbard when I posted. Hawaii, not Wisconsin. Not that she's much better.

The whole field was crazy liberal this cycle. Primaries always veer from the middle, but this one is one for the record books. I'm not in love with any Dem candidate as I'm a libertarian and no Democrat would ever imagine a world where people mind their own business and we use market forces to govern instead of bureaucrats, but of all of them Biden was one of my least favorites b/c a) I think he's an idiot, and b) he's the ultimate establishment candidate.

So do I like Gabbard? Of course not. She's for gun bans, fracking bans, etc. By Dem standards this year that's sadly "moderate". But is she better than Biden? Uh, yes. Because Biden is a moron.

Personally I would prefer the Democrats had gangpressed Joe Lieberman into service. Him I would vote for in a second over Trump if you're looking for a Democrat I find reasonable if not from my own heart.

Yes, I meant Hawaii Gabbard as well. Everything I posted was about her. She is a progressive and far more left than Biden, Pete, Amy, Booker, etc.

03-24-2020, 11:47 AM
Yes, I meant Hawaii Gabbard as well. Everything I posted was about her. She is a progressive and far more left than Biden, Pete, Amy, Booker, etc.

Oh she's left, but farther left than Booker or Pete I might dispute. Biden yes, depending on which Biden you want to go with on any given day.

The obvious truth is the Democratic party has been run over by the far left the same way Trump's populism drove out the old guard GOP. There's no home for a Joe Lieberman in the modern party. Bill Clinton would be excoriated if he were running in this era.

So no there won't be any great options out of this pool for me, or anyone else who thinks individual liberty is still why this nation was founded.

But as I said Biden has two serious flaws beyond the issues. First he's the ultimate insider party politics guy, and left or right the theme for this era is Populism and throwing out the elites, which I agree with wholeheartedly. Second he's mentally questionable, both in intellect and capacity.

so if we had a Democrat only election with only that field to choose from yes I'd choose several other candidates over him even though I dislike all of their policy stands. Esp. since Biden has shifted so far left in the primary on so many things.

03-24-2020, 12:05 PM
the theme for this era is Populism and throwing out the elites, which I agree with wholeheartedly.

I don't think it is anymore. It was in 2016. We shall see.

03-24-2020, 12:12 PM
At the end of the day there needs to be a definitive choice. Biden isn’t far removed from what Hillary was/is and the choice will be nearly the same as 2016.
Economic collapse may bring Biden...I don’t know and neither does anyone else. Bernie would have been definitive, Tulsi would have been definitive....Yang would have been definitive....definitely different from what is being pushed upon the Democratic voter.
Trump played that card on the republicans in 2016. Not sure he’s done enough to distance himself from them. Time will tell.....

03-24-2020, 12:33 PM
At the end of the day there needs to be a definitive choice. Biden isn’t far removed from what Hillary was/is and the choice will be nearly the same as 2016.

Good point but four key differences:

1. People have now seen Trump in action. Some will like it. Some will not. But there is actual evidence now.
2. Hillary won the popular vote. So if Biden can do that its a good start. He is more popular in blue collar states than she was.
3. Hillary was unlikable. Biden is well liked.
4. A lot of people didn't vote. And people believed the polls and didn't think Trump could win. That will not happen this time. Voters on both sides will turn out in record numbers.

03-24-2020, 12:55 PM
I don't think it is anymore. It was in 2016. We shall see.

That itch hasn't been scratched. The people know this country was sold out by the elites. Right or left, we all know it. We disagree on how to fix it, but we all know it.

03-25-2020, 10:21 PM
Francisco Franco, still dead today....


So now he was a "professor". Hasn't ever apparently taught any classes or really been "on campus", and got the years wrong by as much as a decade depending on how you interpret it, but otherwise...

Honestly I wish he'd hold it together a few more months. If he continues this badly the convention will turn to Cuomo.

Seriously. I think there is a growing chance the delegates bail on both of the remaining candidates. Boy wouldn't that be interesting.

03-26-2020, 11:24 AM
Hillary still wants to be President.

03-26-2020, 11:50 AM
Hillary still wants to be President.

They may turn to her, but I think Cuomo will be their latest savior if Biden falls apart.

But he would have to utterly fall apart in extraordinary fashion. Otherwise the delegates are picking someone who didn't even get a vote. It's a horribly undemocratic look, despite the fact that it's technically possible just as with the electoral college.

It will be Biden, but as of today this crisis is only hurting him. Trump may be saying some really dumb things in this process but overall he's seen as strong and in charge and Biden is coming off as a limp noodle. It's utterly sidelined his campaign in the media, but he's also just coming off as dottering, which highlights his known issues with odd comments and gaffes.

The idea of him holding press conferences on this like Trump and the governors is silly, it looks forced and, worst for him, weak.

that's not to say Trump wins this thing. We're SOOOOOO far from the election and in this climate things will change on a dime, but this is actually hurting him and helping Trump right now.

And with this spending spree people could come out of this in good economic shape. If the virus can be put back in the bottle even somewhat people may feel pretty good about how this was handled by the end.

the key will be meds to treat people and a vaccine. If I'm Trump I'm standing on people's throats pushing for a medical solution in time to beat the November election. that's ugly, but in terms of the politics of it that's a huge issue for the outcome. Even if not fully implemented, if people think we're coming out of this crisis by then they'll credit those in power with the win. Incumbents will have a good November.

03-26-2020, 12:06 PM
That is a sure fire way to get the Bernie Bros to NOT vote democratic and vote Bernie as a write in candidate
They may turn to her, but I think Cuomo will be their latest savior if Biden falls apart.

But he would have to utterly fall apart in extraordinary fashion. Otherwise the delegates are picking someone who didn't even get a vote. It's a horribly undemocratic look, despite the fact that it's technically possible just as with the electoral college.

It will be Biden, but as of today this crisis is only hurting him. Trump may be saying some really dumb things in this process but overall he's seen as strong and in charge and Biden is coming off as a limp noodle. It's utterly sidelined his campaign in the media, but he's also just coming off as dottering, which highlights his known issues with odd comments and gaffes.

The idea of him holding press conferences on this like Trump and the governors is silly, it looks forced and, worst for him, weak.

that's not to say Trump wins this thing. We're SOOOOOO far from the election and in this climate things will change on a dime, but this is actually hurting him and helping Trump right now.

And with this spending spree people could come out of this in good economic shape. If the virus can be put back in the bottle even somewhat people may feel pretty good about how this was handled by the end.

the key will be meds to treat people and a vaccine. If I'm Trump I'm standing on people's throats pushing for a medical solution in time to beat the November election. that's ugly, but in terms of the politics of it that's a huge issue for the outcome. Even if not fully implemented, if people think we're coming out of this crisis by then they'll credit those in power with the win. Incumbents will have a good November.

03-26-2020, 12:12 PM
It will be Biden, but as of today this crisis is only hurting him. Trump may be saying some really dumb things in this process but overall he's seen as strong and in charge and Biden is coming off as a limp noodle. It's utterly sidelined his campaign in the media, but he's also just coming off as dottering, which highlights his known issues with odd comments and gaffes.

The idea of him holding press conferences on this like Trump and the governors is silly, it looks forced and, worst for him, weak.

that's not to say Trump wins this thing. We're SOOOOOO far from the election and in this climate things will change on a dime, but this is actually hurting him and helping Trump right now.

And with this spending spree people could come out of this in good economic shape. If the virus can be put back in the bottle even somewhat people may feel pretty good about how this was handled by the end.

the key will be meds to treat people and a vaccine. If I'm Trump I'm standing on people's throats pushing for a medical solution in time to beat the November election. that's ugly, but in terms of the politics of it that's a huge issue for the outcome. Even if not fully implemented, if people think we're coming out of this crisis by then they'll credit those in power with the win. Incumbents will have a good November.

I agree. I think there is a greater chance this all helps Trump in the end than it hurts him. And as you know, I think he completely screwed up early on.
But, I do think there is something "bonding" when you go through a trial like this together. Neighbors. Communities. Country. And any President, unless they completely screw it up, will get a boost from that.
And like you said, there is a chance the economy will be back on the rise by November.

I would think the two things that would really hurt him right now would be:
1. He drops the guidelines too quickly and the spread goes like crazy and people blame him directly.
2. We have another virus spike right before November that puts us in lockdown and the economy tanks again.

Its been so fascinating to watch him during these pressers. It "Feels" like (and obviously none of us know for sure) that someone he really trusts has told him what I just posted above. That if he will just trust the doctors and keep a steady hand this will help him get re-elected. But every now and then his personality comes out and he just can't help himself. Its been an interesting watch seeing that play out. Overall, I would say he has listened to the angel on his shoulder and not the devil on the other one (except for early on once again).

03-26-2020, 01:45 PM
He'd be smart to absolutely not drop the restrictions, not for months. If the Congress is willing to fund the whole economy with debt it's the smart move politically, and the smart move medically.

And I agree 100% he fights his own restraint. When he listens and is controlled he comes off well, not just in this but in other speeches, etc.

But then he just can't help himself and that bombast and unfounded hubris comes out. He's an interesting guy.

03-30-2020, 05:32 PM
These numbers go to my point about Biden. He's just not going to develop a "core", a group that will, as Trump likened it, vote for him if he shot someone in Times Square.


Sanders has that base, as does Trump, but Biden doesn't inspire. He's a safe choice, a comfortable choice for many, but he doesn't inspire people.

Doesn't mean he won't win, but this election is about turnout. People turnout some for the positive, but mostly for the negative. The hate for Trump helps Biden, but he also has no positive turnout or very little, and Trump has quite a bit.

Of course that's if we have an election in November. Right now that seems awfully far off.

05-02-2020, 12:48 PM
Hillary still wants to be President.

You heard it here first (https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/495371-as-biden-struggles-hillary-waits-for-the-call)


05-02-2020, 06:09 PM
This assault/harassment thing is gaining more support. No the networks that are the soulless minions of DNC orthodoxy won't report it, but a lot of the activist Hollywood people are now turning on the whole party, and they need those Bernie supporters to carry the day and they know it.

Chances of Hillary getting the call are still way less than 50% but I'd say they are non-zero right now.

05-02-2020, 07:06 PM
They are between a rock and a hard place with Sanders supporters. IMO those folks aren’t going to give their vote away to whoever the Dem nominee is. If Sanders is the surrogate they will vote Dem, no guarantees on anyone else...
This assault/harassment thing is gaining more support. No the networks that are the soulless minions of DNC orthodoxy won't report it, but a lot of the activist Hollywood people are now turning on the whole party, and they need those Bernie supporters to carry the day and they know it.

Chances of Hillary getting the call are still way less than 50% but I'd say they are non-zero right now.

05-09-2020, 10:46 PM
I don't think that word means what you think it does


05-09-2020, 10:47 PM
But if you think that was a gaffe


05-10-2020, 05:56 AM
Hillary and Peloci have decided to ride the Biden horse. He will be the nominee as he is the one they can most. Easily control. They will decide the VP and she will be someone of their liking. They are just hoping they can keep air in Old Joe’s body long enough to be sure Sanders does not win the nomination.

05-10-2020, 01:03 PM
So does this mean we're now all in agreement that the entire Russia thing was just a complete lie sold by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats b/c they hate Trump and his policies?

I'll hope Biden does good things if he's President. Mostly I'll hope smart people are around him b/c he's a puppet and a fool. If he were interviewing for any senior job he'd never get past the initial interview due to all his "gaffes" and nonsensical statements. there are literally 100s of them, thousands if you go back to the 1980s.

Yet in politics you can get by just fine, and we wonder why we are constantly disappointed by our leaders. Trump is a boorish child, Biden is a drooling idiot, and those are our options to run the country. Boy we done good.

05-10-2020, 03:30 PM
So all these investigations still haven't convinced you? A full House investigation with an impeachment proceeding, $50 million special counsel investigation, and years of digging haven't convinced you?

Where are your calls for explanations of the obvious lies and breaches of law and procedure by the Democratic operatives in this mess? The unmasking of 100s of conversations for no reason, the false FISA applications, the lies about having evidence when we now know there never was any? Interesting you want the most investigated conspiracy ever to be further investigated, but no calls to question the clear questions surrounding why we had it at all.

The House has had utter free reign with full subpoena power, as has the Special Counsel. 50+ witnesses including people like Clapper, who were in power before Trump ever arrived, and not one had actual evidence of any collusion. Mueller found instances where Russians even tried and were turned down, not one person in the entire Trump team was even charged with wrongdoing related to Russia or the election. Not one.

Sounds like a typically liberal viewpoint to be honest. 60 years of welfare and rewarding the wrong things has only made poverty worse, so the obvious solution is more of it. It couldn't possibly be that the entire approach is just wrong.

All these investigations and it couldn't be that there really wasn't anything there to see, we need at least one more full round with the opposition in absolute and full control, and then we'll believe it. wow.

Yeah, I'm sure if the Dems control the entire Congress and Presidency they could arrest you or me for treason if they so chose, as it's clear they can gin up about any charge or investigation they want, and then print the false accusations and "evidence", or just claim to have it but that it can't be revealed due to "security concerns", and ruin people with no due process whatsoever.

Instead of being outraged at this complete abridgement of people's constitutional rights to due process and a fair trial, we just need one more no holds barred investigation to be sure.

As for the two candidates, neither is who should be running this country, but Trump at least has some accomplishments and is absolutely his own man and you know where he stands whether you like it or hate it. Biden is a pure politician, an empty suit moron for 40 years who only does what he must to stay in office.

That's why he went from opposing desegregation busing of schools, single handedly blocking it at one point, to now pining about how he's the best friend African Americans can have. What a crock.

Trump has no script, and that's not always good, but it's always Trump. Biden can't be allowed to go off script b/c as soon as he does you find out he's actually mentally challenged. He's been saying and doing these dumb things since well before he was old enough to get the insinuations of dementia. He's always been this dumb.

05-11-2020, 02:38 PM
What do you think there is left for the democrats to discover after the Mueller investigation, and the impeachment proceedings? I know that the justice department decided not to take up the case of the Bidens, China and the Ukraine so that has potential, and Schiff and his 2 years worth of lies about having absolute proof of collusion between the Trump administration and Russia, but it will not shed any light on the activities of the President.

05-11-2020, 03:24 PM
What do you think there is left for the democrats to discover after the Mueller investigation, and the impeachment proceedings? I know that the justice department decided not to take up the case of the Bidens, China and the Ukraine so that has potential, and Schiff and his 2 years worth of lies about having absolute proof of collusion between the Trump administration and Russia, but it will not shed any light on the activities of the President.

Mueller found nothing but the left KNOWS Trump did something hence there is nothing that will convince them otherwise or no method they won't use including manufacturing evidence, violating individuals rights (as they did with Flynn) or trump up charges. So they ask for proof of guilt but the lack of proof is somehow means the proof is hidden, masked or destroyed. It is simply not plausable that there was no crime committed. It is as simple as the evidence has not been found........or manufactured

05-11-2020, 04:09 PM
Just be ready...because the shoe will be on the other foot. After all, they have to prove what they claim....smh

My point remains. The Democrats have no choice but to pursue proving their claims. Maybe they can, maybe they can’t.

That the Republican Senate protected the President in every way possible is undeniable. And that the President withheld and prevented information from being obtained is too.

Yet, all that matters is that theDemocrats must yet seek to prove their charges and complaints were true. I don’t see where there is any argument on that point. If they can operate from a position of power such as the Republican Party has held the last three years, they must prove their point to everyone. That’s all I’m saying here...and no doubt they will try. None.

05-11-2020, 04:42 PM
And you seem to be missing the point that it has not only been a swing and a miss, it’s been 9 innings of them. A perfect game of failure to prove anything other than America can’t move forward because of Democratic actions.
I can find fault with either party because I belong to neither party, but at what point does it hit you that the actions taken are hurting America as a whole?
You guys seem to be completely missing my point. I understand you have settled in your mind that the Democratic party is entirely to blame and that there was nothing improper done by the administration, Giuliani, Barr, Stone etc..
That is not my opinion nor the opinion of at least half of the country.

But the only point I am trying to make is that, any access to records or information or any added ability to obtain testimony otherwise blocked by the administration or the Republican Senate, must be brought forward if given the power to accomplish that.

Im not arguing what the results of that would be...I am only telling you that the Democratic party has a responsibility to convince not only those who share your views, but those in the center and left of center.

They must, and they will, attempt to prove themselves.

05-11-2020, 05:13 PM
You guys seem to be completely missing my point. I understand you have settled in your mind that the Democratic party is entirely to blame and that there was nothing improper done by the administration, Giuliani, Barr, Stone etc..
That is not my opinion nor the opinion of at least half of the country.

But the only point I am trying to make is that, any access to records or information or any added ability to obtain testimony otherwise blocked by the administration or the Republican Senate, must be brought forward if given the power to accomplish that.

Im not arguing what the results of that would be...I am only telling you that the Democratic party has a responsibility to convince not only those who share your views, but those in the center and left of center. Im not even saying I want them to

They must, and they will, attempt to prove themselves.

Just imagine I am a devout MAGA Republican who is saying this.
Those darn Dems are gonna' start this whole charade up again if they grab more control of government...otherwise they are going to lose their support from within their own party

No, we get your point. It's just stunning that people still cling to the Democratic party line that somehow there must still be more investigation, as if the Senate had ANY Power to impede the House investigation, or that Mueller had any limits on his investigation.

Oh no, all that has been done just wasn't enough, and we must now give the Democrats TOTAL power and then they have the chance to finally prove themselves. a multiyear special counsel investigation that found ZERO charges to bring on this subject on ANYONE, plus now years of House investigation, that's not enough b/c something else may be hidden somehow. You know, hidden by the most leaked White House in human history.

What access to records has not been given? What stone in that riverbed has not been overturned?

More to the point, how many have to be overturned with nothing found before you decide there may not be anything in that riverbed?

As you said, you THINK the Administration has done something improper, and you cannot accept otherwise. No matter how much evidence is presented. Or, more correctly, no matter how absolutely no evidence has yet to be presented of any wrongdoing.

Don't forget, the House just released transcripts where 50+ witnesses, including Clapper and Rice and the rest, all said they had no actual evidence of any wrongdoing. None. Then add on Mueller's work for nearly 2 years with no evidence.

This is the most investigated administration in history, and nothing of any note was found.

Truthfully, and I'm surprised to be saying it myself, Trump may be the cleanest President we've had in a long long time to have survived all of this and have nothing found.

05-11-2020, 05:47 PM
So then, you believe I am wrong?

I believe that there has been a massive hunt for evidence to no avail, and I am an empiricist.

You, OTOH, have believed Trump is a Russian spy with absolutely no actual evidence whatsoever. I have maintained that it was highly unlikely but there was little doubt Mueller would find it if it existed.

Clearly it doesn't, and I accept that conclusion given the level of investigation.

05-11-2020, 06:00 PM
The facts show you are wrong. What I think is irrelevant.

So then, you believe I am wrong?

05-11-2020, 09:48 PM
Hmmmm.... that could be a long list Kingcat....but at the crux of it is your belief that Mueller’s non exoneration of Trump carried some guilt on Trump’s part. I, and others told you to separate your political skew from the facts. You failed to do that...telling us that Mueller’s opinion somehow carried weight. It didn’t.
Prosecutors either indict, and let the court handle it, or they shut up about it. Mueller didn’t indict because he knew he didn’t have evidence to get a conviction. His job is to indict/not indict. Exoneration/non exoneration isn’t part of a prosecutor’s purview. So rather than shut up about it, he put his political opinion in the press. Which has carried us to where we are at this point...with no evidence, no indictment, no conviction....and nothing but political rancor because folks won’t separate opinion from facts.

About what?

But anyway, thanks for addressing my point.

I take it you do not believe the Democrats if in control of the White house and Congress will pursue the investigation (or facets of it) again.
That is exactly what I meant to discuss here.

I disagree, but that's neither here nor there.

My point continues to be that after claiming a cover up (See below for an example), the Dems will have no choice but to try to prove it when they hold the gavel. And I demand (fwiw) it of them. To prove themselves, if not for any other reason. You see what I mean?
Say it's a waste, or whatever you want....maybe it is. But if the situation were reversed I know each of you would expect the same thing of republicans. Someone needs to be brought to the water trough.
And if there's nothing in those testimonies and records I can fairly judge those within either party.
But still, the main point is, I am sure the Democrats would attempt to do just that.

That s the one and only thing debatable here.

"Democrats have accused McConnell and Trump of orchestrating a coverup. During the House investigation, Trump ordered key administration officials not to honor subpoenas for their testimony or documents. McConnell has said he is against calling witnesses although he will allow fellow lawmakers to decide that after the initial case is laid out.

Former national security adviser John Bolton said last week he would testify if subpoenaed by the Senate. He said earlier he has direct knowledge of the events on which the impeachment articles revolve"

Regardless of how it turns out or if it's right or wrong, I do not believe they would have a choice but to follow up on their claims of an orchestrated coverup.
If in majority control of government.

05-12-2020, 09:49 AM
So what "coverup" needs to be investigated now? What does the Democratic party need to make its case that it didn't get with Mueller (which you say is somehow irrelevant even though it was a limitless investigation of almost every aspect of Trump's administration that uncovered nothing), the House hearings, the ongoing House control, etc.?

Yes, Mueller is relevant as he investigated almost everything related to Trump.

Yes, the House hearings already covered almost everything they could possibly cover, with 50+ witnesses.

So what is left that is going to require complete Democratic control to uncover?

As for contemplating a fully Democratic federal government no I hate the idea, b/c the Dems have moved so far left they are now a danger to the nation in ways that go beyond party politics. It's also clear that members of their group in Washington have no adherence to the rule of law and they will weaponize the bureaucracy.

A clear pattern is emerging from the Obama years. We know the IRS for a fact weaponized their bureaucracy to hurt pro-conservative political groups by denying them non-profit status. We know that. It's in the record.

We now know that the Obama administration concocted this entire Russia thing with no basis other than the fact that they disagree with the Trump team's assessment of Russia. We know they unmasked conversations with US citizens in the 100s with no cause. We KNOW they falsified FISA warrants. We KNOW the FBI had severe political bias and had an "insurance policy" against Trump.

Now we know the FBI discussed potentially entrapping an incoming Trump official and retired general. We KNOW that numerous Obama officials claimed there was evidence of collusion on TV then under oath all of them, ALL of them, said they had no evidence.

The only evidence of any coverup isn't one the Democrats need to be investigating. It's the one they need to be the target of an investigation.

And that's your political bent showing, b/c objectively the only evidence of wrongdoing to come out of the last 3 years is senior Obama officials and FBI career bureaucrats all colluding for political purposes.

Trump has had a very thorough vetting, yes due to Mueller and other things. The only vetting that seems to be done now is the one that will never happen if the Democrats win.

05-12-2020, 09:50 AM
And as for you saying you never thought Trump was a Russian spy, you said numerous times you thought he was a puppet of Putin. I think that's about the same thing.

05-12-2020, 12:00 PM
Wonder if the democrat controlled house that is so concerned about oversight and Presidential over reach will take the time and effort to delve into the actions of the previous administration that has been shown to occur based on actual evidence like notes take. For some reason I doubt it because it has nothing to do with oversight and insuring the actions of the executive branch are on the up and up.

05-13-2020, 09:00 PM
So the flynn files are being dumped, showing Biden was aware of the process at a bare minimum, and did request at least 1 unmasking.

His response? To lay low. Not exactly surprising for a guy trying to win the Presidency by playing a Four Corners offense where he just tries to avoid mistakes and rely on the anti-trump vote to get him in no matter who runs.

Not a bad strategy when you can't get through an interview without a stupid comment, but is there some minimum level of interaction where you just aren't running for office anymore?

05-13-2020, 09:09 PM
Wonder if the democrat controlled house that is so concerned about oversight and Presidential over reach will take the time and effort to delve into the actions of the previous administration that has been shown to occur based on actual evidence like notes take.

Not just no, but He11 NO. They are so proud of the previous president, they can't imagine doing anything that might sully his reputation, even if the evidence proved a clear and evident criminal act.

05-13-2020, 09:49 PM
Not just no, but He11 NO. They are so proud of the previous president, they can't imagine doing anything that might sully his reputation, even if the evidence proved a clear and evident criminal act.

They wouldn't do it if the previous President had been a serial killer as long as he was from the same party.

Any woman who accuses a conservative of misdeeds is a hero, any woman who accuses a liberal of the same gets shredded. The only goal is power, it's certainly not justice or preserving the rule of law.

05-27-2020, 08:36 AM
I agree that Biden will beat Biden


05-27-2020, 09:18 AM
I agree that Biden will beat Biden


Can't make that up unless you are good with editing software. Even if you are, it is so believable.

05-27-2020, 10:49 AM
With this subject line and video links, this thread could rival Little Pool House.

05-27-2020, 11:18 AM
this kinda puts things in perspective.....


05-27-2020, 12:38 PM

05-29-2020, 01:51 PM
No longer "Creepy Joe", now its "Squeeky Joe"


Still, Stalwells fart was better,

05-29-2020, 02:21 PM
That minor pressure relief seemed to addle his cognitive thought during his attempt to make a point.

07-14-2020, 10:37 PM
Joe made it out of the basement...and promptly talked about how to get your kids swiftly to market.


07-14-2020, 11:09 PM
Do people know he's a brainless idiot? I get Trump is a lot of things too, but the Democrats had like 25 choices and they came up with him.

The problem with him is, and has been, that he doesn't actually run or do anything. he's the ultimate stuffed shirt. The Deep state must be having wet dreams over him being in the Oval Office. Everything goes back to normal.

07-15-2020, 04:56 PM
This week, kids are going for $1.05 a lb, on the hoof

07-15-2020, 05:53 PM
This week, kids are going for $1.05 a lb, on the hoof

that's not bad. With labor that cheap we can whip the Chinese. :)

07-23-2020, 05:33 PM

they would breathe in my nostrils to get me to move. Uh Joe, it does not work that way.

07-24-2020, 10:19 AM
I wonder what he was imagining that the nurses whispered in his ear after they inflated him with their tribal nostril blowing techniques.

08-06-2020, 06:52 PM
Another day, another gaffe


Because African Americans all think alike, which is why if they don't vote Joe then they "Ain't black".

08-06-2020, 07:05 PM
lol, just started a thread on this only b/c I wanted to focus on the media's lack of coverage of these kinds of things, but yes, he managed to double down today on a clear belief that would be seen as racist if this were a conservative.

08-06-2020, 09:06 PM
Man, he is not well.

08-06-2020, 09:16 PM
Sad to think that this goof will garner votes from very intelligent or what we think intelligent people.
As i have said if you vote Democrat you really do not care about America.

08-06-2020, 09:16 PM
Just think....when you actually hear stuff like that when the camera is running, imagine what it must be like when it isn’t....

08-06-2020, 09:20 PM
Just think....when you actually hear stuff like that when the camera is running, imagine what it must be like when it isn’t....

And it's only gotten worse. He was a fool in the 1980s, now IMO he's a fool with an increasing mental incapacity.

And that's why his whole strategy is based on not being in public, not getting off a teleprompter, not answering questions, etc. B/c you are so very right.

08-06-2020, 10:10 PM
Let's compare and contrast these two statements:

"unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things."


"In no way did I mean to suggest the African American community is a monolith—not by identity, not on issues, not at all."

Uh huh. Guess that's another 30 days in the basement for Joe.

08-06-2020, 10:16 PM
Oh, and another clarification:

"Now what I mean [by] full diversity [is] unlike the African American community and many other communities, you're from everywhere," Biden explained.

B/c you know, all black folks are from the South, right?

Anyone who doubts what I'm saying about him being a complete idiot needs to read that over and over until it sinks in, remembering this was his backtrack clarification for the other "gaffe",not the first "gaffe".

I doubt Trump too, but not as much as I doubt Biden.

08-12-2020, 09:07 AM
His team and his mouth have now offended some Muslims (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ayaan-hirsi-ali-biden-sharia-law-muslim)

“I understand Joe Biden doesn’t know what he’s doing and I think most Americans don’t,” she said. “But he does have a campaign team… Joe Biden should come out and apologize profusely to the American people, especially to those American Muslims who have adopted and embraced the foundational principles of America.”

08-12-2020, 09:15 AM
His team and his mouth have now offended some Muslims (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ayaan-hirsi-ali-biden-sharia-law-muslim)

“I understand Joe Biden doesn’t know what he’s doing and I think most Americans don’t,” she said. “But he does have a campaign team… Joe Biden should come out and apologize profusely to the American people, especially to those American Muslims who have adopted and embraced the foundational principles of America.”

A case of people looking to be offended.

I dont really find the "latinos are more diverse than blacks" as offensive either. I find it dumb, ill informed, stupid, etc... but not offensive. It is a byproduct of identity politics. When you try to kiss one groups ass you maeginalize another

08-12-2020, 10:00 AM
Queer women! Is that politically correct?


08-12-2020, 11:24 AM
He forgot to mention women who ride bicycles, women who ski, women who climb mountains, women who use a bath tub instead of a shower. He still has a lot of work to do

09-03-2020, 11:20 PM
Shoot'em Joe

Biden makes awkward ‘they’ll shoot me’ quip during Kenosha appearance


09-03-2020, 11:44 PM
An appearance about a shooting, having visited a family of a shooting. lol.

He'd make jokes about needing a drink at an AA meeting.

09-04-2020, 01:50 PM

FWIW, no inventor just "invents" anything out of the blue from complete scratch. It's always a step by step process, one discovery building on another. Edison was a competent inventor but far better at turning theory into practice and making sure he had the patents for real products. The light bulb was worked on for years, but it was Edison who patented the first one to last even a couple of months, and thus have anything like a marketable product.

The man Biden is presumably referencing was a very well respected inventor, but he didn't invent the light bulb. In some ways no one did in a singular way. He did patent improvements, just as Edison did, but as Edison's was the first to be a brought to market product and Edison bridged that gap from tinkering to putting something before the masses he gets the recognition.

Of course, as a multiple time plagiarist maybe biden thinks the people who come second get the recognition. :)

Mostly I just find it humorous. The only part that bothers me is that no conservative could ever survive politically with this rolling gaffe machine running, much less his comments that really do make you realize he's an idiot. These are just silly, but many of them are not, yet he gets a complete "aw shucks" pass. Fascinating how that works.

09-10-2020, 07:21 AM
And Trump is the liar????

Biden botches military coronavirus death count, campaign says he accidentally cited Michigan number


09-16-2020, 12:03 AM
It's a trifecta today:


Total pandering moment with a Hispanic song that translates to "Slowly". For his whole career he has been a complete stuffed shirt who will say whatever works. Losing some ground with Latinos? Have your staff put a latino song on a phone as if its in your playlist, go up and sway like an old white dude to it for everyone, show how much you care about them.


That follows him also botching the Biden/Harris and More realistic Harris/Biden ticket name, and then confusing Iraq and Iran today in a statement on US deaths.

BTW, if people want to know one of the reasons Trump has appeal to his core, it's that he doesn't pander. Now, he plays to them like PT Barnum, but he doesn't pander. Playing to them is saying what he knows they want to hear, pandering would be pretending he's just a blue collar guy like them.

that's the difference. Like Elizabeth Warren pretending to nonchalantly popping open a can of beer in the middle of a televised announcement, or Biden playing a Latino song from his phone at a Latino event as if he's hip. Trump never pretends to be someone he isn't. Now he exaggerates, he obfuscates, he is a true showman in the PT Barnum style in every way, but he doesn't pretend he's not a billiionaire New Yorker.

He manages to be a complete showman while not coming off as fake. Now, he may be fake, I don't know him, but b/c he doesn't act like a guy who you'd run into at the diner or country bar it works.

Biden, like Hillary, Warren, etc. comes off as fake b/c they ARE fake. They are just trying to play whatever role they think will work for the crowd they have at hand. Tomorrow he will be a fan of rap, next week it'll be country and western. Whatever it takes.

That's one thing I respect about Bernie Sanders. I disagree with him completely, but he has my respect b/c he's genuine. He hasn't changed what he says for votes, you know where he stands.

From that standpoint I respect him more than Trump as Sanders is no showman either. He's completely straightforward. Now, he couldn't be more wrong if he tried, but I can respect the man.

rant over.

And Biden is still a brainless oaf. He proves it as soon as they let him out of the basement.

09-16-2020, 07:05 AM
He's completely straightforward. Now, he couldn't be more wrong if he tried, but I can respect the man.

I wish he was a conservative. It would be easy to vote for him with no regrets. Unfortunately he would be as popular with the press as Trump is.

09-16-2020, 09:55 AM
No way you would want sanders as President!

09-16-2020, 12:20 PM
Did you notice how happy Joe appeared to be when the music started emanating from the phone? He reminded me of a 4 year old that made the doorbell ring at grandma's house for the first time.

09-18-2020, 06:47 AM
“One of the things I’m proudest of is getting passed, getting moved, getting in control of the Paris Climate Accord, I’m the guy who came back after meeting with Deng Xiaoping and making the case that I believe China will join if we put pressure on them. We got almost 200 nations to join,”

Got to love his sense of time.....


09-18-2020, 03:55 PM
Got to love his sense if timing.....


Joe thinks it’s 1980.

09-18-2020, 06:56 PM
Joe thinks it’s 1980.

Why, is he opposing busing again?

09-18-2020, 07:17 PM
When Trump promotes herd mentality to combat COVID, Joe’s comments not all that bad

09-18-2020, 07:18 PM
When Trump promotes herd mentality to combat COVID, Joe’s comments not all that bad

It not a bigley deal

09-18-2020, 07:31 PM
When Trump promotes herd mentality to combat COVID, Joe’s comments not all that bad

It not a bigley deal

Trump is full of it, and even his supporters know it. The difference is Trump knows Trump is full of it.

The media makes a big deal of every Trump gaffe, and downplays so many Biden gaffes it really points to a lot more than his "aw shucks" persona.

09-20-2020, 06:49 PM
Biden says 200 million people have died from COVID-19 as campaign gaffes continue


Ummm....worldwise it is just over 958,000, and the US being 204,000. Off by almost a thousand times. Trump says this and its a lie, Joe says it then its a gaffe

09-20-2020, 09:09 PM
that's way up. He reported it was 120 million just a couple of months ago. Now over 200 million.

You'd think the traffic would at least be getting better if half the country was dead. Must only be killing people who don't drive.

09-23-2020, 06:06 AM
The gift that keeps giving

.https://thefederalist.com/2020/09/21/joe-biden-botches-pledge-of-allegiance-in-wisconsin/?fbclid=IwAR0GbF0w2kGNP6s4cFAlkD9_XlWxqhlTidcoub6n WkIS4IQPiJ4vZP7cmP4

09-23-2020, 07:13 AM
He sure seems like a strong leader.

09-23-2020, 09:23 AM
He sure seems like a strong leader.

He says he can do a lot of push ups

09-23-2020, 11:27 AM
Is it me or do most Democrats not think for themselves nor do they want too!

09-23-2020, 05:32 PM
The gift that keeps giving

.https://thefederalist.com/2020/09/21/joe-biden-botches-pledge-of-allegiance-in-wisconsin/?fbclid=IwAR0GbF0w2kGNP6s4cFAlkD9_XlWxqhlTidcoub6n WkIS4IQPiJ4vZP7cmP4

Are people not seeing these memory gaffes? He is not competent.

09-23-2020, 06:09 PM
Are people not seeing these memory gaffes? He is not competent.

When asked whether the campaign was concerned about a debate night gaffe from the former vice president, the source defended Biden, saying that “the American people know this about him.”

“In fact, it makes him more relatable to them,” the source said, while adding that the campaign “does not see the debate as a very big inflection point in the race.”

"We see that as something only the media cares about but that voters don’t," the source added.

And former communications director for Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign, Lis Smith, shared a similar sentiment, saying that his gaffe-making is “part of his appeal.

Linkage (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/team-biden-trump-debate-impact-on-race)

09-24-2020, 11:28 AM
Apparently Hillary isn't far behind Joe in the mental acuity department:


says the fight over the SCOTUS seat is about health care. Uh, Hillary, hun, this fight over the SCOTUS seat is about the FIGHT OVER THE SCOTUS SEAT.

It's pretty much its own prize, the political gift that keeps on giving for decades in most cases. Health care is just one of the many things the court will influence, so no, it's not about health care. The stakes are much broader.

09-24-2020, 12:24 PM
She said have said this is what it meant to her....Agree it’s much broader in spectrum, but leave it to a politician to miss the forest for the trees.....

Apparently Hillary isn't far behind Joe in the mental acuity department:


says the fight over the SCOTUS seat is about health care. Uh, Hillary, hun, this fight over the SCOTUS seat is about the FIGHT OVER THE SCOTUS SEAT.

It's pretty much its own prize, the political gift that keeps on giving for decades in most cases. Health care is just one of the many things the court will influence, so no, it's not about health care. The stakes are much broader.

09-24-2020, 01:52 PM
She said have said this is what it meant to her....Agree it’s much broader in spectrum, but leave it to a politician to miss the forest for the trees.....

She didn't word it too badly, but it just struck me as funny that she had to ascribe some kind of hidden motive to wanting to put a conservative justice on the bench.

It's like saying Trump wants to win re-election so he can build the wall. Well it's true he wants to, but he has much broader goals than that I'm sure.

it's not really wrong, it's just so odd.

09-24-2020, 06:55 PM
She didn't word it too badly, but it just struck me as funny that she had to ascribe some kind of hidden motive to wanting to put a conservative justice on the bench.

It's like saying Trump wants to win re-election so he can build the wall. Well it's true he wants to, but he has much broader goals than that I'm sure.

it's not really wrong, it's just so odd.

The Dems are having a flashback to 2018 and want to suddenly push healthcare as a campaign issue.

09-24-2020, 07:19 PM
One thing I haven’t heard during this campaign cycle is Trump’s impeachment.....did they call ServePRO, like it never happened?.....

09-26-2020, 04:06 PM

Apparently he "mis-remembered" about going to a black college. easy to mis-remember that sort of thing.

He managed to mis-remember while doing a speech at a black college in South carolina. That was convenient.

Good thing he doesn't outright lie a lot.

09-26-2020, 06:11 PM
BTW, Schumer repeating the ACA talking point re the nomination, so this is a party talking point, trying to get people to care about the SCOTUS by simplifying it to "eliminate pre existing condition exclusion".

09-26-2020, 06:50 PM
Potentially the longest thread in KSR history

Biden said he was a student at Delaware State University; school says otherwise


Edit...did not see Chuck posted this already

09-27-2020, 06:54 AM
BTW, Schumer repeating the ACA talking point re the nomination, so this is a party talking point, trying to get people to care about the SCOTUS by simplifying it to "eliminate pre existing condition exclusion".

That’s why Pelosi was mad about the Trump Executive Order on pre existing conditions.

The Dems are trying to revive the healthcare issue, thinking it was what helped them take the House in 2018.

09-27-2020, 03:57 PM
On the pledge thing, one might research a little better (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/fact-check-joe-biden-did-not-botch-the-pledge-of-allegiance-in-speech/ar-BB19osid?ocid=msedgdhp). He was not trying to recite the pledge verbatim, only making a point that was well stated whether you agree or not.

It was, and I quote ,a "personal interpretation of the moment, based on review of clips and Biden’s track record" :)

Here is the entire section of his speech it was cut from. As he is talking about Mr. Trump.

"Think about what he is saying — he is saying that if you live in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, states with Democratic governors, you are not his problem, he has no obligation to you, he is not responsible for you as president, your family or you well-being. I don't see the presidency that way. I don't pledge allegiance to red states of America, or blue states of America, I pledge allegiance to the United States of America, one nation, indivisible, under God. For real. I'm running as a proud Democrat, but I'm not going to govern as a Democratic president: I'm going to govern as president."

I think everyone can agree this was misrepresented for it's negative effect. After all, it is pointed out here quite often that others do so.

The federalist made a little gaffe. They intentionally meant to deceive people however.

09-27-2020, 04:26 PM
The Delaware State thing was ridiculous of him and I assume he figured he could skate by on it since, he had actually graduated from the Catholic school, Delaware. Certainly he knew the difference.

In other instances when lauding his education, he says in defense, when he gets testy with someone he may exaggerate at times. And that is a fair knock on the man in his younger years.

The debate will be as fun to watch as any in history.

09-27-2020, 08:00 PM
The Delaware State thing was ridiculous of him and I assume he figured he could skate by on it since, he had actually graduated from the Catholic school, Delaware. Certainly he knew the difference.

In other instances when lauding his education, he says in defense, when he gets testy with someone he may exaggerate at times. And that is a fair knock on the man in his younger years.

The debate will be as fun to watch as any in history.

He just lied. Just like he plagiarized, etc.

As for the pledge thing, what he said was awkward, even in context. I agree context there was really important, and he wasn't trying to recite the entire pledge, but it was still typically awkward biden. he can't say 3 sentences together without butchering the language.

I also agree the Federalist needed to provide full context. I'll agree they intentionally misrepresented it as long as we can agree the NYT and CNN Have done it about 10,000 times so far in 4 years. I'm against all of it, including by conservative sources. Honestly in the case of biden and Trump they both say enough to inflame the opposition, so I don't know why they even bother.

As for Biden, the list is endless of his "gaffes", some of which are just gross mis-statements, some of which are outright lies, and some of which are just bizarre images of a man who is completely out of touch, like challenging someone to a pushup contest. No need to make one up, he'll have one every couple of days they let him out without a teleprompter.

09-28-2020, 10:20 AM
Tuesday will be very interesting to say the least

10-01-2020, 10:17 AM

“You know, that’s exactly what they want me to talk about so we don’t talk about how they’re violating the Constitution now,” Biden said. “I’m not going to play Trump’s game. Right now, my entire focus is seeing to it that the American people get a chance – the election has already started – to have their say on who the next Supreme Court justice is. And that’s what I’m focused on.”

Biden was then asked how Republicans are violating the Constitution.

“The Constitution says that the American people – I taught constitutional law for over 20 years – says the American people get an opportunity to choose who they want on the Supreme Court by who they pick as their senator and their president," said Biden, who began teaching classes at Widener University Delaware Law School in 1991.


I'd chock a lot of his crap up to being a politician, but it makes so little sense I really think he's an idiot, and I've been right about him for 35 years.

Hell, as the article points out, the Constitution originally didn't even want The People to pick the Senate. The House was called "The People's House" by nickname b/c it was elected by the people, but it was state legislatures who ran the Senate, so as to not give into the whims of the mob and to insure state's rights.

And the people did pick this POTUS and Senate, and as Gingsberg herself said there's no lame duck exclusion in the Constitution for the powers of either entity.

In fact I know a number of people who only voted for Trump for just this reason, to pick justices. is it violating the Constitution just b/c conservative voters got the say in this round?

What an idiot. At least come up with an internally cogent position even if it is purely political.

10-01-2020, 11:02 AM
He does speak cogent thoughts....after someone tells him in his ear piece what that thought is lol

10-01-2020, 12:17 PM
“The Constitution says that the American people – I taught constitutional law for over 20 years – says the American people get an opportunity to choose who they want on the Supreme Court by who they pick as their senator and their president," said Biden, who began teaching classes at Widener University Delaware Law School in 1991.

The degree from Widener is similar in worth to the one given out by UNC-CH for 30 years prior to 2018.

10-01-2020, 01:17 PM
Read that statement a few times. It's nearly gibberish.

Yes the People vote for POTUS and the Senate, but he manages to take that and make it meaningless.

Particularly in the context of the question, which is what exactly the GOP and Trump are doing that is in violation of the Constitution by putting forth a justice.

They were duly elected by the People, and are doing what the Constitution says they should do. there is nothing in the document about waiting near an election, or anything similar.

It's just farcical nonsense, and he does it nearly every day he talks, and has for a long time, and people dont' seem to care.

its fine when it's your goofy uncle who comes over for dinner, but not someone who will have actual power over our lives.

Basket Case
10-06-2020, 07:35 PM
Creepy Joe is back. (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-beautiful-young-ladies-see-them-dancing-four-years-older)

While paying a visit on Monday to the Little Haiti Cultural Center, Biden closed his remarks by quipping to the crowd, "the good news is, for me, I'm here. The bad news for you is I'm coming back."

He then spotted a gathering of young girls to the side.

"And I want to see these beautiful young ladies- I want to see them dancing when they're four years older too," Biden pointed, sparking laughs from attendees.

Youtube Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaAhcbyGiQE)

10-06-2020, 07:51 PM
Another racist Biden comment:


10-06-2020, 08:19 PM
Yep, today was a two-fer.

I don't necessarily think his comment about the stocking of groceries is racist, but if Trump said it oh boy it would be so very racist in the view of the media.

The thing about the girls dancing in 4 years is just plain creepy pervert Joe.

Why would people NOT believe his rapist accuser? He's made numerous creepy comments over the years along with a lot of inappropriate touching and hair sniffing. If he was always this "aw shucks" guy OK, but he's not.

Now maybe he's "just" creepy, and Trump obviously has lots and lots of issues in this area, but the media is all over Trump's issues and give Joe a complete pass.

The nation cannot stand as free if the media are just a propaganda operation. It allows our officials to get away with the corruption and indifference and self-rewarding that will be our undoing.

10-06-2020, 08:38 PM
He had a good speech at Gettysburg and really appealed to the sensitivities of the audience.

Did not take one Shot at President Trump but made mention of white supremacists, systemic racism, violence in the streets blamed on the previously mentioned supremacists and the KKK, without a single mention of Anitfa or BLM. He did mention 3 of the high profile blacks that lost their lives at the hands of law enforcement and the totally unfair treatment of blacks and other minorities by law enforcement and the courts.

He promised to be the president to bring the country together and increase the financial fairness of the economy.

He promised to do a lot of things, but never got down in the weeds and told us how he was going to turn water into wine.

10-06-2020, 08:56 PM
Hes' great on promises, but anyone promising to unite this country is full of crap.

if they win the senate and end the filibuster it will be the end of anything that can approach uniting the country.

10-07-2020, 06:20 PM
I think it merits mentioning that the title of this thread has been accurate ever single day since it was started.

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10-25-2020, 04:41 AM

Yeah, you don't want to elect smart guys. Dumb ones do so much better

10-25-2020, 06:11 AM
So was he sick and tired of being 2nd fiddle to a very smart guy for 8 years?


Yeah, you don't want to elect smart guys. Dumb ones do so much better