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View Full Version : "Kill mitt Romney" "Kill Paul Ryan" Facebook pages emerge

08-27-2012, 02:45 PM

A “Kill Mitt Romney” Facebook page has appeared advocating the murder of the presumptive GOP nominee. The site appears amid calls by radicals such as the New Black Panthers to wreak havoc at the Republican National Convention.

The page has 29 likes so far. Commenters on the page have called for the FBI to investigate who might behind the page.

“The is shameful, the FBI should be investigating whomever built this page, but they won’t because they only investigate people who are Conservative,” one poster wrote.

While another poster with the handle “Remove the Kill Mitt Romney page” speculated that someone form Occupy was behind the page.

“Why isn’t this person being ‘detained’ by the Feds? If this were an Obama page, this person would be in federal custody. sick!!!” another poster said.

08-27-2012, 06:29 PM
AFAIK it's illegal and it's the Secret Service that would have jurisdiction in this case. Threats against public officials covers candidates for these offices, and Secret Service provides their security as well. The decision as to who is covered as a candidate, i.e. who is a serious candidate, is determined above the SS and they then assign security. Romney has has SS protection from the outset afaik.

In fact Ann Romney just got Secret Service protection with the convention coming up and these threats being made. Surprised she hasn't had it all along. Of course Romney is fortunate enough to be wealthy enough to have top notch private security.

I'd be shocked if the Secret Service weren't investigating and even keeping the pages up to help attract suspects.

The New Black Panthers should be careful what they wish for. Americans aren't in a very understanding mood when it comes to acts of terrorism. They're in a "shoot them twice in the head and move on" mood.

08-27-2012, 07:43 PM
Amen brother.

08-28-2012, 01:53 PM
Careful, CBBN. I'll be having to post your bond after they come nab you for not favoring the bad guys. LOL!