View Full Version : Tea vs Coffee?

Darrell KSR
10-30-2019, 03:06 PM
Just curious. (There is a poll at the end of the post. I have "directions" for the Poll at the bottom of the thread--it requires two choices to be selected, but only 2.)

I have recently begun drinking tea, which I am really enjoying, especially green tea. I love that it has a little caffeine, but not a lot, and I can sip it multiple times a day without concern of overloading.

I still drink my morning coffee, but I am finding that I do not enjoy the taste of it as much now that I am drinking more tea.

So I thought I'd poll it and open this thread to see if my experiences are the norm. The poll is not all-encompassing, but I'd love to get your experience.

Are you a coffee drinker? Tea drinker? Both? Neither?

If you drink tea, are you a black tea drinker, green tea drinker, or something else? Or both/all? And do you put anything in your tea, like milk or anything else?

If you are a coffee drinker, how do you drink your coffee? Black, with creamer, with sugar? Or artificial sweetener?

Have you "switched" from one to the other? Have you tried the other?

Vote in the Poll if you can. Oh, yeah--I'm referred to drinking cups of hot tea, not really iced tea (although feel free to add that if you wish, too).


The Poll has 6 questions. It allows you to select "multiple" choices. To answer the Poll, pick ONE of the first 4 choices (either A, B, C or D). IF you select A, B or C--then go on, and also pick E. or F. --NOTE--YOU SELECT THEM AT THE SAME TIME. YOU DO NOT GET TO GO BACK AFTER YOU HIT "SUBMIT."

Darrell KSR
10-30-2019, 03:10 PM
As an example--I just selected "C" (I drink both coffee and hot tea) and "F" (I drink 4 or more cups daily).

If you pick A, B or C, remember to ALSO choose E or F, too.
(If you pick D., you are "done.")

Darrell KSR
10-30-2019, 03:18 PM
And just to give a little more information for my consumption, I drink black coffee, and mainly green tea. I do not put anything in either one.

10-30-2019, 04:13 PM
I take my coffee black. Four to five cups a day.

I started in early grade school drinking it with both creme and sugar and graduated to black coffee as a teenager. Not too strong, and certainly not too weak. I need to see the upper inside of my cup but never the bottom.

10-30-2019, 04:53 PM
Chocolate milk for me. Is that on the poll?

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10-30-2019, 05:15 PM
As a morning staple I don’t drink either, I do however occasionally have a cup of black coffee after a large meal with a dessert.

I usually drink iced tea with my meals.

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10-31-2019, 11:19 AM
I don't keep track of cups, I track pots...

Usually by lunch time I can thread a running sewing machine...:D

10-31-2019, 11:53 AM
I only drink organic, fully woke soy milk made from beans that were played a selection of Peter, Paul and Mary songs and were humanely harvested by waiting for the bean pods to fall from their plant as they choose, and then have the carbon footprint of the harvester offset by planting of trees in third world countries, each with a small dedication plaque that apologizes for the transgressions of Western culture.

10-31-2019, 01:24 PM
Coffee, strong, black, and slightly bitchy. :D
If I drink tea it’s better sweet with a splash of milk but it doesn’t happen very often. Tried putting Kerry butter in my coffee for awhile—it supposedly keeps you from getting hungry and it’s okay but the added calories make up for eating less, or at least it did in my case.

10-31-2019, 02:45 PM
Coffee only for me. The fab thing about where I live is there are so many independent coffee shops that I haven’t visited the same one yet and haven’t been to a Starbucks once while being here.

11-01-2019, 10:14 AM
Neither. That’s one habit I’ve never developed. Neither one tastes good

11-01-2019, 11:23 AM
Neither. That’s one habit I’ve never developed. Neither one tastes good

Neither does beer or booze, but if you drink enough you learn to like it. :)

11-02-2019, 08:32 AM
I’m a tea guy here. Never liked Coffee and the caffeine has no effect on me.
I’m one of those weird ones that for some reason it just doesn’t work. I can take a triple espresso at midnight and be asleep at 12:01am.

11-02-2019, 09:00 AM
I wish I could do that. If I have “leaded” coffee after 3:00pm I can’t fall asleep timely....
I’m a tea guy here. Never liked Coffee and the caffeine has no effect on me.
I’m one of those weird ones that for some reason it just doesn’t work. I can take a triple espresso at midnight and be asleep at 12:01am.

11-02-2019, 05:25 PM
I also don’t drink alcohol. 😳

Neither does beer or booze, but
if you drink enough you learn to like it. :)

11-02-2019, 08:20 PM

Darrell KSR
11-03-2019, 08:05 AM
Now you know....the rest of the story.

Mom was a black coffee drinker, too. Could believe that link with me, but with Mom? Now THAT would've been a story lol.

11-03-2019, 02:21 PM
I also don’t drink alcohol. 

You're cutting down options for liquid refreshment fast. lol.

11-03-2019, 02:52 PM
Let's get back to coffee.


This 'chit is important.

Darrell KSR
11-03-2019, 04:39 PM
Surprised not more tea drinkers. Then again, I wasn't a tea drinker until recently either. Thought I'd try it for the health benefits of green tea and found it very convenient with an electric tea kettle.

11-03-2019, 06:52 PM
I rarely will have a cup of hot tea, if it's winter and I'm sick and think I'm dying. Used to drink ice tea, unsweetened, now don't even do that much. Just water. Easy and cheap.