View Full Version : It's Christmas, I'm gonna rant like the Dickens...

12-24-2012, 09:52 AM

"The White House's first formal offer, presented Nov. 29 left Mr. Boehner incredulous. It included a request for $1.6 trillion in additional tax revenue over 10 years, a permanent increase in the debt ceiling and money for road projects and other year-end priorities. In return it offered spending cuts of $400 billion" :sCo_huhsign:

It means thousands more in taxes for the Krausses, which we would pay gladly, if the budget were balanced, and going out of balance constitutionally prohibited. I'm fifty nine years old, and it's during my lifetime that this public sucking the government's tit and out of control "defense spending" was allowed. Close Major Kong's bomber bases, including the one in Montana, and cancel the programs. Why do we take 17% of a single mom's and her employer's salary and give it to somebody who spends it to stuff themselves on the cruise ship? Why do we pay unmarried women to have multiple children? Why do federal storm troopers invade medical marijuana shops and we pay hundreds of thousands a person to let their owners die in prison? We have a trillion more dollars in government, a year, than we can afford. Will it take a financial disaster, that makes this fiscal molehill look like Death Valley, to get a balanced budget amendment? Don't tell me they're working hard on it. The President's on the beach in Hawaii. Congress is on holiday. It's middle class america that's going to work today. To balance their budgets.

12-24-2012, 10:41 AM
You didn't ask for an Amen, but I'm giving you one anyway, or maybe a Huzzah!

I don't exactly have a high impression of the President, but even I found it surprising his proposal was $1.2 trillion increase in the budget and permanently raise the debt ceiling.

Is he purposely trying to bankrupt the nation? I'm beginning to wonder if he isn't out to destroy us. He won't be satisfied apparently till there are no rich no more and we have no economy left, just a big communist collective.

12-24-2012, 10:14 PM
I don't even try to figure out the reasoning the feds try to use anymore. The administration is intent on seeing what happens when we go over the fiscal cliff, so let's just plunge ahead and dive over it. I don't see the left trying to do anything to stop it, Boehner has offered to compromise, but the administration thinks they have some mandate based on winning the election. They forget that it was by a relatively small margin, and that half the country or more do not endorse them.

12-24-2012, 10:32 PM
The Fiscal cliff is exactly what the president wants. Look what it does. It raises taxes, and because it raises them on all, he will blame the GOP for those increases to those under 250K, but his policy has been "increase revenue" from the get go. Second, it cuts defense spending, again another of his goals and does without cuts to entitlements like Social Security, medicaide and welfare. Realistically the fiscal cliff is the president's fiscal policy. Increase entitlements, increase taxes, decrease defense spending. What incentive is there for the left to avoid it? Its what they want.

12-24-2012, 11:24 PM
And our wonderful president and family will cost state and federal tax payers $4 million plus for his Christmas vacation. I worked today, glad his highness had to suffer so

12-26-2012, 10:09 PM
I have yet to see Obama do any work as POTUS. We've had no budget since the Bush administration, he vacations more than any other three presidents combined, and he constantly fabricates stories to try to make himself look like he is personally involved with everyone under the sun. One recent whopper he told was about spending a summer touring the "mainland" and watching Inouye during the Watergate Hearings. Dated photos and his biography place him on that summer tour in 1972, a year before the Watergate Hearings took place. The guy has not had a single day working at a real job, he is a lifelong politician and bureaucrat. People think he identifies with them because he reads it off a teleprompter and they are too lazy to actually check to see if what he is saying has any validity and accuracy. He has run campaigns the Chicago Way, smearing as much mud as possible on his opponents, while his minions complain about the opponent running a dirty campaign.

The Obama administration is the most corrupt of my lifetime, which says a lot because Johnson was President in my early years.

12-27-2012, 06:58 AM
The Fiscal cliff is exactly what the president wants. Look what it does. It raises taxes, and because it raises them on all, he will blame the GOP for those increases to those under 250K, but his policy has been "increase revenue" from the get go. Second, it cuts defense spending, again another of his goals and does without cuts to entitlements like Social Security, medicaide and welfare. Realistically the fiscal cliff is the president's fiscal policy. Increase entitlements, increase taxes, decrease defense spending. What incentive is there for the left to avoid it? Its what they want.

Bingo. Obama and The Left know exactly what they're doing. No ignorance here except for those who voted for them.