View Full Version : Excellent article on Sandy Hook/Newtown

12-18-2012, 08:56 AM

An excerpt (but read all of it):

On the other hand, I also hope that we'd be willing to accept the answer that maybe, there isn't anything. Not every problem has a policy solution. We should always be mindful of Johnson's famous epigram:

How small, of all that human hearts endure

That part which laws or kings can cause or cure!

In this case, there probably is a policy which could stop mass shootings. But we are not going to implement that policy. And since nothing else is going to work, we are not going to pass a law that will stop these sorts of mass shootings. We may pass a law, mind you. But whatever we do pass, we will have more of these evil happenings ahead of us.


12-19-2012, 10:02 AM
Your excerpt sums it up pretty well. As a people weve chosen to have a level of liberty and privacy that means we will also have more crimes of all kinds.

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