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View Full Version : This is why gun bans are a road to nowhere

04-09-2018, 12:45 AM

London the past two months have had as many murders as New York, but with knives. the obvious Leftist solution? Laws to ban the carrying of knives. Seriously. Gotta love this quote from their wacky mayor:

No excuses: there is never a reason to carry a knife. Anyone who does will be caught, and they will feel the full force of the law.”

I don't know whether to rant about the obvious issues with solving violence by addressing the weapons versus the causes of violence or just laugh.

04-10-2018, 01:04 PM
In the end, it is about control to them. They honestly believe "The System" knows what is best for you than you know what is best for you.

04-10-2018, 08:39 PM
In the end, it is about control to them. They honestly believe "The System" knows what is best for you than you know what is best for you.

that's exactly what it is about. You should only have what you "need", and they decide what you need.

04-11-2018, 11:16 AM
Oh, and it gets better!

LINK (https://www.tmj4.com/news/national/pennsylvania-school-district-arms-teachers-with-mini-baseball-bats)

Hall says the bats are primarily "symbolic"
great approach. I bet the bullets coming out of the shooters gun aren't symbolic. They are real. I've heard don't bring a knife to a gun fight but never don't bring a mini bat to a gun fight.

04-11-2018, 01:21 PM
If it is symbolism schools should have gotten free Louisville slugger bats.


The knife thing in England is ridiculous.

Dumb decisions. It misses the entire point. People who want to do harm will use knives chainsaws whatever.

Shooters like this are a mental health issue more than anything

04-11-2018, 03:55 PM
Dumb decisions. It misses the entire point. People who want to do harm will use knives chainsaws whatever.

That's for sure. Buses, trucks, pressure cookers, vans full of fertilizer, airplanes, any object can be weaponized by those wishing to harm others.

04-11-2018, 04:29 PM
Shooters like this are a mental health issue more than anything

I'm waiting for the march and the town hall outrage about the complete failure of the FBI, sheriff, mental health professionals, the school, basically EVERYONE who came into contact with this kid for YEARS.

This kid was gift wrapped for authorities to be able to act, and address what was obviously a mental health problem and a home full of issues. They did absolutely nothing.

No law in the world that regulates the MEANS of violence is going to prevent this guy from hurting someone eventually. They had every opportunity to act and didn't.

No, the solution to isolated lunatics and disturbed people committing violent acts is sweeping restrictions on the rights of EVERYONE ELSE instead of addressing why the myriad people charged with dealing with people like this failed so massively and correcting that situation instead.

I'm sorry, but at one level that's just flat nuts. it's every bit at nuts, and will be every bit as effective, as banning alcohol in order to deal with drunk driving.

No, this is just an excuse to shift the debate in America away from what we have a right to as citizens (more specifically what the state has a right to since all other rights are ours by birth) to what we NEED. That is the real fascism movement in the US, from those on the left who want to talk about what the people need versus what they have a God given right to have regardless of need, and it won't end with guns.