View Full Version : OT: Anyone know anything about wasp/bee stings?

02-18-2018, 10:45 PM
Got stung middle of last week on my 4th finger, left hand by a wasp. Didn't think much of it, hurt a bit but no big deal. Well every day since it's gotten worse. First it got sore, then welts formed on the finger where it got me. Now they are forming down my hand and palm, two fingers and half my hand are tingly and a little numb, now going down my arm (also got stung slightly on my arm near shoulder but that hasn't reacted as bad). wrist is starting to ache.

read up on it, and I've been stung before but many years ago, seems I'm not in mortal danger but this is getting worse, not better. Anyone have an experience with this getting worse like this over days? so far just annoying but if I need to go do something to head off it becoming a real issue...

If I'm going to die go ahead and tell me so I can quit working and go have some fun. Seriously, I'll get somewhere warm and party till the wake.

02-18-2018, 11:20 PM
Sounds like it’s time to go see a doctor to me. I got into it with some yellow jackets a couple of years ago, got stung 3 or 4 times on my right ring finger. Nasty little buggars. I finally went to a doctor when people started asking me why my hand was so swollen and he gave me a steroid shot that did the trick.

02-18-2018, 11:23 PM
Probably good advice. I just don't have the time or inclination, but may have to do it. I know antihistimines are indicated, but they make me loopy and I don't need that either.

But it sounds like yours was the same, it just kept getting worse slowly but surely. I really didn't expect to be 4-5 days into this and it is still actually breaking out and getting worse.

02-18-2018, 11:30 PM
Yeah mine was “tingly” and numb also, just a bad reaction I’m sure but the yellow jackets and wasps will land and feed on anything, not just pretty flowers like honey bees, so it was possibly infected too. I don’t remember but the doc may have prescribed antibiotics also. I kept thinking it would clear up on its own but it wasn’t.

02-18-2018, 11:35 PM
Good advice, and appreciate you sharing the info. Has motivated me to take some action, b/c this isn't getting better and starting to make it hard to type.

02-19-2018, 06:16 AM
Get to the doctor. I've seen less than this turn into more.

Darrell KSR
02-19-2018, 04:37 PM
Go to the doctor.

02-19-2018, 07:03 PM
I went. I don't agree w the doctor. She thought it was infected so antibiotics, and that's OK, but thought it may be shingles.

Now really, I grabbed the wasp in the exact spot these welts and swelling are appearing, and per my research a "large area reaction" can take 5-10 days to fully react and resolve, and that's right in my window.

Now it may be infected too, but all that I read it was about taking antihistimines and steroids for it.

So I'm not sure what to do. I got a Benadryl tonight to take and see what happens. Just not sure I need a course of antibiotics for this b/c I'm not convinced it's a bacterial infection.

02-19-2018, 10:55 PM
Id give you the answer but law requires I do a heartworn and fecal check first

Seriously, bendryl(diphenbydramine) stops the reaction. Its histamine mediate hence antihistamines...but they dont get rid of the inflammation that is there. Thats what the steroids do. Even a topical roid will help (betamethasone, triamcinalone, etc)

02-19-2018, 11:09 PM
Good advice, and appreciate you sharing the info. Has motivated me to take some action, b/c this isn't getting better and starting to make it hard to type.

So, the tequila didn’t help? Isn’t it starve a cold and drink shots of tequila for bee stings? I may have that backwards.

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02-19-2018, 11:28 PM
there have been cases where certain bees inject early stage maggot larva under the skin which then travel via blood vessels eventually making their way to the stomach. At that point when you speak, flies will exit your mouth, ears, and nose leaving the impression you have been spiritually possessed.

But i wouldn't worry about it much. i assure you there are worse things than Haloperidol and sanitariums for the mentally deranged.