View Full Version : OK, I'm sending this guy some money

07-03-2017, 11:57 AM

Guy is Indian (as in the sub-continent) and challenging her with the slogan "only a real Indian can defeat a fake Indian".

For her birthday he sent her a DNA test from Amazon, which she refused delivery on, and he's posted that and the refund thing from Amazon.

It's not exactly high brow, but this guy is actually a successful entrepreneur and I just can't help but find it funny. Warren got her career started by falsely claiming to be Native American in order to get preferential positions including Penn and Harvard, and was even touted by Harvard for a time as Native American professor. She listed herself as a "minority professor" while there. She used pro-minority favoritism in universities to further her career, but she's as white as I am and has never to this day done anything to back up her claim of being Native American, other than to say it was based on "Family stories".

Hell, as a kid everyone I knew claimed to be x% Native American, it was seen as cool. I don't think anyone believed it past the age of 6. There's probably some percentage in there for a number of people who would never know it, but she clearly just lied to get preferential treatment in hiring at universities by checking that "non-white" box on the applications. Coaches get fired routinely for faking parts of their bios, she gets re-elected.

Anyway, I just though this guy's approach was funny.

07-03-2017, 12:02 PM
Hey, I ate Baba ghanoush once. Does that make me an Indian too? Or is that Egyptian?

I love seeing people call out the liars that run this country. I'd say the same if this was a republican making false claims.

07-03-2017, 12:10 PM
Hey, I ate Baba ghanoush once. Does that make me an Indian too? Or is that Egyptian?

I love seeing people call out the liars that run this country. I'd say the same if this was a republican making false claims.

Right with ya Doc. Like many if not most Americans, I'm far more sick of the hypocrisy of Washington than I am interested in supporting a particular side at this point. I want them all called out, and run out if possible.

Not just politicians either. Their staffs, the media who are completely in bed with the establishment, the deep state, all of it. There are a lot of good people just trying to do their jobs, but by the time you get to the top all of that has been corrupted for the sake of power and greed. As it is with every government and really every entity in human history btw. Which is why you want lots of smaller, competing entities.

07-03-2017, 09:00 PM
Dems that lie are given a free pass by the MSM.

07-04-2017, 06:51 PM
It will never get better till we get term limits. The old career politicians have figured out how to game the system and get away with it.