View Full Version : Starting to think we should leave NATO

05-25-2017, 07:33 PM
Completely radical, and goes against my grain, but when the US President is talking about how Americans are tired of paying more than they should for THEIR defense and they visibly laugh at him and us and this nation? I dunno, maybe let Russia have the Baltics back and then watch the French and Germans get some serious butt pucker while we bring our men and women back home to their families.


Also reports today from a former senior British official that Obama was likewise very upset about how other nations didn't meet their goals, he just wasn't public about it.


Germany has the largest Euro economy and only spends about half the NATO minimum of GDP. A lot easier to provide health care when you have someone else protecting you from your enemies.


I'm not an isolationist, but when people laugh in my country's damned face I could be talked into it. WE have plenty of other places to spend all that money we spend in europe. Let the French and Germans subsidize the former Bloc nations so they don't get re-invaded and have Russia right back at their border again.

05-26-2017, 08:51 AM
Europe, and Europeans in general, are some strange people to figure out. Especially the British and the Germans. The French? The French are among some of the dumbest people you will ever meet. Some of the most selfish and self-absorbed people I have EVER met. And arrogant. But that goes for most Europeans, just an arrogant bunch of folks.
And that's ALL of Europe. Every group of them I have ever met march to the beat of a different drummer. Even my Sicilian & Italian families.
And I agree with CBBN, and President Trump. If these folks can't pony up their share of the funds for their own protection, then let them have to deal with the Russians AND the Middle Eastern folks currently invading Europe, and let the Europeans deal with them. :sFl_america2:

05-26-2017, 12:15 PM
My experience with Europeans hasn't been that they are arrogant, most are quite friendly and kind people, highly caring at that. The exception is the French. The French are some of the most arrogant, self-absorbed, racist, tribalist people that I have ever met. I can think of only a couple of French (out of dozens) who were not this way.

05-31-2017, 08:49 AM
Been to France a couple of times. Once on a tour and once on Army business. I wish I had all of the time from both of those visits back. What a waste. And I agree with you Pedro, the French are certainly "different", no argument there at all.
Ahhhhhh, the French.........

05-31-2017, 10:30 AM
Nah, don't leave it just whip it into shape. Merkel's comment about the EU going it alone, stirred the pot just enough.