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View Full Version : Discrimination is OK against some but not others?

12-16-2016, 01:23 PM
Legal actions take place all over the country for discrimination by private business owners when they refuse service to some groups, but it is OK to discriminate against Trump supporters?

I really like that the Trump supporters did not follow the path of legal action against the club owners, and instead just looked for another venue to hold the event and honor the tickets they had sold. Starkly different than the blame someone else for my problems of the "I am always a victim" crowd.

Linkage (http://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/2016/12/16/virginia-nightclub-says-its-receiving-threats-after-deciding-not-to-host-pro-trump-delploraball.html)

12-16-2016, 05:47 PM
Depends if you are a liberal or not. Whether they had a signed contract or not, based on what the feds did to Christian bakeries, the owner of that club should be and can be fined heavily. He refused based on the names who bought tickets that supported Trump. Doesn't matter if they are the KKK according to the feds, can't be turned down. Bet you never hear from Obama's AG on this one