View Full Version : Now I know how Trump will pay for all the spending

12-05-2016, 10:56 PM
he's going to trick California into declaring itself a sanctuary state so the Feds can cut off all their funding. It's brilliant, they get all the tax money but don't have to give them anything back. :)

They know that immigration law is a federal responsibility, right? I'm as big a Federalist as there is still alive and even I know states can't just decide to not enforce federal immigration law and declare they won't cooperate.

I told you guys a Trump administration was going to be non-stop entertainment. Good or bad it sure won't be boring. :)

12-05-2016, 11:59 PM
I think California should secede

Would we still have to count the UCLA loss?


12-06-2016, 06:46 AM
Just wait till the big one hits, Cali falls into the ocean and all that unowned federal land in Nevada become oceanfront property worth trillions of dollars. Problem solved. The loons in Cali are no more and the deficient resolved--win\win.

12-10-2016, 10:56 AM
Trust me, you folks don't know the half of it. Living out here in the midst of the insanity is actually quite depressing for me. I love listening to news, but it is so bent to the left. Plus I follow a local investigative journalist based out of Sacramento. Katy Grimes exposes a lot of stuff the state is doing and working toward. Simply amazing and so discouraging.