View Full Version : Indiana officials are trying to block almost 45,000 black citizens from voting

10-26-2016, 04:09 PM

10-26-2016, 07:37 PM
I believe that is the group that the Indy Star recently reported on for significant voter fraud.

10-26-2016, 07:49 PM
Well, if those "citizens" are dead or don't exist, that's OK to block isn't it?

Maybe it's an attempt at voter suppression, maybe it's fair enforcement of the laws against an entity committing fraud. That link appears to tell us nothing about which one it might be. It just presumes it must be suppression and cites the now oft stated "fact" taht voter fraud is rare.

IMO it's not rare. It may not be enough to make a statistically significant difference in the election b/c it's hard to get enough volume, but it's naive to think it's some rare event that just never happens.

Many states have little or no ID requirements, and more states allow mail in and online voting where anyone can go into a home, talk to some old person, get their info and cast their ballot on their behalf. There is basically no security whatsoever.

if people were tossing their credit card numbers and social security numbers around with this little protection and security we'd be appalled, but it's OK for votes b/c requiring something like a valid ID is a suppression of democracy. Uh huh.

Now I have no doubt that both parties engage in this, and the GOP generally will want to make it harder to vote b/c poor people are basically too lazy to overcome the hurdles to do so and that will favor Republicans, but likewise the Dems want to open the system to as much potential fraud as possible b/c as hurdles are lowered they will benefit. Just as the GOP is accused of not caring about votes counting, the Dems are guilty of not caring if there is fraud and people voting multiple times.

There are numerous documented cases of such fraud, they just are very difficult to compile into data to determine the extent of the activity.

But in a country where foreign governments are giving millions to the husband of the Sec. of State when they have business before our government, and it seems to be perfectly OK to many, I think it's safe to say that the ability to gain power by tampering with the voting process of this country has not gone overlooked by those who crave power.

Oh, and fwiw this has been going on a LONG, LONG time. From the gang days of New York and Tammany Hall to the longstanding tradition of vote buying with whiskey and such, vote fraud has a long and proud history. It's very unlikely we've evolved past the days when folks gave out a pint of whiskey for promises of their vote. That happened to such a degree laws were passed to keep bars closed, to keep minimum distances to voting places, etc.