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View Full Version : Note to the drooling morons running the GOP and conservative politics

10-05-2016, 08:48 AM

Are you dumb enough to think that "moderators" picked from the mainstream media are going to range from anything other than subtle to outright bias against free markets, individualism and limited government? People who are completely absorbed in the Washington beltway and can't see the real world? Really?

So are you that stupid or that gutless or is it just that none of you were ever in real debate and have no clue how one should work?

End the moderator as an originator of questions. in real debate the judge doesn't set the topics or ask the cross examination questions. Let each side have an initial position (x minutes), other side gets a timed rebuttal, that side gets final rebuttal. Then switch sides and let the other introduce topics. Each one gets say 10 in a debate.

The only job of the moderator is to keep them from interrupting and coming to blows.

BTW in a real debate NO ONE interrupts. If someone does in this format you issue a penalty, they lose one of their topics. Simple.

If you really want it to be interesting, intermingle the topics with cross examinations. Also easily doable with no moderator asking the questions.

Just end this stupid format. It's just a dual press conference with a liberal picking the questions. You won't come out of it doing well you bunch of dumbasses.

Darrell KSR
10-05-2016, 08:57 AM
I hate it. I'm drawn to it, I watch them, and they irritate me. They must irritate the heck out of a true debate guy like you.

I like your format and ideas. They should have it automatic, as well--the microphone actually cuts off at the proscribed time. They can look like an idiot continuing to talk in dead silence, and the video cut off, so it automatically goes to the moderator in between. Easy tech stuff.

10-05-2016, 09:22 AM
They can look like an idiot continuing to talk in dead silence,

I have not watched one yet, but if this were advertised to occur, I would have to tune in just for the laughs.

The reason I have not watched any of them yet is not because I am not interested nor that I do not want to know what the candidates actually think, but is due to what CBBN described. I would get so POed that it would ruin what could have been a nice evening otherwise

Darrell KSR
10-05-2016, 12:24 PM
Dan, you're a wise man. I'm just a wise guy. But boy, it is frustrating.

I find what helps me is to try to be distracted while watching it. If I pay close attention, I go bonkers.

10-09-2016, 10:12 PM
I actually think political candidates and elected officials should connected to electrodes while giving an interview. Each time one of them fails to,directly answer a question or is found to lie...Zap!!