View Full Version : Trump's comments on NATO

07-21-2016, 04:52 PM
We all know that when put in such a situation he will have a lot more to consider than just whether or not a NATO member had been paying their share of the costs of the alliance or whether they had fallen in line with his way of thinking. However, I do appreciate him indicating that the USA is not necessarily the world policeman and it is important for all members to act like allies and not just sit back and watch our troops protect their homeland.

Anyone have any thoughts or just want to take this opportunity to tell me I am wrong or misguided?

07-21-2016, 05:06 PM
Trump isn't wrong. We can't be isolationists like Paul would have us be, but we can't be the world's policemen either, running around getting involved in battles where our national interests are not at stake. W

we need to push our allies to pay more of their share and pick our battles, based on what is in our direct interests and not much else.

I think Trump wouldn't now much about "Real Politik", but I think that would be his instinctual style b/c it's a pragmatic, business based approach.

I think he could do some good things in foreign policy. Also some wacky, embarrassing things, but probably not thing that undermine us fundamentally as Obama and Hillary have done.

07-21-2016, 07:55 PM
I tend to agree with his sentiments. I also think the EU should be footing the bulk of the bill for our presence in Germany to protect the Western Europeans.

07-22-2016, 05:43 AM
It's a ploy or warning to get them to pony up

07-22-2016, 12:34 PM
It's a ploy or warning to get them to pony up

This morning he said he was criticized by someone who objected to his wanting other countries to pony up for their protection. The unnamed gov employee retorted that Japan paid 50% of the cost of their protection, Trump said he told this person they should pay 100% of the cost. Trump said he wasn't endorsing the U.S. make a profit, but just have expenses covered.

I agree with Trump. Over 70 years spent with bases in Japan, Germany, and elsewhere to protect people since WW2. The DMZ in Korea for over 50 years protecting South Korea from their northern nutty neighbors.

I also agree with Trump that we should have used Iraqi oil profits to pay for rebuilding and occupation costs there.

07-22-2016, 03:04 PM
I have been saying this for many years now. Especially about NATO. Most of those countries in that alliance have been sandbagging us for years on their fiduciary responsibilities. It's way past time for this nonsense to stop. JMHO.