View Full Version : 11-year old Alabama boy shoots burglar

Darrell KSR
05-02-2016, 05:39 PM
Took him 12 shots to hit him in the leg, though, with the 9mm the kid used.

Kid said the crook "cried like a little baby" when he got shot.

http://yellowhammernews.com/faithandculture/11-year-old-alabamian-shoots-home-intruder-mocks-crying-like-little-baby/?utm_campaign=56942652a705e8c23701466f&utm_source=boomtrain&utm_medium=email&bt_alias=eyJ1c2VySWQiOiIyM2UxYzU5ZC0wMWUxLTRiYjAtO DgyNi0yNWRlZDg1MjQ1Y2QifQ%3D%3D

05-02-2016, 06:11 PM
This is a strong case for gun control.

Specifically, teaching kids to aim well so they drop bad guys quicker and hit them in more threat stopping parts of the body.
