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View Full Version : My "favorite" misleading sales pitch

Darrell KSR
12-11-2015, 09:44 AM
I have a bunch of them that irritate me. This is one that probably doesn't bother anybody else, but it does me. Just got an email from a golf products store that claimed their $300 rangefinder was being sold "at a fraction of the regular price."

Really? A "fraction?" Which one?

Heck, 100/100 is a fraction, too. Maybe the fraction is 125/100, and they're selling it for 25% higher than their regular price!

Stupid me, I fall for it almost every time, too. When I think "a fraction," for some reason--and I'm sure the marketing people could tell me--I think, "a fraction is a number less than 1/2."

Is that just me? So when I click on the sale, and see that it is selling for a 20% off price, I am disappointed.

(In fairness, this golf store was selling it at 40% off, I believe. So I guess the fraction was 60/100 this time.)

Am I the only one annoyed by this?

Do you have any pet peeves or annoyances with your "favorite" misleading sales pitches?

12-11-2015, 12:40 PM
Yep that is one of my most hated. Another one is the Buy One Get One X% off. The "Buy One Get The Another" is in super tiny print and the X% Off is in enormous print. So from far away you think GREAT 75% off, then you get close and see it is Buy One Get a Second one 75% off.

12-11-2015, 03:45 PM
Yep that is one of my most hated. Another one is the Buy One Get One X% off. The "Buy One Get The Another" is in super tiny print and the X% Off is in enormous print. So from far away you think GREAT 75% off, then you get close and see it is Buy One Get a Second one 75% off.

Or when they do this "on your next purchase". OK, so now I have to come back and buy something else.

12-11-2015, 06:00 PM
Buy this on tv product and get a second one free. Just pay an arm and a leg for additional shipping and handling.

12-11-2015, 08:30 PM
when I sell pianos I throw in the black keys for free, just like Ray Charles. Does that count? (for all you Blues Brothers fans)

12-12-2015, 01:18 AM
Anytime I hear.."But wait, that's not all" Or.."for a limited time" I shudder

While supplies last irritates me too.

Like I'll demand they make more if they don't mention it up front.

A while back I recall an offer to buy one set of whatever, and you'll receive not one, not two, but three complete extra sets. Thousands have already been sold!!


12-15-2015, 09:03 PM
I could never understand the "This is our biggest sale ever" or "Biggest sale in the history of our store". If every week the new sale was the "biggest sale ever' it seems to me that at some point they would literally have to be giving it away!

12-17-2015, 06:46 AM
How about GOB's, they usually last five or six years

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