View Full Version : The guy that busted Rolling Stone

12-01-2015, 10:05 PM
For its bogus rape story now busts CNN for "The Hunting Ground".


12-02-2015, 09:23 AM
Pet peeve of mine

But if anti-rape activists,

as opposed to "pro-rape" activists? Who is pro-rape?

As for "the Hunting Ground", most folks will believe Jamis did in fact sexually assault the girl but do so primarily because of who he is, a football player for FSU. Add in his less that stellar behavior in other areas and its understandable. To me her story never made a lot of sense and of course the Tallahassee PD is what it is when it comes to the University and its athletes.

12-02-2015, 10:11 AM
Trust me when I tell you this......the Leon County Sheriff's Office isn't any better either.

12-03-2015, 06:52 AM
Pet peeve of mine

as opposed to "pro-rape" activists? Who is pro-rape?

As for "the Hunting Ground", most folks will believe Jamis did in fact sexually assault the girl but do so primarily because of who he is, a football player for FSU. Add in his less that stellar behavior in other areas and its understandable. To me her story never made a lot of sense and of course the Tallahassee PD is what it is when it comes to the University and its athletes.

Doc, I tend to believe the girl at FSU. I haven't read her whole story. But she has never stopped, never waive red as far as I know, didn't know who GE was for a week or so when she reported it to the police. If she is lying like "Jackie" it would seem to me by now her story would have fallen apart but she still is going forward. And his attitude
. Again to me..doesn't ring true that he is innocent. I wish both would take lie detector tests..I know they are not admissible in court but know they work as obe of my best friends in Paducah used to give them and his stories are something else....or at least have her take one with her lawyer and an independent person present.

There also was one for sure and maybe two female students at Mizzou who were raped by football players and the police and school officials did nothing. One of the girls was on the swim team and committed suicide because she couldn't live with it

Both schools are/ were under investigations by Feds but I don't know if either are finished

The UVA story is completely false and I am afraid it will lead other rape victims on campus to not come forward or officials to dismiss claims too quickly

A very good friend's daughter was raped in college and was afraid to report it, guy got away with it. But my buddy was told by his daughter and found the guy, didn't hurt him but let him know if he blinked wrong he would be dead

I am glad for the guys sake at UVA that the truth came out, just like the lacrosse players at duke but hopefully it doesn't keep victims silent and schools not doing their duty. We as a society owe both sides getting to the absolute truth

12-03-2015, 07:13 AM
The Jon Krakauer book and the atmosphere It describes has contributed to a 10% or so drop in enrollment at the University of Montana at Missoula. FSU/Tallahassee might be similar, I dont know. The book is hair raising and makes you mad. Certainly rape exists on campus, and sexual assault as well. The commonly quoted "1 in 5" still seems highly unlikely, as does the "most rapes are done a few sexual predators" that has challenged and irreproducible research.. Unless it just is that all these women have an encounter with football players?

But those doing the stalking today are "Title IX Administrators" who lead these witch hunts based on any rumor.

12-03-2015, 07:38 AM
Posts get so long and the words disappear behind the keyboard. The head Title IX inquisitor can respond to any rumor, and destroy a person. The accused cant have an attorney. The truth isnt important, only "the mindset of the accused". There can be no confrontation of the accuser. In fact, the accused doesnt have to be told he (or she-- yeah right) is being accused and investigated for six months. These inquisitors will tell you, "our standards of evidence are different". If isnt like criminal, beyond a reasonable doubt, nor civil, a preponderance of evidence. It really is almost nothing, just how the inquisitor thinks the accused thinks. And, again, doesnt have to be rape, or assault, or touching, or some overt act or argument, or even the truth. Just something somebody heard about the accused hat upset them,

You have no idea what is happening to students and profs and staff at Universities these days.

12-03-2015, 11:18 AM

12-03-2015, 12:04 PM
http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/12/02/martha-maccallum-untold-story-campus-rape-crisis.html?intcmp=hpbt2 It doesnt even have to be about sex. The young man might have glowered at a woman. Or her friends thought he was being intimidating. He could have a reputation for casual liaaons and someone heard somewhere one of them was forced..and off the Title ix posse rides.

12-10-2015, 10:28 AM
I'm glad I'm now an old fart.

12-10-2015, 12:29 PM
I'm glad I'm now an old fart.

I guess Tim Conway wasn't all that as a role model.