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View Full Version : Ferguson protesters mad, not been paid

05-26-2015, 10:11 PM
Seems protesters were promised $5000 a month to protest but have not been paid. Former Acorn org is now MORE, don't ask the initials, and the money was promised by zgeorgia Sorosis org. Naturally the low life's blame whites, it's all racism

05-27-2015, 11:10 AM
Its always nice if you provide a link .... link (http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Ferguson-Missouri-paid-protesters/2015/05/25/id/646587/)

05-27-2015, 12:08 PM
Maybe they should take this issue up with their "union reps"...........

05-27-2015, 11:05 PM
I must be in the wrong line of work.

Darrell KSR
05-27-2015, 11:13 PM
I guess I live in my own protected world. I couldn't imagine something so wrong.

I feel like that old joke come to life. You know the one--about the sister who is a prostitute, the father arrested for meth dealing, the mom a crack ho, etc., and in the middle of the story they mention a cousin who is a Louisville fan. They then ask Dear Abby, "How do I explain my cousin?"

The paid protestors are that cousin. And that's meant as derogatory as I can get it.

What a country we live in. I'm all for our freedoms, but crap like this ought to have consequences of some sort. Somehow.

05-28-2015, 10:38 AM
My question is did the people who looted also get paid cash, or was the stuff they stole their only compensation? I mean if I got some auto parts AND cash that would be cool but if it was just some free oil filters and spark plugs, then maybe not so.

05-28-2015, 11:12 AM
My question is did the people who looted also get paid cash, or was the stuff they stole their only compensation? I mean if I got some auto parts AND cash that would be cool but if it was just some free oil filters and spark plugs, then maybe not so.

And did they have to declare that as income since it was part of their overall job package but not directly paid by the employer? Like if a radio DJ got free concert tickets or something. ;)

There's a much bigger farce (and conspiracy) out there to "transform this nation" than we all probably suspect. Not with secret handshakes and such, but through large scale media and message manipulation.

Global warming is the best example and biggest part of the scheme, and 95% of those carrying the message aren't even aware that it's a message more of propaganda than science. These labor protests, strikes for fast food unions, the minority riots in Ferguson and elsewhere, are being FINANCED by billionaires and union bosses, more than one of them from outside the US. How much more direct evidence does one need to believe a small group are trying hard to manipulate us into a path based on lies?

05-28-2015, 12:04 PM
We've discussed it here before many times. CBBN sees what I see too, he just doesn't vocalize it like some of us here do or in the same manner that we do.

05-28-2015, 02:50 PM
And did they have to declare that as income since it was part of their overall job package but not directly paid by the employer? Like if a radio DJ got free concert tickets or something. ;)

I think they had to pay taxes so if they looted 8 spark plugs they had to give the government 2 of them