View Full Version : Yet another DOJ cover-up comes to light.

11-07-2014, 11:20 AM
Is anyone surprised? It's a very long read, the TL;DR version: Holder and the DOJ conspired with banks like Chase to sweep the scale of their fraud under the rug. If what she says is true, this is a very damning piece of work.


11-07-2014, 07:14 PM
without clicking on the link, my first thought is its rolling stones so its likely a pile of crap when it comes to politics.

my second thought is that if its Rolling Stone and its negative towards a liberal then there MUST BE something really bad because RS is pretty much a liberal mouthpiece.

11-07-2014, 09:01 PM
Great post Pedro.

People don't appreciate just how dirty this DOJ is, how much Holder is just a political tool and has no concern for the law. It sounds so trite and political to say such things so they are dismissed as the rants of the opposition, but in this case it's true. Few Attorney Generals will totally submarine their President, but fewer still are so brazen in their complete lack of concern for the law and basic justice.

This is a massive political payoff. The system is long broken, and the media are willfully and even gleefully hiding that one side is doing an awful lot of this sort of thing but b/c they agree ideologically it must all be OK.

Go back and look at the political contributions, and the lack of contributions, in the races. I guarantee you'll find that's all part of the deal, a tidy bundle where the government doles out the perks and the protections, the big corporations fund their attempt to stay in power.

The difference with the Left is that they pay constant lip service to stopping the greed of big business and the fat cats, and a "low information" public and a willing media all sweep under the rug the fact that the people saying it are in fact fat cats backed by big business and big unions.

They're stealing the working people of this country blind between their corruption and the welfare state they use to pay off their voters, and it's only getting worse as the numbers get bigger. Meanwhile we work and toil and pay all the fines and penalties and do all the paperwork to keep them rich and in power.

Chase et al are guilty in defrauding working people, through their retirement and other funds, of billions of dollars in bad investments they knew were bad and sold as quality instruments. They will, as the RS article points out, end up paying almost nothing back, and the people who did it are still there making their big salaries and spending weekends in the Hamptons.

Holder makes Boss Tweed and the Tammany Hall look clean.