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09-26-2012, 06:59 AM
I don't know if all these are true or not, but I think most of them can be substantiated.

Whoever said that Obama hasn’t accomplished anything in his first term?

First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
First President to violate the War Powers Act.
First President to support gay marriage.
First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
First President to defy a Federal Judge’s court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.
First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party, a violation of the U.S. Constitution.
First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs.
First President to recommend changing our National Anthem as it portrays and promotes violence and is warlike in its theme.
First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer Breakfast and activities.
First President to initiate a Cash for Clunkers Program to clean up exhaust that adds to global warming, then extended it because it was so popular — wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.
First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
First President to bypass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
First President to utilize the most executive orders to circumvent congress congress without oral arguments and behind closed door meetings from all political parties.
First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
First President to demand a company hand over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.
First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
First President to file lawsuits against states for upholding exist state and federal laws, ongoing.
First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.
First President to tell a major manufacturing company which state they are allowed to locate a factory in.
First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
First President to fire an inspector general of Americorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 90 to date.
First President to pledge complete transparency while campaigning, then hide his medical, educational,and travel records.
First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
First President to go on multiple global ‘apology tours’.
First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.
First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
First President to repeat the Holy Qur’an and tells us that the early morning Islamic call to worship is the most beautiful sound on earth.

09-26-2012, 09:08 AM
He sure has been busy. Really amazing that one person could screw up a whole country in such a short period of time. Have to admire his energy.

09-26-2012, 09:23 AM
IMO some of these are bogus and recognize them as political fodder. I say this because there are actual policies that he has enacted that are actually bad for the country and in my opinion that is where the focus should be. Right now our foreign policy is a joke. The idea that coming to the middle east with a conciliatory tone might somehow be met with understanding is dumb. If the radicals and fanatics of the middle east have shown us anything its that they have no interest in negotiating or behaving in a peaceful manner. Their stated goal is to destroy Israel and all her allies, including the evil infidels. Its been that way for decades and will continue to be that way until Israel is no more. However if that were to happen, I have no doubt they would then turn their attentions to ridding the world of Christianity.

The economic policies advocated by this administration are also misguided. The idea that in order to keep from going broke we must spend more money makes no sense even to a dimwit. Additionally the idea that the rich are an endless money supply is foolish.

To me the most troubling aspect is the side stepping of the constitutional process. Whether its "executive orders" or political brides such as the "cornhusker kickbacks", these maneuvers are wrong. We have an administrational backed scheme to by-pass the regulatory responsibility of congress (see the fast and furious fiasco). We have cabinet members named during congressional recess so that their confirmation can be bypassed. We have pandering to "special interest" groups for votes, whether it be latinos or african americans, etc. Frankly its not how our system is suppose to work. The framers of the constitution felt checks and balances was a good thing and I agree.

Finally the decisive politics that are par for the course is ridiculous. Whether its the obstructionist, or the misogynists or the racists or the wealthy that are constantly targeted, those people are all Americans and it is the job of the administration to represent all of them, not just your party. Decisive politics might get you re-elected but they in and of themselves divide the nation and make moving forward more difficult. I find it ironic that the dividers then complain because there is a stalemate. Why is it surprising that "the other side" doesn't want to follow you when you have labelled them everything from polluters to granny killers?

09-26-2012, 12:16 PM
Worst of my 65 years on earth and he just laughs at us. And he has the single worse senator majority leader to ever grace the office to help hm in his dirty work.

If congress would do their job Obama should be impeached

Darrell KSR
09-26-2012, 01:44 PM
Yeah, saw a number of false ones in there. Funny, though.

The golf one was the one that just jumped off the page to me. 73 times in 2-1/2 years of Presidency, 90 to date? Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower sneer at such panty-waist numbers. Wilson reportedly played 1200 rounds of golf during his Presidency, and Eisenhower 800.


09-26-2012, 02:42 PM
Yeah, saw a number of false ones in there. Funny, though.

The golf one was the one that just jumped off the page to me. 73 times in 2-1/2 years of Presidency, 90 to date? Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower sneer at such panty-waist numbers. Wilson reportedly played 1200 rounds of golf during his Presidency, and Eisenhower 800.


The only problem I have with the post is "panty waist". Pet peeve, its panty waste. LOL (note, there are long debates over the correct term--panty waist vs panty waste--as to w which is correct. Me, I'm a waste guy. Be forewarned, don't go to "urban dictionary" for clarification).

Of course pantywaist is correct for this

As for the golf, no big deal to me. In fact IMO the more he is out of the office the better because at least when he is on the links he isn't working on things that don't help the country.

Darrell KSR
09-26-2012, 07:51 PM
lol--thanks, Doc. I'll use your version from henceforth. I like it better, too--what's worse than a waste of panties, anyway?

09-26-2012, 08:23 PM
The problem with the golf is appearance. No President can sit in his office 24/7 solving the nation's problem, you have to take a breath, but when unemployment is high and systemic and you're borrowing your nation into lowered credit ratings try to not take your breaks in such a public and "country club" manner. Ike didn't have a massive recession to oversee.

In good times people want a President showing the "King" side of the office, the ceremonial role. In times of trouble they want the Prime Minister side of the job, the guy working hard all day to make things better.

I'm with Doc, I'd just assume he not show back up for work ever again, but it's bad PR.

I don't like any of his vacation approaches or that of any other President who visits places like Martha's Vineyard which are not set up for Presidential security. His visits there require more than 300 agents on the ground for more than a month. When he was there they apparently designated 6 restaurants he could go to, all had to be closed and scoured by agents and secured then at the last minute they only went to one of them.

It cost hundreds of thousands if not millions for a week vacation. That's an insult to the American people.

Presidents need vacations, but if they go to one place that can be secured easier and stay that way, like Bush IIs ranch or Reagan's, it saves a lot of money. If they don't go out to eat they only have to secure the one location.

Also the President has Camp David and other options for pre-secured, controlled environments that keep costs to a minimum. It would be cheaper to fly an entire restaurant staff to Camp David than to go to them. A lot cheaper.

You can't have no options, but the US military controls a surprisingly large amount of real estate in this country and elsewhere where a President can take a break without costing millions in additional security. The high brow vacations in the Hamptons and Martha's Vineyard with the wealthy jet set offend me when the People are paying for it.

You could put in basketball, a shooting range, bowling alley, gym, an entire golf course at Camp David for the cost of one or no more than 2 of these trips. The Corps of Engineers probably has a couple of dozers somewhere.

09-26-2012, 08:41 PM
If you really want to get teed up, check out Mama Obama's trip agenda for the last 3.9 years.

09-26-2012, 09:20 PM
Hard to play golf when you are on vacation in brazil, france, england, pretending to be working, and then off to Martha's Vineyard, Hawaii, or whever. Then he has the demands of the View, Letterman, Vegas, dinners in New York, Chicago, but he does average about 2 times a month and considering it is pretty cold in the winter he averages probably closer to every week in the warmer months which is more than I do. But then again, I don't have embassies burning down, ambassadors being murdered, unemployment over 14%...real unemployment...debt over $17 trillion, record deficits, SAT grades going down, an AG who refuses to prosecute new panthers for intimidating white voters but will prosecute states for obeying federal law.

Yeah, saw a number of false ones in there. Funny, though.

The golf one was the one that just jumped off the page to me. 73 times in 2-1/2 years of Presidency, 90 to date? Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower sneer at such panty-waist numbers. Wilson reportedly played 1200 rounds of golf during his Presidency, and Eisenhower 800.


09-26-2012, 11:44 PM
If you really want to get teed up, check out Mama Obama's trip agenda for the last 3.9 years.

Yeah, I try to not think about it. The hypocrisy of the limousine liberal. spend the weekend in Martha's Vineyard drinking $120 a bottle wine while discussing how sad it is for the repressed masses and how we have to stop their exploitation. The solution being to take from others and give it to them. Funny how it never hurts them enough to have to switch to beer.

09-27-2012, 02:38 PM
42 days of taxpayer paid vacation in the first year alone.


Taxpayers spent $1.4B on Obama family in 2011? (http://video.foxnews.com/v/1864420310001/taxpayers-spent-14b-on-obama-family-in-2011/)