View Full Version : THE USA only needs one party, the one in majority

11-21-2013, 04:46 PM
King Harry at it again (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/11/21/obama-applauds-reid-for-filibuster-overhaul-critics-warn-move-will-damage/)

11-21-2013, 07:42 PM

11-21-2013, 08:12 PM
When historians look back at the end of the Great Experiment in human liberty, this move, if never reversed, will get it's own bullet point in the steps we took to undo liberty.

The Founders feared tyranny of the majority greatly, put in most of the checks and balances to protect the minority. What Reid and Obama have done here is a disaster for the balance of politics in this nation.

The Senate was not SUPPOSED to be efficient or get lots done. The founders weren't stupid, they knew they were building a government that had so many counter balances that little would happen. That was the whole point, that we not get sweeping and radical changes in short periods of time, the system itself acting as a brake to balance the ebb and flow of people's beliefs and the rise and fall of political parties. it's SUPPOSED to be gridlocked. If they didn't want gridlock they'd have set up any number of other structures, like a single chamber Parliament. It's not like those systems were unknown to them, we fought a war to get AWAY from a government that could too easily enforce it's majority will on the minority, i.e. the colonists.

The Senate especially was to be largely immune from the more heated and mercurial House. They knew voters would sway back and forth wildly, the Senate was to be the tempered chamber that would insure any change would be incremental, and subject to broad agreement.

it gets easier every day to believe the conspiracy predictions about Obama's plan to stay in office and the Left's master plan to undo the Constitution.

FWIW that editorial you linked is excellent. He's right, there is a war between the People and the ruling political elites. They're selling out this nation and far too few seem to notice or care. Of course the Revolution was fought by only 1/3rd of the citizens, and I think we've got better than 33% seeing that this is a struggle to cast off the near permanent political class that is bleeding us dry.

11-22-2013, 06:58 AM
it gets easier every day to believe the conspiracy predictions about Obama's plan to stay in office and the Left's master plan to undo the Constitution.


11-22-2013, 07:59 AM
And dan, your second entry comes from a DEMOCRAT, of all things. And his very last assertion is the one that worries me greatly.
And we have to wonder why DHS is stockpiling copious amounts of guns, ammo, MRAP's, FEMA encampments, large numbers of foreign troops training in country, and that's just among other things that are happening and too numerous to mention that are wrong, and usually illegal.

11-22-2013, 08:45 AM

11-23-2013, 01:34 PM
This will come back to bite the democrats in the ass. It will be use by the GOP to nominate the next supreme court justice when Ginberg finally dies, and to repeal the AHCA.