View Full Version : NPR funding

10-08-2013, 11:06 AM
Priorities seem a bit skewed (http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/10/08/government-gives-445-million-to-corporation-for-public-broadcasting-on-first/)

10-08-2013, 04:22 PM
I've not read the link yet but I'm 99.9999% sure its going to tell me that NPR is getting their annual subsidy. PLEASE, somebody tell me I'm wrong.

10-08-2013, 05:05 PM
You're not wrong. Nearly half a billion dollars.

Supposedly it's b/c their budget is done two years in advance. My first question is why they are on a two year lead when the defense department isn't, and my next question is why that matters anyway b/c if you budget to buy a new 60" Tv next year and next year comes and you're overdrawn maybe you don't get the TV whether you planned it or not.

The whole thing is a joke. The Parks Service has to close the roads b/c they don't have administrators, but they have the money to pay people to blockade the roads 24/7. Huh?

What is obvious is that there IS money available, it's just all about how it gets spent, and it's being spent to suit the White house. NPR is in large part a mouthpiece of their point of view so it stays on, but they want people to feel the pain of the shutdown for political reasons so they are closing ROADS that currently require ZERO to operate.