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View Full Version : Words can't express my anger upon seeing this.

08-27-2013, 08:52 AM
It makes me sick that our country will except this. What has happened to America?


08-27-2013, 09:23 AM
Yes, I hate to see the American Flag alter or utilized in such a manner. Much has been made of Obama's "phony scandal" proclamation yet the only phony scandal I see is the race scandal concerning Travon Martin. If I read the article correctly this was at a DC Mall gathering organized to once again race bait. Its too bad that MLK isn't alive to see the day when this country had an African American president elected by the majority of the people who then goes on a tour to chide the public about racial inequality, supported by a racist bigot known as Al Sharpton, who is allowed to be a racist bigot because he is African American.

08-27-2013, 01:03 PM
You're absolutely right Doc! Concerning his picture on the flag, I think any President that loved his country would put a stop to that before it got started. There is no way that Ronald Reagan or even Bush would have stood for something like this, but I think Obama sees it as another star in his crown.:mad0049:

08-27-2013, 01:18 PM
What has happened Dan is there are way too many people who depend on those checks from the government and obama has increased them by almost double, they see nothing, hear nothing, no nothng, other than free goodies, and a black president. This is all about playing to that base.
If those of us like you and Doc and myself dont stand up soon, it all will be gone. And I seriously doubt obama will make them take it down, he probably has one in his bedroom