View Full Version : Can't legilstate what you want to happen, then tax it

08-26-2013, 05:35 PM
Dems propose huge tax increase on weapons and ammo (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/26/house-dems-seek-to-tax-gun-owners-with-new-bill/)

I really wish they would spend their time trying to solve the myriad of real problems affecting the nation

08-26-2013, 06:50 PM
The bill would exempt all federal, state and local agencies, including police departments, from paying the tax.

I'm confused. When they then misplace or have their guns stolen b/c they were left on the hood of the car in a bad neighborhood, do they ow the tax and penalties for late payment?

Davis, who represents a portion of Chicago which has been ravaged by gun violence in recent years, said money raised from the new taxes will go to good use.

"This legislation is a pro-active approach to reducing gun violence by using proven preventive programs which have been starved for funds until now," Davis said. "As part of a comprehensive, multidimensional strategy to reduce gun violence, this legislation closes major loopholes in tax law and lays out an equitable, long term, sustainable strategy to provide the requisite resources.”

his district is overwhelmed by gang violence, and his solution is this doublespeak nonsense about "multidimensional sustainable strategies" and "closing loopholes" that aren't loopholes. Typical.

No one buys ammo or guns in his district, they're illegal. Those of us who do buy them don't have crime problems like theirs b/c while chicago has seen crime go up everywhere else in the country has seen dramatic drops in gun violence and violent crime in general. Hey, I wonder if there's a lesson in there somewhere....

08-26-2013, 07:08 PM
I used to think that these people are just stupid. But anymore, I believe that not only are they stupid, but in their stupidity that they are dangerous. TO EVERYONE! Or maybe it's just me, but that sure is the way it seems.

08-26-2013, 09:03 PM
I used to think that these people are just stupid. But anymore, I believe that not only are they stupid, but in their stupidity that they are dangerous. TO EVERYONE! Or maybe it's just me, but that sure is the way it seems.

They're smart in their stupidity. All the raw intelligence to get advanced degrees combined with the lack of common sense to tie a shoe. You can always spot the truly witless, they say things like "comprehensive multidimensional sustainable strategy" instead of "plan".

08-26-2013, 10:54 PM
The shame is there is a large group of people who are stupid enough to believe this BS. The politicians aren't stupid, they play to the actual stupid people who keep them in office. It's all about votes and money

I wish he would venture into his district and tell those bangers he is raising their taxes. After they finished laughing they would rob a gun store of ammo