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  1. First
  2. Please PM me with needs, suggestions for new site!
  3. DNC convention platform
  4. I shot my wife with a rubber band
  5. The House sues Holder
  6. Treasury: US to lose $25 billion dollars on Auto Industry Bailout
  7. Are we ready for this?
  8. It's your money part III
  9. Social Security buys a bunch of bullets.
  10. Could Hillary be replacing Biden?
  11. Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt now crucifying opposition.
  12. Hey Mick, this is the guy I was telling you about!
  13. Fast and Furious
  14. This is Rock N
  15. Norwegian spree killer sentenced to 21 years
  16. movie...2016 about Obama
  17. "Kill mitt Romney" "Kill Paul Ryan" Facebook pages emerge
  18. True Colors
  19. Workers In KY would be Proud to Have the Jobs
  20. Entrepreneurs
  21. A must read book
  22. Subscriptions are now Open!
  23. Condi Rice
  24. The USA War on Drugs
  25. Axelrod on Chris Wallace
  26. Blame Bush? Pot, meet Kettle
  27. Things that make you shake your head...
  28. It's been only a couple of hours but...
  29. Thomas Sowells article today
  30. Why play this card
  31. Room for God
  32. Guess the buses could not afford the gas
  33. DNC turns down church's
  34. Which would you rather?
  35. Great read re: The Auto industry bailout
  36. Video Tour: Wildcat Lodge
  37. Obama/makeup/Howdy Dowdy
  38. You sure he doesn't want to take our guns?
  39. Here are the rules
  40. White House Abets Occupy Protesters in Breaking the Law
  41. They don’t want to unite America. They want to conquer it.
  42. Financial cliff
  43. Powerful message!!
  44. Libya, Egypt
  45. France plans to up tax on rich
  46. More bad ecnomic news
  47. The Nanny State Rules Again
  48. Who is buying that a movie has caused all this violents or is it Obama's policies?
  49. Mosquitoes don't bite him--out of respect.
  50. Jimmy Carter is wishing he thought of this
  51. No Joke, Yard sale for Obama
  52. Get ready, coming soon
  53. Wow! Take it for what it's worth
  54. The Obama You Don't Know
  55. Tennessee Under Fire..
  56. ObamaCare Tax to Cost Middle Class More than Predicted
  57. Think about it
  58. will a republican ever win the Presidency again
  59. CNN Admits Finding Slain Ambassador’s Personal Journal in Libya,Using it for ‘Tips'
  60. Hong Kong in the Carribean?
  61. More deaths by suicide than car crashes.
  62. One third of Gitmo prisiners to be released.
  63. Too funny!
  64. No shocker, this:
  65. Good news....maybe.
  66. The man, in video: Ronald Reagan
  67. ***Warning Science Content**** Fueling the Fleet
  68. Middle East, just a bump in the road
  69. Obama's America: Student Reading SAT Scores Hit Record Lows
  70. France Wants to ban the words "Mother" and "Father" on official documents
  71. What to eat: Elitism at its finest
  72. Unskewed polls
  73. Did Hillary Clinton send gay ambassador to Libya intending to provoke?
  74. Military told wrong deadline to submit in Wisconsin
  75. Obama's list of accomplishments.
  76. I am way ahead of them
  77. Wow Eastern KY Vote Buying is just small potatos compared to this
  78. Please Read, I can't put my frustration into words
  79. lies about Libya
  80. Hey Catfan
  81. In '08 we had Peggy now we have this lady...video
  82. More on the embroidered memories some Democrats have of my McConnell interview
  83. So, what is "just a little bit more" (aka "their fair share")
  84. Time for a thread on the UN
  85. Majority of likely voters in this poll think all Americans should pay some fed Tax
  86. Obama buying votes with free cell phone....
  87. SEIU Paid Protesters at Romney Cleveland Ohio Rally
  88. New poll: Romney overtakes Obama on terrorism
  89. OK, I'll talk to him. Netanyahu, Romney to Speak Friday
  90. Now THIS is racism!
  91. Obamavoter --Assassinated Libya Ambassador "had it coming"
  92. Administration Wants Contractors to Hide the Numbers
  93. Well this makes me want to rethink my vote. NOT
  94. Chavez to Obama: I'd vote for you, and you for me
  95. Wish I was more knowledgeable on the rules
  96. Interesting comments fr Rasmussen
  97. About our Attorney General...
  98. A couple of interesting articles
  99. The tax system explained in beer
  100. Here it is in a nutshell
  101. Who would have thunked this?
  102. What we've been saying
  103. The accent... The anger... The accusations... The sermon...
  104. Small Business Tax Increases
  105. Biden finally gets it right
  106. Your reaction to the first debate
  107. debate highlights here
  108. New video from last night.
  109. Let's please watch calling each other out
  110. Well, we now know why Obama lost the debate last night.
  111. new unemployment figures
  112. Romney's tax plan, how it works, truly
  113. Bald Eagle
  114. The irony of this made me chuckle
  115. Epa
  116. How Capitalism Can Save Art
  117. Similarities ?????
  118. SNL:MSNBC Debate Fallout
  119. Will This Be A Bombshell Or Will The MSM Sweep It Aside?
  120. Have to Love Federal Investments
  121. Unemployment Insurance Kentucky
  122. A litle long but worth it
  123. Do you "Like" something you see on Kentucky Sports Report?
  124. I couldn't hardly watch the debate
  125. Who lies more?
  126. Will the computer retain its perfect record?
  127. Global warming stopped 16 years ago
  128. Why have gasoline prices doubled under Obama?
  129. Miners Fight Back Against Obama TV Ad: "Absolute Lies"
  130. UNC-CH* A deplorable decision on their part
  131. Debate #2
  132. Admistration Appoints Israel Detractor to UN Council On Human Rights
  133. Truth or lie??? Opinions anyone?
  134. Romney had some great one-liners at Al Smith dinner!
  135. A small, but very important difference
  136. LMAO If the election is determined by voting machines funded by Romney Family
  137. No surprise here either: Chavez, Castro, Putin: Four more years!
  138. They just cant help themselves
  139. Regardless of who wins...
  140. This Administraton's Haliburton?
  141. In a nutshell
  142. Secret mission: The Horse Soldiers of 9/11
  143. White House notified two hrs. after attack in Libya.
  144. They're cheating in North Carolina too!
  145. Hehehe Texas says Bring It
  146. Presidential Campaign
  147. I'm not sure what she is talking about....so many jokes, so little time.
  148. Harry Reid taken to hospital after 6 car Vegas car crash
  149. Romney gets a drunk Meatloaf and a drunk Randy Owen endorsement
  150. If you hate the way this country is being run...
  151. US govt mad at Colorado as theyre about to legalize marijuana
  152. Ted Turner thinks its a good thing that troops are killing themselves
  153. First day of early voting in Florida
  154. So has anyone been following the BBC child abuse scandal?
  155. Great Reagan Clip
  156. Ky constitutional hunting/fishing amendment
  157. constitution question
  158. American Presidents In Uniform
  159. Fox reports classified document
  160. Carbon Taxes in your future?
  161. UN Closed Door Meeting next Month to Discuss Actions to Regulate the Internet
  162. Here is what massive deficit borrowing eventually leads to
  163. Who will win Tuesday? Watch the Redskins and find out
  164. MONSTER election issue, Ohio rejects 33K absentee votes
  165. Obama has won the presidential election before election day
  166. More possible voting fraud in NC
  167. Bomb scare closes early voting place in FL on final day
  168. US out of the top 10 prosperous nations in the world
  169. How about an Electoral College Beat The Odds contest?
  170. One Joker fired....
  171. Nevada accused of letting illegal immigrants vote
  172. Your Voting Experience Today
  173. Looks like the Dems may try to discourage GOP voters again...
  174. Hope I'm not to late
  175. Anyone can be a poll watcher
  176. Hey CBBN, just another bit of ammo for restricting voting rights
  177. 4 more years
  178. F@$% this country. I'm moving to Panama.
  179. Pray that the RNC
  180. The Economy Moving Forward
  181. Welcome to the 51st State
  182. Anyone seen this?
  183. Diane Sawyer...punch drunk, or really drunk?
  184. Interesting Read on the Recent Vote to Legalize Marajuana in 2 States
  185. Well well well...Obama wins and now goes into high gear with his TRUE agenda
  186. San Fransisco Spending Taxpayer Money
  187. An Executive Pardon for Everyone?
  188. Philosophical question
  189. Left, Right, Center
  190. Petraeus steps down
  191. Online Organized Striking against Walmart
  192. Um...this article says KY has asked Obama to secede from the US
  193. Ironic?
  194. Romney got 0 votes from 59 Philly wards.
  195. Want my sex scattered, smothered and covered
  196. Military Absentee Ballots Delivered One Day Late
  197. The Case Against Patents
  198. Oh good god, another George Bush getting into politics
  199. Paying for obamacare
  200. US Postal Service says it lost $16B in 2012
  201. Poetic Justice?
  202. Good another union shuts down more jobs
  203. Let them rot
  204. Et tu, Twitter?
  205. President Obama Comment on Israel and Gaza
  206. KYNG Deployment
  207. In KY you can be jailed for being an athiest
  208. How Hamas Fights, How The IDF Fights
  209. I'm still mad @ the Benghazi issue
  210. Federal Government, Defined
  211. Did anyone ever hear about this? Is there any truth to it or is it just a bunch of BS
  212. Looks like the cover up is about in place.
  213. We Need A Coup d'etat
  214. Another armed gunman on a college campus
  215. Dollar bill to be replaced by coin?
  216. Alabama fan gets 2 years in prison for "teabagging" incident
  217. Winston Churchill
  218. Obama's version of "bipartisan"
  219. Walmart to cut health benefits to new PT employees
  220. Ever wanted to get away with driving drunk? Move to Louisville
  221. Jovan Belcher, Chiefs shooter had alcohol/pain med abuse problems
  222. The United Nations and the Internet
  223. Obama Claus is coming to town
  224. I'm Tired of the Ad Council
  225. What Did You Call Me?
  226. 'Everyone in US under virtual surveillance' - NSA whistleblower
  227. Teacher Arrested
  228. Bob Costas
  229. Something Big Is About To Happen And.....
  230. Three Kinds Of People
  231. Will we witness a coronatio or a swearing in in January?
  232. Good for her but how is this fair?
  233. A good start?
  234. Unemployment Report
  235. There is no debt crisis
  236. A significant reason Obama won.
  237. Testing forum runner
  238. Obama REALLY needs to stop lying
  239. Take The Test
  240. 7th Circuit strikes down Illinois ban on concealed carry
  241. More laws won't improve your life
  242. Deficit Going Down.
  243. I've just become an RGIII fan.
  244. Mass shooting/killing at Connecticut elementary school
  245. OT: Mass shooting in elementary school in Connecticut, 27 dead
  246. Very good video on where problems started
  247. Gunman killed in Birmingham hospital
  248. Our Government at Work
  249. John Kerry to get the Secretary of State nomination
  250. What the He** Our Neighbors to the North